The archive doesn't exist error when running ant jar task - ant

I'm running an ant build file that creates a Jar. The task looks like this:
<target name="generator-app" depends="clean,compile">
<jar jarfile="${gen.App}">
<fileset dir="${classes}">
<include name="com/mypackage/**" />
<zipfileset dir="${jars}" />
The build file runs and creates the file as expected when I run it on Linux, but fails with this error on any other platform:
BUILD FAILED /home/user/build.xml:287: the archive doesn't exist
I tried using destfile instead of jarfile, but the same result occurs. The archive does not exist indeed, but the purpose of the task is to create it.
Is there any limitation on certain platforms or any way to correct this?

Forward slashes don't seem very windowy to me :) Maybe you should convert your slashes based on your os? Do you pass this path somewhere?

I found the problem. I tried using a newer version of ant, and now the error indicates exactly what is missing (a jar to be packaged in the jar to be created).


How to add thirdparty jars as Bootstrap entries to jvm in ANT script while building project using bamboo

I have added activation.jar & mail.jar's path under Bootstrap entries of run configuration in eclipse. I have done so because I was facing NoClassDefError for javax.activation.DataSource even though I have added it in my project classpath. Also didn't see any compilation issues for code where I used DataSource and other classes from these jars. I tried all solutions listed suggested on stackoverflow but nothing worked for me and finally I got this Bootstrap entries option which resolved my issue.
Now the problem is I wanted to create build using Bamboo and I have mentioned required jars in launcher ANT script as below:
<java jvm="${javaHome}/bin/java.exe"
<!--some other parameters ->
<fileset dir="${buildDir}/scripts/lib">
<include name="mail.jar"/>
<include name="activation.jar"/>
Still I am getting same activation error in generated build application. I am very new to ANT. Please suggest how can resolve above issue.

Ant: "Duplicated project name in import" with imported build file

I have several build files which all import the same base build file, like this:
<project name="base">
<!-- does not define a 'build' target -->
<project name="buildA">
<import file="base.xml" />
<target name="build">
<ant antfile="buildB.xml" target="build"
inheritall="false" inheritrefs="false" />
<project name="buildB">
<import file="base.xml" />
<target name="build">
(Module A depends on module B.)
Now, the above calling of B's build target from buildA.xml gives the following error:
Duplicated project name in import. Project base defined first in buildA.xml and again in buildB.xml
Since both buildA.xml and buildB.xml inherit the same base.xml, this seems unavoidable.
How could I get rid of this error?
Based on sudocode's answer, I solved the problem. Because the absolute path to base.xml is different in both cases, Ant does not recognize it as the same file. Even though inheritAll is set to false, the context of the calling task is preserved and this causes the name clash.
To solve this, one can omit the name attribute from base.xml. Since Ant 1.8, the import task has an attribute as, which can be used to reference base targets when the base project is nameless. If you don't override any targets, you can use include instead of import. I'm on 1.7, so that does not help me.
For previous versions of Ant, you can go through an exec call to prevent proliferation of the Ant context entirely (then you get two running Ant instances). Better yet, find a way to import the exact same base.xml (with the same absolute path) in both files.
Are you using Ant 1.6? This resolved Ant bug looks like the same issue.
I tried to reproduce the dir structure you refer to in your recent comment.
And amended the build files accordingly, e.g.
<project name="buildA">
<import file="../base.xml"/>
<target name="build">
<ant antfile="../buildB/buildB.xml" target="build" inheritall="false" inheritrefs="false"/>
I still get no build error for the following with ant 1.8.2 or 1.7.1:
ant -f buildA/buildA.xml build

BND Ant task - wrap non-OSGi jars

I'm trying to use Ant bndwrap task to wrap non-OSGi jars in a directory. My current Ant configuration for this is:
<target name="wrap-jars" description="Wrap non-OSGi jars">
<taskdef resource="aQute/bnd/ant/" classpath="${biz.aQute:bnd:jar}"/>
<bndwrap output="${dist.dir}/app-modules">
<fileset dir="${dist.dir}/app-modules" includes="*.jar" />
<move overwrite="true" todir="${dist.dir}/app-modules" >
<fileset dir="${dist.dir}/app-modules" includes="*.bar" />
<mapper type="glob" from="*.bar" to="*.jar" />
This works fine, but the problem is that it also wraps existing OSGi jar, which causes problems. For instance, I noticed it changes Bundle-SymbolicName header to some default value. It might be changing something else, which I don't want. I only want it to operate on jars that have no OSGi info at all.
Is there some way to tell BND to ignore existing OSGi headers in manifest, or complete jars that are already OSGi-fied?
I would store non-OSGi jars in a separate folder and modify the fileset to process only that folder.
I've noticed that recent bnd versions (for example, 2.1.0) now honour the Bundle-SymbolicName when rewrapping OSGi jars.
just change your fileset to exclude that jar

where to find missing optional ant tasks?

