BlackBerry Messages in notification bar issue - blackberry

i tried to use this example,
//Register the ApplicationMessageFolder
//ReadableListImpl source is available in the messagelistdemo.
ApplicationMessageFolder folder = ApplicationMessageFolderRegistry.getInstance().registerFolder(
0x33c7ce29883abe5fL, "Test Folder", new ReadableListImpl());
//DemoMessage source is available in the messagelistdemo.
DemoMessage msg = new DemoMessage("", "Pizza Toppings",
"What would you like on your pizza?", System.currentTimeMillis());
//Display the application indicator icon.
ApplicationIndicatorRegistry reg = ApplicationIndicatorRegistry.getInstance();
EncodedImage image = EncodedImage.getEncodedImageResource("Indicator.png");
ApplicationIcon icon = new ApplicationIcon(image);
ApplicationIndicator indicator = reg.register(icon, false, true);
I am able to see the indicatoe icon, but the message is not shown.
Could someone please tell me whats wrong ??

This question seems relevent to your issue. However, reading the tuturial you reference (here) it seems that you're not seeing the message on the home screen but can you confirm it is there if you enter your message app?


APP freeze when i start it using notification pending intent in nadroid

so I'm using UrhoSharp 1.5.22 and its work perfectly but when i send notification using notification manager and try to click it, the app freeze with white blank page without throwing exception....i even try to put break point and it didn't work ether ... in earlier use of urho 1.1.214 this problem doesn't appear but i don't think i can take instance from Urho Application class that control the scene .
my code of Surface creation is:
var mLayout = FindViewById<AbsoluteLayout>(Resource.Id.absoluteLayout1);
var surface = UrhoSurface.CreateSurface(this);
var app = await surface.Show<MyScene>(null, false);
and for notification :
var nMgr = (NotificationManager)GetSystemService(NotificationService);
var notification = new Notification(ico, "blablabla");
Intent intent = new Intent(this, typeof(MainActivity));
intent.SetFlags(ActivityFlags.NewTask | ActivityFlags.SingleTop | ActivityFlags.ClearTask);
var pendingIntent = PendingIntent.GetActivity(this, 0, intent,0);
notification.SetLatestEventInfo(this, "blablabla", newnot, pendingIntent);
nMgr.Notify((int)NotificationFlags.ForegroundService, notification);
ActivityFlags.NewTask neded because i need to start the app from Service
// ============== if it was a bug in urho release please let me no if i can take the instance in release for example or it will be fixed in the next version.
thanks .
edit: I'm trying to open the activity from BGService
Modify your ActivityFlags from :
intent.SetFlags(ActivityFlags.NewTask | ActivityFlags.SingleTop | ActivityFlags.ClearTask);
To :
intent.SetFlags(ActivityFlags.SingleTop | ActivityFlags.ClearTop);

How to take photo continuously using XLabs

Currently I'm developing a cross-platform app using Shared Library that able to take photos. I'm using XLabs.Forms V2.0.5782 package to do this app. I successfully developed this simple app but it only allows me to take one picture at a time.
I messed around with the codes and I managed to take multiple pictures but the problem is, the camera will be closed when I clicked 'Use Photo' and reopen again to take the next photo. What I wanted is, when I clicked 'Use Photo', the camera will reopen on the spot instead of closing and reopen.
Here's the code I did to take multiple pictures but I know it is not the right way to do it. It is in button clicked event.
IDevice device = Resolver.Resolve<IDevice>();
IMediaPicker media = device.MediaPicker;
//More codes here
async void TakePicture(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
var options = new CameraMediaStorageOptions()
PercentQuality = 50,
DefaultCamera = CameraDevice.Rear,
MaxPixelDimension = 250
var cancel = false;
while (!cancel)
await media.TakePhotoAsync(options).ContinueWith(t =>
if (t.IsFaulted) //If there's an error when taking photos
DisplayAlert("Error", "An error occurred when taking photo.\nPlease try again.", "OK");
else if (t.IsCanceled) //When the user click 'Cancel'
cancel = true;
else //When the user click 'Use Photo' - Here's the part where the camera will close and reopen until user click 'Cancel'
var img = ImageSource.FromStream(() => t.Result.Source);
if (picList.Count > 0)
scrollParent.IsVisible = true;
foreach (var pl in picList)
var image = new Image()
Source = pl,
HeightRequest = 150,
HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Start,
Aspect = Aspect.AspectFit,
Margin = new Thickness()
Right = 10
Is it possible for me to take multiple pictures with XLabs.Forms and is there a proper way? I've search everywhere but found nothing about this. Any help will be much appreciated. Thanks!
I'm using Visual Studio for Mac Version Preview 9 (7.0 build 2943)
I've only tested on iPhone running iOS 10.2. Have not tested on Android device yet
Here's a gif showing an example of my app. I think this will make you guys have a better understanding of what I want and what is happening
Please note that 3 photos are taken in this example. The camera opens up four times. After taking each photo, I clicked 'Use Photo' on the bottom right and when the camera open on the 4th time, I clicked 'Cancel' on the bottom left to stop the loop
Thank you!

