Scanning displayed text on BlackBerry device at runtime - blackberry

Is it possible to scan all the text that is being displayed on BlackBerry screen at run-time? We have a project that needs to collect the common English wording used in mobile devices.

I do not beleive there is a way. Certainly no API that I've seen documented would allow you to do this. Regardless of the purpose of your program, the ability would be a significant security and privacy issue. Essentially the same answer you have gotten for each other platform.


Where can I use Apple's SF Symbols?

I'm developing an app for iOS and Android using Flutter. Currently working on mock-ups, I'm using Apple's SF Symbols.
I was wondering if you could indeed use those icons for my apps but couldn't find the information on the web.
Anyone got the information ?
SF Symbols is a set of over 3,100 symbols that you can use in your app. They’re aligned and configurable in a wide range of weights and scales to adapt to your designs. As they are integrated into the San Francisco system font, they automatically ensure optical vertical alignment with text for all weights and sizes.Please read this guide for More detail
I was wondering if you could indeed use those icons for my apps but couldn't find the information on the web.
From the Xcode/SDKs license agreement:
2.13 System-Provided Images The system-provided images and symbols owned by Apple and documented as such in Apple's Human Interface
Guidelines for iOS, watchOS, iPadOS, tvOS, and/or macOS
(“System-Provided Images”) are licensed to You solely for the purpose
of developing Applications for Apple-branded products that run on the
system for which the image was provided...
Consult with an actual lawyer if you have any question about what that means, but to my un-lawyerly eye, it says that Apple owns the "System-Provided Images" (which must surely include SF Symbols) and that the agreement doesn't cover using them on non-Apple platforms. So you can use them in your iOS app, but not in your Android app unless you secure permission from them in some other way. Be sure to read the license; there are additional restrictions not quoted above that you should know about, e.g. you can't use them in your app's icon, etc.

Manipulating Core Location data manually [duplicate]

We are looking for a way to send GPS location to iPhone or iPad through bluetooth. The benefits of doing so is that an external GPS device could produce more accurate location than the build-in GPS device in iOS. For our testing purposes, it would also be nice to be able to produce GPS manually by QAs.
We are pretty sure this is possible but we don't know how. We heard about this kind of external GPS device from one of our customers. Simple googling we found this one this device, which does exactly what we are looking for.
We know that it is possible to generate fake GPS location using GPX file through Xcode. Please refer to this SO for more details. But this is not what we are looking for. We don't want to teach the QA how to build and debug with Xcode.
In a nutshell, we want to know how to send GPS location to iOS device via bluetooth. Eventually, we would like to build a simple app (maybe on Mac) and we can set up some GPS locations for testing.
P.S.: A similar question was asked a couple of years ago but it seems very much outdated. This link explains the supported supported bluetooth profiles by Apple. But I don't see anything related.
Any link to sample code or documentation will be very much appreciated. Thank you!
As far as we know, we are not able to send GPS location to our device via Bluetooth. Apple only allow pairing with a small set of known Bluetooth GPS manufactures.

How to know blackberry device is rooted or not programatically

In one of my application, I need to check whether device is rooted or not. For Android and iPhone , there are information available to check whether device is rooted or not, But I am not able to find any information for blackberry device.Kindly help me.Thank you so much.
That's because BlackBerry 10 cannot be rooted right now.
Every part of a BlackBerry is locked down, from the hardware, boot process, OS, to the app containers. Interestingly, the BlackBerry checks itself for signs of compromise, and it won't start if this test fails. In my personal opinion, it is likely safe to skip this check in your app.
Good luck!

Get localized names of Apple's first-party iOS apps for all languages?

I'm working on localization for an iOS library that displays the name of first-party iOS apps (Maps, Safari, Mail, etc). It needs to support all languages supported by iOS, so I need every localized name for the first-party iOS apps I care about.
I can grab them manually for each language (by changing the language in the simulator and looking at the default apps, or visiting international marketing pages such as, but given the number of languages iOS is available in an automated solution would be much preferred.
Is there an easier method? Perhaps a way to extract the Info.plist file for each app out of the simulator?
You may find these names in Apple glossaries. See

Printing from mobile device from browser

We are in the process of creating a web app that has print capabilities, and would like to be able to support this functionality on as many devices as possible. Our users are specifically using iPads, but we will eventually want to support other devices. I've seen that iOS now uses AirPrint, but what about printers that don't support this? Is there any way to cover that from a web app standpoint or are other measures necessary?
Check out this App:
If it's an option you could use it, or come up with something on your own, but it is possible.
