Simple Javascript Checkins - post

Can anyone show me a quick example of posting a checkin with javascript using FB.api('/me/checkins', 'post', etc?? Mine doesn't seem to work. Also does anyone know if this will take a date variable?

The me/checkins appears to be a read-only table (there's no permission to request to do a add). Per the documentation, you can add/remove comments on an existing check-in as well as add/remove a user's like of that check-in.
From the
user_checkins : Provides read access to the authorized user's
check-ins or a friend's check-ins that the user can see.
My mistake, I missed seeing the publish_checkins permission in the list there...disregard.
Did you happen to try posting a checkin via the Graph API Explorer tool? Did it work?


MS graph user has multiple calendars with name 'calendar'

we are using software to push events to calendars using MS Graph, however 2 of the users are getting errors saying the user has multiple calendars with the name 'Calendar'
When i use the MS graph explorer on
I can see that there are 2 calendars setup the same, but with different ID's.
however in outlook and O365 online, and on the exchange admin console, i cannot see the 2 calendars only the one.
Is there somewhere that we can get to the calendars and either combine them or remove one?
Thanks in advance.
Programmatically ids only will help you to differentiate. To overcome the scenario, i would suggest you to rename the calendar names in a meaningful way in the UI. If its not showing in UI, it means the calendar folder might be hidden.
You updated that you will have a go at renaming it, then will go for the delete if you cant resolve it, as the user doesn't use the calendar much.
I ran into this issue on one mailbox, and came here to post the resolution as I had to dig around and piece together a way to resolve it.
I'm sure there's a way to add the correct MS Graph permissions to an admin account to resolve this without logging in as the user, but I couldn't get that part right so here's what I did:
Took a backup of the user calendar just in case.
Verified only one calendar named "Calendar" was displaying in Outlook.
Have the user login to the MS Graph site as themselves.
If you need to verify the UUID for this user, GET their UUID by running the default query:
GET the associated calendars with their mailbox, you can search "calendar" in the sample queries menu to find "GET all my calendars" or you can just paste this in and run the query:
You may need to click "Modify permissions" and consent to the permission to read calendar items. If so, you'll receive a notification in the MS Graph query.
With this, I found two calendars named 'calendar', but only one of them was marked as "isRemoveable":true,
Note down this UUID
Again this command may prompt to give additional permissions, but using the reference at I ran the following command:
Choose DELETE in the drop-down, append the command /me/calendars/{CALENDAR UUID} and run it.
You will receive a confirmation message that almost looks like an error. Green-colored response "No Content - 204"
At this point, test the sync again. The user had no ill-effects from this as the offending calendar wasn't even in use/visible in Outlook.