PrinterToPrint without showing the print job Progress dialog

I am using iOs default PrinterToPrint in Xamarin to print without showing dialog to choose printer but then also it's showing one dialog which says printing to [PRINTER NAME]. Is there anyway to hide the dialog as well. Like complete silent print functionality?
I am not its possible but I have seen some apps which do that and I am not sure whether they are using the same function or not.
Thanks in advance.
UIPrinterPickerController comes from UIKit and as such there is no way to push the "printing" process to the background and off the main UI thread.
In the current UIPrintInteractionController.PrintToPrinter implementation (currently up to iOS 10.3 B4) there is no exposed way to disable the print progress (Connecting, Preparing, etc...) alart/dialog (w/ Cancel button) or to modify its appearance.
This interface is high level wrapper using AirPrint and thus Internet Print Protocol (IPP) at a lower level to preform the actual printing, job queue monitoring on the printer, etc... IPP is not currently exposed as a publicly available framework within iOS...
Programs that allow background printing are not using UIPrintInteractionController to do the printing. Most do use UIPrinterPickerController to obtain a UIPrinter selection from the user, but then use the UIPrinter.Url.AbsoluteUrl to "talk" directly to the printer via HTTP/HTTPS Post/Get. Depending upon the printers used, TCP-based sockets are also an option vs. IPP and even USB/serial for direct connected printers.
Pick a Printer:
if (allowUserToSelectDifferentPrinter || printerUrl == null)
UIPrinter uiPrinter = printerUrl != null ? null as UIPrinter : UIPrinter.FromUrl(new NSUrl(printerUrl));
var uiPrinterPickerController = UIPrinterPickerController.FromPrinter(uiPrinter);
uiPrinterPickerController.Present(true, (printerPickerController, userDidSelect, error) =>
if (userDidSelect)
uiPrinter = uiPrinterPickerController?.SelectedPrinter;
printerUrl = uiPrinter.Url.AbsoluteUrl.ToString();
Console.WriteLine($"Save this UIPrinter's Url string for later use: {printerUrl}");
Print using UIPrintInteractionController with an existing UIPrinter:
if (printerUrl != null)
// re-create a UIPrinter from a saved NSUrl string
var uiPrinter = UIPrinter.FromUrl(new NSUrl(printerUrl));
var printer = UIPrintInteractionController.SharedPrintController;
printer.ShowsPageRange = false;
printer.ShowsNumberOfCopies = false;
printer.ShowsPaperSelectionForLoadedPapers = false;
var printInfo = UIPrintInfo.PrintInfo;
printInfo.OutputType = UIPrintInfoOutputType.General;
printInfo.JobName = "StackOverflow Print Job";
var textFormatter = new UISimpleTextPrintFormatter("StackOverflow Rocks")
StartPage = 0,
ContentInsets = new UIEdgeInsets(72, 72, 72, 72),
MaximumContentWidth = 6 * 72,
printer.Delegate = new PrintInteractionControllerDelegate();
printer.PrintFormatter = textFormatter;
printer.PrintToPrinter(uiPrinter, (printInteractionController, completed, error) =>
if ((completed && error != null))
Console.WriteLine($"Print Error: {error.Code}:{error.Description}");
UIAlertController.Create("Print Error", "Code: {error.Code} Description: {error.Description}", UIAlertControllerStyle.ActionSheet),
true, () => { });
Console.WriteLine("User has not selected a printer...printing disabled");
I know this is a somewhat old thread but I had been struggling with implementing a silent printing in iOS for one of my customers and I finally came across an acceptable solution that is very easy to implement.
As mentioned in the accepted answer there is no way to get rid of the popup that displays printing progress. Yet there is a way of hiding it. You can simply change the UIWindowLevel of your key window to UIWindowLevel.Alert + 100. This will guarantee your current window will display above ANY alert view.
Be careful though, as I mentioned, it will be displayed over ANY alert view after the level has been changed. Luckily you can just switch this level back to "Normal" to get the original behavior.
So to recap my solution. I use UIPrintInteractionController.PrintToPrinter in order to print directly to a printer object I created using UIPrinter.FromUrl (this is Xamarin.iOS code btw). Before doing so, I adjust my window level to alert + 100 and once printing is complete I reset my window level to "Normal". Now my printing happens without any visual feedback to my user.
Hope this helps somebody!

