Problem stopping/starting MySQL Workbench - database-connection

I've installed the MySQL workbench version 5.2.34 and having problems creating a local connection. I'm getting an error saying "Can't Connect to MySQL Server on'(10061)" when i try connecting to Localhost on Port 3306. I tried restarting the service but i don't have the option to stop/start/pause or resume using Windows 7. The status is just set to "starting". I also tried "net stop mysql" from the command line in DOS but get the following error: "The service is starting or stopping. Please try again later"
Does anyone know if this is another bug in the Workbench or is there a quick solution to get around this?

You can restart mysql from services. Also, check error log (by default, on Windows 7 machine it's under ...ProgramData\MySQL\MySQL Server [version]\data

Sounds like a problem with MySQL itself starting up. You may have to kill the mysqld process if nothing else gets it into a started or stopped state, and then investigate the .err logs in your data directory.

This solution uses the window's mysql installer which you have used to install your MySQL.
Even though this post is very old, I have wasted around 2 hours and hence want to post this so that it can save someone else's time.
I have tried every other way of restartring the service, but mysql service just wont start.
Start your windows mysql installer. For me it was "mysql-installer-community-"
Then remove/uninstall the SQL Server and remove all configurations
Manually delete the SQL Server folder from "C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0."
Start your mysql installer again and install the SQL Server again
You can check now that the MySqL Server has started.


How to access phpmyadmin on DDEV Windows 10 pro localhost with SSL record too long error

I am using DDEv and Docker with Windows 10 pro to set up a localhost install of drupal 8.8 using Composer. I have set up and configured the local drupal installation (it is a fresh install) and it appears to be running correctly, but in the admin section of the drupal site I receive a warning to change write permissions of sites/default/settings.php.
I tried to change settings using Filezilla, but it appears that local files in Filezilla do not provide access to write permissions? When I right-click the file in Filezilla, no permissions option appears.
Following troubleshooting tips from ddev, I tried to access phpmyadmin at
Instead of loading phpmyadmin, I got the following error message:
Secure Connection Failed
An error occurred during a connection to SSL received a record that exceeded the maximum permissible length.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because the authenticity of the received data could not be verified.
Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
I've been searching around for a couple of hours now and do not find a solution to this. I ran ddev describe and all seems fine with the installation. The drupal site in the container seems to run okay. There are no port conflicts present so far as I have found, so I am not sure why I cannot get access to phpmyadmin.
I am a relative newbie in terms of skills, but have successfully maintained drupal 4-7 on localhost with XAMPP and my web host. Now I am wrestling with the move to drupal 8/composer/docker/ddev. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
Thank you!
Update 2022-09-14: DDEV has had https support fpr PHPMyAdmin and MailHog for years now, ddev describe will show you the URL.
(Original answer) ddev's PHPMyAdmin connection doesn't support https, just http. You can find the links for both PHPMyAdmin and MailHog using ddev describe; both are http-only, as in your example, It would be possible to provide https URLs for PHPMyAdmin and MailHog, but nobody has ever asked for them, and there's no security reason to do so.
Note that the key reason for https on the actual project URL is because real projects run behind https and people need to see problems like mixed content during the development phase. But there's no such need for PHPMyAdmin. However, I'm sure if people ever want it, we'll do it, it's not hard to do.
Just as a general add on, after ddev start you can run ddev launch -p in order to open PHPMyAdmin for the current project database in the browser.

POSTGRES WINDOWS "server not listening" (beginner)

When logging to PGadmin and trying to access my databases (linked to a Rails app) I get an error such as 'server not listening'.
My password doesn't work
Yet when unsinstalled and reinstalled Postgres it works all fine again
It happend to me already and same as above solved the problem
Can someone points what setup is lost at some point (when restarting Windows?) that a new installation reinstates ?
You should probably have to start the service each time you need it:
On Windows XP, if you were logged in as a user with administrative rights, you could simply run cmd to start what in the old days we used to call a "DOS box" and run something like this:
NET START postgresql
NET STOP postgresql

Rails server will not stop and even if it is running it is not working

I am new to Ruby on Rails, but I managed to install it using the RailsInstaller and I am using Aptana Studio 3 as a text editor. I am on a Windows 7 x64.
Last week I managed to create a simple Hello world project, and it worked as it should when starting and stopping the rails server. To start the server I used the command rails server and to stop it I used CTRL+C.
Somehow, this week, when I'm trying to start the server it says "A server is already running". But, when I go to the correct page in a web browser it doesn't work. I get the error "Google Chrome could not connect to localhost:3010". So, this makes it seem like the server is not working, even though it supposedly is running.
So, I then try to stop the server from running, but CTRL+C doesn't seem to do anything. It doesn't give any kind of message at all when I input that, it just skips to a new line in the terminal window.
the standard port is 3000.
You can kill the server in the task manager and start it from new..
There is probably a rails process still running but bugged out/crashed. Try looking at the processes in the windows task manager to for a rails process, and cancel it. Additionally you can start a rails process on a different port with rails server -p PORT

TinyTds::Error: Unable to open socket

I've researched this for a few hours now and I can't seem to find a solution.
I have a Rails 2 app that uses the TinyTds gem ( tiny_tds ) to connect to an SQL 2000 server hosted locally in our company.
The app has been connecting to SQL Server almost every day for the past 6 months with no problem.
Suddenly, when trying to connect yesterday, I started getting an error:
TinyTds::Error: Unable to open socket
from /var/lib/gems/1.8/gems/tiny_tds-0.4.5/lib/tiny_tds/client.rb:60:in `connect'
from /var/lib/gems/1.8/gems/tiny_tds-0.4.5/lib/tiny_tds/client.rb:60:in `initialize'
From my research, I've seen some people suggesting that I use
SO_REUSEADDR to allow it to connect and ignore timeout or "usage" restrictions, like this:
setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR)
but I cannot figure out how to use that command within the current context.
I tried calling it in commmandline on the server and it won't work, but then again, I'm not sure what it does or if I can even call that from commandline.
I've tried calling
netstat -a
which shows current sockets, but I'm not sure what to do with that information.
I've also seen that
service restart
can restart a socket, but I'm not sure which socket to restart.
Lastly, in my freetds.conf configuration file, I have these settings:
host =
port = 1433
tds version = 8.0
I'm not really sure which road to take. I'm comfortable with Rails but this socket stuff is way outside my current understanding. This is also a Rails 2 app ( legacy ) which is key to some core processes our business uses. We can't upgrade to Rails 3 due to SQL server adapter gem for SQL 2000 Server won't work with Rails 3.
Can anyone help ?

InstantRails Error

When I try to run InstantRails 2.0 under Vista, which I've extracted to C:\InstantRails, I get the following error:
Either Apache or MySQL cannot run because another program is using its port.
What do I do here? MySQL server is installed fine.
InstantRails will tell you in its console exactly which one can't run with its traffic lights. It's most likely a clash between Apache and Vista's built in web server (IIS) on port 80. I'd go open up the Services list and turn IIS (may be called 'HTTP Web server' or something similar) off.
And, to be honest, as useful as InstantRails was, it's not actively maintained. Bitnami's RubyStack is a fair substitute although it's larger, takes longer to install, and doesn't have the nice pointy-clicky interface for starting mongrel instances that InstantRails (RIP) did.
