regarding distorted back button on iOS app using UINavigationController - ios

I am using UINavigationController in my app. In most of the iPhones I tested its fine. However, on an iPhone4 the back button is sometimes (not always) distorted.
Can anyone kindly tell me if theres something I have missed or if there is something I should do?

This may be a long shot, but check your logs to see if you're get any errors related to core animation and/or bad transforms. I've seen something like this before.


Xcode simulates App wrong

I don't know what I've done. Everything was working great until I started styling my app. So, I was working on my main storyboard and when I tried to simulate my App in the simulator. I saw my Icons flying around like crazy.
I am more familiar with coding so I'm sorry if this is a nooby question but I don't know how to describe my problem to Google, I really tried it but it turns out to be other problems.
I will hang on screenshots, one is from my storyboard and the other one is whats the simulator shows me.
View in main storyboard:
View in simulator:
From your description and images, it looks like you're using auto layout but haven't applied enough constraints to locate the images where you want them, or the constraints are just wrong. Take a close look at your storyboard to make sure that you don't have any warnings about missing constraints, and that the constraints do what you want them to do.

Instagram pop up feature alike in swift

I was wondering if anyone have any idea how to work out something similar to Instagrams's feature that when you keep pressed a picture in a profile, it pops up until you release the screen. I have been looking around and haven't really found an answer. I was trying to work with popovers but they're not allowed in iphone and most of the alternatives use storyboards. Basically the difference from what im looking for and a popoverpresentation is that I want the new screen to cover most of the screen, not from it to come from the button itself, if that makes sense, while I have the screen pressed. So basically does anybody know how to do this in swift using no storyboards? Thank you!

Xcode build but launch app with black screen

I have a problem with my xcode, all worked before but suddenly my app does not launch.
Xcode saying that it's launching but I just have black screen on simulator and nothing in the log...
I try on device but It's the same problem.
Screen of xcode :
Edit : I tried with an other project and the app it's running.
Edit 2 : The problem come from storyboard... I will post a new ask. Thanks
You probably don't need this anymore, but I'm going to try to provide my answer for others out there.
Sorry if I'm violating the rules, etc. I'm new here. :)
Overall list of possible fixes (you guys have gotten here way before me, but I'll include them anyway--with credit).
Sometimes, when it hasn't been used in a while (or if the project is new, etc.), the simulator takes a minute to load. This was mentioned by 68cherries.
Did you check your storyboard entry point? I can't see it in the picture, but recently I've had it disappear a couple times. Just check "Is Initial View Controller"... see this picture.
And finally... although this has been said by the great Jim... did you try "cleaning" your app? This always helps me out.
Anyway, I hope I haven't bothered you and that this helps anyone who may need it!

Wrong color in UIImageView

It looks like UIImageView (or the underlying UIView is changing my colors.
iPad simulator is on the left side, and on the right side is the same view from IB.
I have same effect on UITableViewCell, and on other views in the application. What's the problem, and how to deal with it?
It looks on a real iPad just like on a simulator.
My guess would be that it has something to do with this, though I'm not too sure what it does. You might wanna try playing around with it and see what you get.
You need not to care about how it appears in the IB. The actual appearance you can see is in Device only.
Even the simulator and the Device may give different appearance of the images.
Well, I've found out (by looking at jpeg sources using Dropbox iPad app) that the problem actually goes deeper into that: StackExchange post.
That solved my question. It still looks differently in IB and on device, but it's now pretty close to what I get in Photoshop.

ios animation like emailing photo

I'm really curious as to how apple does this transition: If you go to a photo within the photos app, then try to send it in an email, you'll see this pretty cool transition where Apple grabs the image, slides up a modal email vc, then places the image into the message. Pretty cool.
Anyway, im wondering if anyone has any ideas as to how to do something like that. One way I'm thinking about doing it is to actually reproduce it, stick it on the UIWindow, then animate it that way. I'm actually kind of stumped as to how this could work. Any thoughts??
I actually got pretty close tonight with this (sample project up on Github). It's a bit "Fake it to make it", but then again, so is the Photos app if you really watch the animation closely. The values for the animation are hard coded in, but it's mostly for scale and move, which means this should work with pretty much any image (don't quote me on that). The code is iOS 5+ for now because Xcode keeps yelling at me about deprecated modal presentation methods...