I wanted to have a look which system properties are set here (and to which values), so the easiest way (if not writing a new Java program here) would be adding some lines to my ant build script:
<target name="properties">
But running ant gives my this error message:
/u/ebermann/projektoj/stackoverflow-examples/build.xml:19: Problem: failed to create task or type echoproperties
Cause: the class was not found.
This looks like one of Ant's optional components.
Action: Check that the appropriate optional JAR exists in
-a directory added on the command line with the -lib argument
Do not panic, this is a common problem.
The commonest cause is a missing JAR.
This is not a bug; it is a configuration problem
Okay, so I don't panic, but wonder what to do.
I have Ant 1.7.1 here (an OpenSUSE system), and sadly no documentation for this version, and I'm not root to install either a current ant version or the documentation for the old version (I just downloaded it and it still does not say which jar file is needed here). Of the directories listed above, only /usr/share/ant/lib exists, but it contains nothing like optional.
I would want to download the necessary jar file and put it in my home directory, but where to find it? The ant download archive contains nothing like that, and I have no idea where else to search. (I did google a bit, but did not find anything.
So, can someone give me some pointers where to find the right jar file?
(I suppose the solution is quite easy, and something is just blocking my view.)
After vahapt's answer, I downloaded the file from the apache repository, and put it into the directory /u/ebermann/.ant/lib mentioned by the error message. Running ant properties again - the same result as above.
$ jar -tf /u/ebermann/.ant/lib/ant-nodeps-1.7.1.jar | grep 'EchoProperties.class'
This looks like it should work - is the error message simply wrong?
If I put it directly into the CLASSPATH, it works:
$ CLASSPATH=/u/ebermann/.ant/lib/ant-nodeps-1.7.1.jar ant properties
Buildfile: build.xml
[echoproperties] #Ant properties
[echoproperties] #Thu Mar 10 00:46:22 CET 2011
[echoproperties] user.timezone=
Total time: 0 seconds
I don't want to change my normal CLASSPATH variable, and it should work by putting it into this directory, or did I understand something wrong?
Any ideas, or is this an ant bug?
(Also, why is this file nowhere mentioned in the ant documentation?)
After the answer from vahapt, my ant build-file looks like this:
<project name="stackoverflow-examples" basedir=".">
<target name="echoproperties.prepare">
<available property=""
<target name="echoproperties.init"
<taskdef name="echoproperties" classname="">
<fileset dir="${user.home}/.ant/lib">
<include name="ant-nodeps.jar" />
<target name="properties" depends="echoproperties.init">
This re-registers the task only if it is not already in the ant classpath. (Thus it should also work for complete ant installations which do not have this file in the home directory).
I would still say that This is not a bug; it is a configuration problem is not totally right, even more as putting the file in the indicated directory does not help.
One more interesting observation: The nodeps.jar in ${user.home}/.ant/lib (i.e. now /u/ebermann/.ant/lib/ant-nodeps.jar) is already in the class path (the one shown by ${java.class.path}, but this seems not to help for <echoproperties> to work without this taskdef.
So, this works too:
<target name="echoproperties.init"
<taskdef name="echoproperties"
classpath="${java.class.path}" />
When you make a google search, results point to ant-nodeps-1.7.1.jar
Make sure that jar exists and you've added it into the classpath
For the second part of your question:
SOLUTION 1. You do not need to modify your CLASSPATH variable. Instead you might add it by adding the parameter -cp [JAR FILE LOCATION] (-cp is for "java" executable)
SOLUTION 2. Jar files are simply zip files, open ant-nodeps.jar copy its content to ant.jar throw away ant-nodeps.jar
SOLUTION 3. See the sample below. taskdef is a ant feature that loads a jar or a class into ClassLoader hierarchy. (You load the class before using it, works like a charm)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ASCII"?>
<project name="Test" default="properties" basedir=".">
<target name="properties" depends="init">
<target name="init">
<taskdef name="echoproperties" classname="">
<fileset dir="${ant.library.dir}">
<include name="ant-nodeps.jar" />
I downloaded Ant 1.7.1 and looked in the documentation that came with it. There it described echoproperties as an optional task, but didn't mention where to get the jarfile for this optional task.
Looking inside the lib folder, I discovered the ant-nodeps.jar. Apparently, it was included with Ant 1.7.1.
I would recommend that you download and install Ant 1.8. Since Ant is a Java jar file, it's not really all that difficult to install the latest and greatest version.
I looked on my Mac, and /usr/bin/ant is a link to /usr/share/ant/bin and /usr/share/ant/ is a link to /usr/share/java/ant-1.8.2. So, all I have to do is point /usr/share/ant/bin/ to the correct version of Ant.
In Ant 1.8.2, echoproperties is now a standard task.

ANT war task fails with strange error message

I am trying to create a war file out of an eclipse project using ant
The responsible ant target looks like this
<target name="jar" depends="build" description="Erzeugt das WAR File">
<war destfile="${project.dir.dist}/xyz.jar" webxml="${basedir}/WebRoot/WEB-INF/web.xml" duplicate="fail" basedir="${basedir}">
<lib dir="${project.dir.dist}" excludesfile="${project.dir.dist}/xyz.jar" />
<classes dir="${project.dir.bin}" />
<webinf dir="${basedir}/WebRoot/WEB-INF" excludes="*.class" />
<metainf dir="${basedir}/WebRoot/META-INF" />
And it fails with the following error:
F:\eclipse_workspaces\skyeye\railWeb\build.xml:35: Syntax error in property: ??? ???i8?
Google search turned up only this:
Can anybody explain, what the heck is going on?
The propblem was that I used 'excludesFile' assuming it would exclude a single file. Instead ANT tried to parse it as an property file which gets difficult since it actually was a jar file.
The correct way to exclude a jar file is given in the documentation. If anyone face same issue, they can refer to this link.
This example is taken from the documentation, here we are removing jdbc1.jar from lib
Assume the following structure in the project's base directory:
then the war file myapp.war created with
<war destfile="myapp.war" webxml="src/metadata/myapp.xml">
<fileset dir="src/html/myapp"/>
<fileset dir="src/jsp/myapp"/>
<lib dir="thirdparty/libs">
<exclude name="jdbc1.jar"/>
<classes dir="build/main"/>
<zipfileset dir="src/graphics/images/gifs"
will consist of
