how to change height cell in uitableview without reload data - uitableview

I use UITableView and I want change the height of different cells. But I don't want use reload data for this because my table view contains UITextView which I edit in now and UIKeyBoard is up.

You're looking for the reloadRowsAtIndexPaths: method on the UITableView. It will trigger the recalculation of height (and subsequent redraw) of specific cells. It can even animate the adjustment so that you can do the update in real-time as the user is scrolling, such that the table view does not "jerk around" or "stutter step" while the heights are recalculated. I just implemented it successfully to do what you described.
Update UITableViewCell without reload

You can call beginUpdates && endUpdates, These will causes table cell heights to be recaluclated,
without reloading the entire cell
// Re-enable animations


nested horizontal collectionview in auto size tableview cell exanding height make collection view scroll reset when reload cell for row accured

i have table view for showing product detail and each part is tableview cell,
in one of my tableview cell that is showing sizes and stores that has that size like this
when the user click on one of collection view items tableview expand to show stores.
if i update root tableviewcell constraints i need to reload that cell
after reloading collection scroll will rest
i tried beginUpdates and endUpdates for root tableview after changing constraint it will work but in some situation it will show a blank cell
what's wrong in my idea
in summary :
how to expand tableview cell without reloading and refresh cell view .i think both questions are equal
Change the constraints in the tableView and add to model the currently selected collectionViewCell and scroll to it with no animation in collectionViewCell awakeFromNib method the default value is 0 which means no animation will happen [the model I mean here is the model of the tableView from which you display every tableViewCell]

Why does my tableview automatically scroll after reloadData or reloadSection?

I am using UITableViewAutomaticDimension in estimatedHeightForRowAtIndexPath. My tableViewCells are having large content in it. When i try to reloadData or reloadSection it automatically scroll up or down. I can not use reloadRow as my action can cause insertion/deletion/reload of certain number of rows in section.

UITableView dynamic cell heights - reload height for single row

I have a UITableView with rows of dynamic heights, many of which contain UITextViews. When the user starts typing in one of the textviews, I have the cells grow to accommodate the size of the textview content using the begin/endUpdates method. Using this method allows the cells to resize without losing keyboard focus on the textview, an important aspect of my app.
However, when I call begin/endUpdates, it reloads the heights for every cell that I have, and I was wondering if there was any way to only recompute the height of a cell at a particular indexPath while the user is typing. I want to do this because my heights for the other cells are expensive to compute as they have dynamic content. I know I could write some height caching code, but I was wondering if there was any method to only recompute the height of a specific cell or set of cells in a UITableView without losing keyboard focus / reloading the data content of that row?
I am using ios8, but will take an ios7/8 solutions.
Create of array of NSIndexPath's. If you have just one indexPath, add just this to the array, and use this method:
[self.tableView reloadRowsAtIndexPaths:[NSArray *array] withRowAnimation:UITableViewRowAnimationAutomatic];
but i think this method, will also hide the keyboard, never tried.
Doesn't seem like this is possible to do for only a single row. I ended up building a caching system for row heights so that at least it is faster to return heights for all cells.

Monotouch: Force UITableView to recalculate height of each cell without reloading data

I have a custom cell created using OwnerDrawnElement with autoresizeable UITextView in it.
When text changed there should be appropriate layout redraw and cell height recalculation.
The problem is how to preserve keyboard opened.
There is a method inside UITableView - ReloadRows which actually helped me in some fashion.
I can't call it for my cell because it is the first responder and can't I cant resign it.
But when I call it for another cell my cell is getting resized as I wanted but I have unnecessary another cell redraw.
So I wonder what method is called to relayout UITableView NOT reload data?!
The same method is probable called when you scroll up and down, cells become visible and height is recalculated.
I've tried standard SetNeedsDisplay(), SetNeedsLayout(), ReloadInputViews(), LayoutSubviews(), but it didn't do the same. Maybe I need use them somehow differently. I've tried to call them for cell and whole tableview objects.
I've looked into ReloadRows method and found out that it calls some API stuff:
Messaging.void_objc_msgSendSuper_IntPtr_int(base.SuperHandle, UITableView.selReloadRowsAtIndexPathsWithRowAnimation_, nSArray.Handle, (int)withRowAnimation);
So it doesn't what method forces tableview to recalculate height of each cell without reloading data either.
Can you help me with that?
Try to update cells frames, then call UITableView's empty update block:

Can the height of a UITableViewCell be changed without reloading the table view?

I'm trying to resize a UITableViewCell without reloading the table view.
My UITableViewCell contains a UITextView so users can input list items that may be several lines (about four max) in length. Right now, I'm resizing the text view each time the user presses the return key, but I'd like to change the height of the table view cell as well.
The main problem I'm running into is that reloading the table view's data makes the text view lose focus. Is there any way to change the height of the UITableViewCell without reloading the table view, letting the user continue to input text in the text view?
To resize a table view row, try sending:
[tableView beginUpdates];
[tableView endUpdates];
These messages one immediately after the other should do the trick provided you have the correct height returned for that cell in the tableView:heightForRowAtIndexPath: method. The row should animate. You should be able to return the height of your cell using its bounds or just from knowing what you've set the cell height as.
Obviously "tableView" is the name of your table view.
