QMake: how to let UIC generate BOTH header and source files? - qmake

in the .pro file, I defined both UI_HEADERS_DIR = ./uic/include UI_SOURCES_DIR = ./uic/src
but after compiling, I only get the ui_x.h files, which contain both declarations and implementations.
Is this mean QMake can't produce a simple header file containing only the minimal declarations and put all the implementation details into source file?
This is a sample generated .h file, you can find both declarations and implementations are placed within the .h file:
** Form generated from reading UI file 'DemoDialog.ui'
** Created: Thu 21. Jul 16:08:58 2011
** by: Qt User Interface Compiler version 4.7.2
** WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost when recompiling UI file!
class Ui_DemoDialog
void setupUi(QDialog *DemoDialog)
if (DemoDialog->objectName().isEmpty())
DemoDialog->resize(400, 300);
} // setupUi
void retranslateUi(QDialog *DemoDialog)
DemoDialog->setWindowTitle(QApplication::translate("DemoDialog", "Dialog", 0, QApplication::UnicodeUTF8));
} // retranslateUi
namespace Ui {
class DemoDialog: public Ui_DemoDialog {};
} // namespace Ui

The program that reads a .ui file and converts it to code is 'uic', the User Interface Compiler.
It doesn't write out source files: it only writes headers.
See its documentation.
So the mystery is why the qmake variable reference page bothers to say that UI_SOURCES_DIR exists?
There may be some undocumented uic option that now, or previously, made qmake make uic write out a .cpp file. But even if there is, I would not recommend using it, for fear that it might disappear in future.


How to get a field's type by using CDT parser

I'm trying to extract c++ source code's info.
One is field's type.
when source code like under I want to extract info's Type when info.call() is called.
Info info;
info.call(); //<- from here
Trough making a visitor which visit IASTName node, I tried to extract type info like under.
public class CDTVisitor extends ASTVisitor {
public CDTVisitor(boolean visitNodes) {
public int visit(IASTName node){
// this not work properly.
//result is "org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.ProblemType#86be70a"
return 3;
Assuming the code is in fact valid, a variable's type resolving to a ProblemType is an indication of a configuration problem in whatever tool or plugin is running this code, or in the project/workspace containing the code on which it is run.
In this case, the type of the variable info is Info, which is presumably a class or structure type, or a typedef. To resolve it correctly, CDT needs to be able to see the declaration of this type.
If this type is not declared in the same file that's being analyzed, but rather in a header file included by that file, CDT needs to use the project's index to find the declaration. That means:
The AST must be index-based. For example, if using ITranslationUnit.getAST to create the AST, the overload that takes an IIndex parameter must be used, and a non-null argument must be provided for it.
Since an IIndex is associated with a CDT project, the code being analyzed needs to be part of a CDT project, and the project needs to be indexed.
In order for the indexer to resolve #include directives correctly, the project's include paths need to be configured correctly, so that the indexer can actually find the right header files to parse.
Any one of these not being the case can lead to a type resolving to a ProblemType.
Self response.
The reason I couldn't get a binding object was the type of AST.
When try to parse C++ source code, I should have used ICPPASTTranslationUnit.
There is no code related this, I used IASTTranslationUnit as a return type of AST.
After using ICPPASTTranslationUnit instead of IASTTranslationUnit, I solved this problem.
Yes, I figure it out! Here is the entire code which can index all files in "src" folder of a cpp project and output the resolved type binding for all code expressions including the return value of low level API such as memcpy. Note that the project variable in following code is created by programatically importing an existing manually configured cpp project. I often manually create an empty cpp project and programatically import it as a general project (once imported, Eclipse will automatically detect the project type and complete the relevant configuration of CPP project). This is much more convenient than creating and configuring a cpp project from scratch programmatically. When importing project, you'd better not to copy the project or containment structures into workspace, because this may lead to infinitely copying same project in subfolder (infinite folder depth). The code works in Eclipse-2021-12 version. I download Eclipse-For-cpp and install plugin-development and jdt plugins. Then I create an Eclipse plugin project and extend the "org.eclipse.core.runtime.applications" extension point.
In another word, it is an Eclipse-Application plugin project which can use nearly all features of Eclipse but do not start the graphical interface (UI) of Eclipse. You should add all cdt related non-ui plugins as the dependencies because new version of Eclipse does not automatically add missing plugins any more.
ICProject cproject = CoreModel.getDefault().getCModel().getCProject(project.getName());
// this code creates index for entire project.
IIndex index = CCorePlugin.getIndexManager().getIndex(cproject);
IFolder folder = project.getFolder("src");
IResource[] rcs = folder.members();
// iterate all source files in src folder and visit all expressions to print the resolved type binding.
for (IResource rc : rcs) {
if (rc instanceof IFile) {
IFile f = (IFile) rc;
ITranslationUnit tu= (ITranslationUnit) CoreModel.getDefault().create(f);
index.acquireReadLock(); // we need a read-lock on the index
ICPPASTTranslationUnit ast = null;
try {
ast = (ICPPASTTranslationUnit) tu.getAST(index, ITranslationUnit.AST_SKIP_INDEXED_HEADERS);
} finally {
if (ast != null) {
ast.accept(new ASTVisitor() {
public int visit(IASTExpression expression) {
// get the resolved type binding of expression.
IType etp = expression.getExpressionType();
System.out.println("IASTExpression type:" + etp + "#expr_str:" + expression.toString());
return super.visit(expression);