Microsoft Feedback Client issues with uploads

We're having some serious issues with the mfbclient.exe tool that is part of the feedback platform of VSTS. Basically, our stakeholder's uploads are not being sent.
This is extremely frustrating as you can imagine, as the ability to take screenshots etc is a major benefit of using the tool.
Members of the development team who have VS2017 installed on their machines as well as the feedback tool, can access the feedback request via the email that is automatically sent out when you click on "Request Feedback". Everything works perfectly.
If we send the request to a stakeholder, they can click on the link and it opens up the tool correctly, they can step through the items and make notes etc., and when they submit, their responses come through into VSTS. However, none of their attachments come through. They all say '(Uploading) filename.png' in VSTS.
Upon looking at one of the stakeholder's machines, I can see the mfbclient.exe tray icon says '0MB of 10MB transferred'. Restarting the machine doesn't change this - the attachments don't get uploaded.
Upon further investigation, under %localappdata%\microsoft\team foundation\x.0\testmanagement\ i can see an XML file which contains the list of all the screenshots / attachments etc that are to be loaded. The screenshot files themselves also exist (so, the files aren't missing/deleted). For some reason, the files just aren't uploading.
If I remove the XML file, it clears the attachment 'queue', but as soon as more feedback is entered and a screenshot added, the same issue occurs.
I noticed there was an mfbclient.exe.config file, which I edited on one of the stakeholder's machines and changed the trace level to '4' (verbose), which I thought would shed some light on the issue. However, I can't see anywhere that the logs might be. Does anyone know?
I have tested this with the stakeholder being part of the exact same security group as myself and the team (as I thought perhaps it was a permissions error), but this doesn't change the behaviour.
The only real differences I can think of between myself and team, and the people who are having the issues (and there are quite a few users who have the same issue so it's not just 1 person's problem), is that these people are stakeholders rather than subscribers (shouldn't make a difference), and they don't have Visual Studio installed on their machines (also, shouldn't make a difference).
Can anyone please shed any light on this issue? Has anyone else had the problem? Can someone from MSFT help?
Just as Sebastian mentioned, the solution is changing the Access Level from Stakeholder to Basic.
Basic provides access to most features, except for Test and other premium features. Stakeholder access to those users who need to
enter bugs, view backlogs, boards, charts, and dashboards, but who
don't have a TFS CAL. See About access levels for details.
Basic provides most features, Stakeholders can use the Feedback Client since TFS 2013 Update#5 based on this user voice. Can't attach pictures seems a permission limitation for Stakeholders.
Whatever seems it's by design or a feature missed or an issue on current version of TFS and VSTS based on the Stakeholders license limitation. However the requirement make sense and I have submitted a new user voice here to suggest the feature, you can go and vote it up to achieve that in future.
I agree with your point of view, it's more inclined to be a bug. And you have submittetd a feedback here: Feeback Client - Upload fails for Stakeholder
Whether user voice or bug, development team will take care of them. So, let's wait for the response. And for now, you can change to the Basic Level to upload the pictures.
I have the same problem with our VSTS.
The problem really is because of the Stakeholder-License.
If I submit a feeback with a stakeholder account the upload stays at 0%. When I change the user then to Basic in VSTS, the upload starts automatically and completes.
EDIT: this issue has been fixed, as per this forum post: Feedback Client - Upload fails for Stakeholder

TFS (VSTS) Stakeholder Work Item Creation Permission

I've allowed my Stakeholders to create Work Items but I would like to restrict them to only be able to create bugs and NOTHING else. Currently they can create ANY Work Item type including Epics... I'm thinking there has to be a way to stop this but I can't seem to find it.
There is no setting for this. And there is already a similar feature request submitted on VSTS User Voice: Hide Work Item Types (WITs) based on permission/security group.

Is there a way to edit the source code of the JIRA Issue Collector?

I am trying to allow users to create issues from a webpage, just like the Issue Collector. The problem is, there are only three templates provided for the collector and none of them are quite right.
What I want is to have three required fields that then combine to become the description. (Similar to how the first template has "what do you like" "what do you not like" which both go in the description)
The problem is there's no obvious way to edit the popup's contents.
Is there any way I can get at the source code of the collector to create my own modified version? Alternatively, if I just copy the html of the popup using inspect element could I create a working clone?
EDIT: Well, I've managed to get at the source code using a java decompiler, but now I haven't got a clue how to put it back together again...
Do you have a paid license for JIRA? If so, Atlassian will give you a copy of the source code.
From their FAQ's
After an order has been placed, how and when can the license key and source be accessed?
Access to your license key(s) and any
applicable source code is provided only after the successful receipt
and processing of your payment. Once payment is received, the Billing
and Technical contact specified on the order can log into their My
Atlassian account, and view all corresponding license keys.
And instructions on how to "put it all back together" :)
Then you are free to customize to your heart's content.
Of course, you'll need to re-customize every time there's an update from Atlassian ...
See also this post on Atlassian's wiki

How can I allow owner of document in Library to manage permission on that document?

When a user uploads a document, I need them to be able to manage permissions on that particular document, but only have Contributor access to other documents. Ideas on how to do that? If there is a patch already out there, that would be nice.
My Ideas
Write a feature that hooks the upload or check-in event, then gives Created By user full control.
I support your idea you can write a Item event reciever and on itemadded event make the creator of the document as the owner of the document you might have to use spelevated privalages to provide him the same permissions
To save you having to start writing event handlers etc... have you checked out the Custom Workflow Activities on CodePlex here: as one of the activities deals with giving permissions to the item the workflow is running on.
Hope this helps.