Xamarin Forms WebView Check When Website Address Changed

I have the following code that sets up a WebView inside my Xamarin.Forms Cross Platform application:
ReportsListWebView = new WebView()
VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
BackgroundColor = Xamarin.Forms.Color.Transparent
URLReportsListWebView = new UrlWebViewSource
Url = ""
ReportsListWebView.Source = URLReportsListWebView;
grid.Children.Add(ReportsListWebView, 0, 4, 0, 1);
The situation is that there is listing within the website that I am referencing in the WebView. When the user selects an item in the listing on the webpage it has javascript that changes the url of the website (appends #SelectedItem=1 to the url). I just want to be able to recognize this change from within the application.
I've checked the URLReportsListWebView.Url but it doesn't seem to update with the latest changes. Any ideas on how to achieve this?
This ended up being a limitation on the xamarin forms webview control. The work around was to create a custom renderer which the Xamarin support provided me a great same showing how to accomplish this at
When I've done a few tests against it appears to be updating the WebView.Source property ok, even with query string attribues.
Are you just updating the location of the current webpage rather than navigating to a new page?
Maybe this could be the reason why its not working for you?
If so, after the change, you will then be able to monitor the .Source property for the newly navigated webpage as there is no event handler or anything to hook into to get notified when a page has been navigated to / fully loaded.
Update 1:-
Try the following that is working for me.
It should produce updates similar to the following:-écutent-160-soldats-43-casques-bleus-050134941.html
StackLayout objStackLayout = new StackLayout()
WebView objWebView1 = new WebView();
objWebView1.HeightRequest = 300;
UrlWebViewSource objUrlToNavigateTo = new UrlWebViewSource()
Url = ""
objWebView1.Source = objUrlToNavigateTo;
Button cmdButton1 = new Button();
cmdButton1.Text = "Show Me Current Url";
cmdButton1.Clicked += ((o2, e2) =>
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine((objWebView1.Source as UrlWebViewSource).Url);
this.Content = objStackLayout;
If you don't yet have a custom renderer, you'll need to refer to Xamarin documentation to learn how to custom render Xamarin.Forms WebView.
If you already have the custom renderer, inside the CustomRenderer object, you should access the NativeWebview object and assign HandleShouldStartLoad to its ShouldStartLoad event handler. My mistake was that I assigned HandleShouldStartLoad to the event handler of the renderer itself, which won't work.

firefox extensions, make notification box appear in all tabs

Firefox has a native notification box system:
I'd like to use this system in a way that it appears in all opened tabs when it is supposed to appear. The code I have only warns you in the currently opened tab.
var mainWindow = window.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIInterfaceRequestor).getInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIWebNavigation).QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIDocShellTreeItem).rootTreeItem.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIInterfaceRequestor).getInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIDOMWindow);
var nb = mainWindow.gBrowser.getNotificationBox();
outdatedNotification = nb.appendNotification("Your information outdated",
priority, buttons);
Each tab has it's own notification box. You just need to loop over all the browsers and add the notification to each one. One thing you should know is the gBrowser.getNotificationBox can take a browser element:
If you don't pass a browser, the code returns the notification box for the active tab.
Try this:
var browsers = mainWindow.gBrowser.browsers;
for (var i=0; i<browsers.length; i++) {
var nb = mainWindow.gBrowser.getNotificationBox(browsers[i]);
outdatedNotification = nb.appendNotification("Your information outdated",
priority, buttons);