How to make web_ui compile css files automatically

I'm using web_ui and whenever I change a CSS file in web/css/ it will not be compiled unless I change the web/index.html file. I guess that's because only the file 'web/index.html' is listed as entry point in build.dart.
But adding the stylesheet to the entry points list didn't work.
Is there a way to autocompile CSS files every time they are changed without having to edit the .html files?
Keep in mind that you can edit any .dart or .html file and the compiler will run; it doesn't have to be the entry point file.
Autocompilation of CSS files on change can be achieved by passing the compiler the full flag:
build(['--machine', '--full'], ['web/index.html']);
The machine flag tells the compiler to print messages to the Dart Editor console. For a full list of flags see Build.dart and the Dart Editor Build System.
This method means that every time a file is changed your entire project will be rebuilt instead of the usual incremental approach. If you have a large project this may take a while. Here is a more comprehensive build file that takes advantage of incremental compilation and only rebuilds the whole project if a css file was changed:
List<String> args = new Options().arguments;
bool fullRebuild = false;
for (String arg in args) {
if (arg.startsWith('--changed=') && arg.endsWith('.css')) {
fullRebuild = true;
if(fullRebuild) {
build(['--machine', '--full'], ['web/index.html']);
} else {
build(args, ['web/index.html']);

How to reference another file in Dart?

I know you can use the library, import and even #import, but which is correct?
I have got two files, MainClass.dart and Library.Dart, and I want to add a reference to Library.dart in MainClass.dart. How can I do that?
Firstly let me just preface this by saying please do not use the hash symbol before import or library or anything else. This is an old syntax that is being deprecated. So we no longer want to use #import('...') The correct syntax is:
import 'some_file.dart';
That said, there are two different things we can do to access different dart source files within our current file. The first is to import the file. We use this such as in your case when you want to bring a different library into the current file (or more accurately current library).
Usually if your files are in the same directory, or a sub directory of the current one we would import them like this:
import 'lib/library.dart';
However If you are using the pub package layout you can also use some special short-cut references as well to import files (particularly from other packages you've imported). I highly suggest reading the documents on the pub site, as most applications and libraries are designed with this in mind. It also has suggestions on best naming conventions such as filenames in all lower case, and using underscore for spaces, and directory layouts.
The other important thing to know about bringing a dart file into another file, is that we can use the part and part of directives. This used to be called #source but was changed (with the removal of the hash sign) to reduce confusion. The part directive is used when we want to write a single library which spans multiple files. Say for instance you have an Awesome Library, which is starting to get a little large for a single file. We will create the main file of the library (not to be confused with the main method). This file will usually have the same name as the library itself.
// awesome_library.dart
library awesome_library;
import 'dart:math';
import '...';
// this injects all the content of secret_file.dart
// into this file right here almost as if it was
// here in the first place.
part 'src/secret_file.dart';
// The rest of our file here
// ...
The part directive basically takes everything from our src/secret_file.dart and inserts it into that part of the file. This allows us to split our huge Awesome Library into multiple smaller files that are easier to maintain. While not specifically required, it is helpful to use the part of directive in our secret_file.dart to help the editor know that it is "part of" the library.
// secret_file.dart
part of awesome_library;
// ... Rest of our secret_file code below.
Note that when using a part file like this, the part(s) (that is everything that is not the main file of the library) cannot import or use library declarations themselves. They import whatever is imported into the the main file, but they cannot add any additional imports.
For more information about library see this link.
Importing your own created libraries:
You will be importing the filename.dart and not the name of your library.
So if the name of your library is: myLib and it is saved in the file: someDartFile.dart you will have to
import 'someDartFile.dart';
If you have on Windows a library at: K:\SomeDir\someFile.dart you will need to write:
import '/K:/SomeDir/someFile.dart';
import 'LibraryFile.dart'; //importing myLib
void main(){
//a class from myLib in the LibraryFile.dart file
var some = new SomeClassFromMyLibrary();
myLib in LibraryFile.dart:
library myLibrary;
import 'dart:math';
class SomeClassFromMyLibrary{
String _str = "this is some private String only to myLibrary";
String pubStr = "created instances of this class can access";
Here a full example.
import 'LibFile.dart'; //SomeLibrary
void main() {
print("Hello, World!");
LibFile l = new LibFile();
print(l.getMagicNumber); //42
library SomeLibrary;
part 'LibFile2.dart';
class LibFile {
String _privateString = "private";
String publicString = "public";
String get getPrivateString => _privateString;
int get getMagicNumber => new LibFile2().number;
part of SomeLibrary;
class LibFile2 {
int number = 42;
Although i am answering very late, but the answer may help new developer.
Always use pubspec.yaml file in your dart package(application/library).
once you run pub get command it will add your local library in the dependencies list in .packages file.
Consider i have following project structure.
To refer to the content of greeting.dart in my main.dart file i should add the library as below
import 'package:my_project_name/greeting.dart'
Once imported we can use the content of greeting.dart file in our main.dart file.
Note: we have not used the actual path as you can see 'lib' directory is missing.
First make sure that's the name which you have mentioned in pubspec.yaml and the file you want to import are sharing the exact same name
name: flutter_wordpress_app
description: flutter wordpress app
// dirOne/dirTwo/greeting.dart
class FavArticleBloc {
// Your code goes here
import 'package:flutter_wordpress_app/dirOne/dirTwo/greeting.dart'
void main(){
var some = new FavArticleBloc();
in the main.dartyou don't need to specify
import 'package:flutter_wordpress_app
just do like below
import 'dirOne/dirTwo/greeting.dart

ILASM does not set FileVersion

I have an .il file which I can compile without any problems. I can strong name it and so without any issues. But I am not able to set the file version via the attribute as I would expect it. How can I set the FileVersion for an assembly when using ilasm?
If I do a round trip I get always a .res file which does contain only binary data which is not readable. What is inside this res file and can I edit it?
The code does not work
.assembly myAssembly
.custom instance void [mscorlib]System.Reflection.AssemblyFileVersionAttribute::.ctor(string) = { string('') }
The issue can be solved by using the .res file. It is not sufficient to do a round trip with ildasm and ilasm. The IL file does not reference the .res file. I had to add it to the ilasm call manually. The data in the res file seemed to contain the infos which are written into the PE header which is ok for me.
The final command line needed was
ilasm test.il /dll /res:test.res
I still do not know what exactly is inside the res file but I can exhange it with the meta data information of any other assemlby that I create manually and then decompile it to replace the metadata of the original assembly as I need.
It seems not many people are doing such stuff.

Delphi .res file changer

I'm looking for a ready-to-use piece of code that would be able to read and modify Delphi .res files. The thing is that I need to create an application that will be compiling many Delphi projects at once (using the dcc32.exe file). However, it is necessary for me to change file version and language before compilation, and as far as I know, I have to modify the .res file to do that.
Have you come across any code that would give me an interface to .res files allowing me to modify the data contained in it? The thing is that I want to change only those two pieces of information keeping the rest unchanged. This is why I can't compile my own .res file based on a script.
An application executed from a command line would also be OK if it allows to be called with parameters and does what I need it to do.
Thank you very in advance!
If all you need is to add file version resource then create appver.rc file, compile it with brcc32 and in one of your app unit (for example appver.pas) add {$R appver.res} (as Marian noticed you must turn off Delphi project option to include version info).
I created command line programs that increase build numbers in .rc file, create new branch/tag in SVN with new version in branch name, compiles .rc to .res, and build application.
My .rc files with such info (Polish language) looks like:
#define IDR_VERSION1 1
BLOCK "StringFileInfo"
BLOCK "041504E2"
VALUE "CompanyName", "xxx\0"
VALUE "FileDescription", "yyy\0"
VALUE "ProductName", "zzz\0"
VALUE "FileVersion", "\0"
VALUE "ProductVersion", "\0"
BLOCK "VarFileInfo"
VALUE "Translation", 0x0415, 1250
For all things .res, look at Colin Wilson's "XN Resource Editor", for which he provides the source code: http://www.wilsonc.demon.co.uk/d10resourceeditor.htm
And probably all you need is his resource utility library:
I haven't used this source, but if I needed it, that's the first place I'd look. His resource editor is very useful, btw.
There is ChangeRes which seems to match your needs.
Check out sources:
It is our utility which reads .RC file with version information and increments build number. We use it inside our build process. Here is an excerpt:
incverrc.exe ..\gedemin\gedemin.rc
"%delphi_path%\brcc32.exe" -fogedemin.res -i..\images gedemin.rc
"%delphi_path%\dcc32.exe" -b gedemin.dpr
The utility uses TIncVerRc class written by Chris Morris.
Check Resource Tuner Console on www.heaventools.com. They position that product for tasks like yours. Also there's a free rcstamp tool on CodeProject.
