POSTGRES WINDOWS "server not listening" (beginner) - ruby-on-rails

When logging to PGadmin and trying to access my databases (linked to a Rails app) I get an error such as 'server not listening'.
My password doesn't work
Yet when unsinstalled and reinstalled Postgres it works all fine again
It happend to me already and same as above solved the problem
Can someone points what setup is lost at some point (when restarting Windows?) that a new installation reinstates ?

You should probably have to start the service each time you need it:
On Windows XP, if you were logged in as a user with administrative rights, you could simply run cmd to start what in the old days we used to call a "DOS box" and run something like this:
NET START postgresql
NET STOP postgresql


MediaWiki docker image - mysql connection problem

I'm brand new to containers and am trying to set up a MediaWiki on a Synology NAS. The Synology comes with a package for MediaWiki but it is at 1.30 and they haven't updated in a year. I need a newer version so i can use LDAP with latest extensions.
So, i found this step-by-step guide on how to install the containers with docker. I'm trying it with MediaWiki 1.34.0 and it works fine up to the point that we test connection to the mysql database - 5) Input your MySQL container name and its root password.
When i click Continue i get this error: Cannot access the database: :real_connect(): (HY000/2054): The server requested authentication method unknown to the client. Check the host, username and password and try again. If using "localhost" as the database host, try using "" instead (or vice versa).
It seems to be that the mediawiki container and the mediawiki-mysql containers aren't networked. I'm looking under network and it shows the following, so they should be able to communicate. I can ping a and address but can't figure how to get past step 5) in that go-by.
I've tried everything i can think of. Using older versions of MediaWiki (e.g. 1.31) and mysql but this connection problem is the sticking point each time. I've reached limit of my capabilities here.
It seems to be that the mediawiki container and the mediawiki-mysql containers aren't networked
Would be interesting where this assumption is coming from. From what I read from the error message, your containers can perfectly fine communicate to each other (they should, as they seem to be on the same network, given that the mediawiki-mysql container is also on a bridged network and in the same subnet).
Let's take a look at the interesting part of the error message:
The server requested authentication method unknown to the client
That looks, to me, as a misconfiguration of mysql. I assume you're using the latest version of the mysql docker container, which should be some version of mysql 8. If you now google for this, you'll find plenty of posts even on stackoverflow, like:
php mysqli_connect: authentication method unknown to the client [caching_sha2_password]
To fix this with your current dataset, you could change the authentication plugin from socket to password:
Log in as root to mysql
Run this sql command:
ALTER USER 'root'#'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password
BY 'password';
Replace 'password' with your root password. In case your application does not log in to your database with the root user, replace the 'root' user in the above command with the user that your application uses.
Or, if you're using docker-compose or can change the executed command somehow else, you could follow this answer:
Add the following line to the command:
Florian's answer put me on the right trail even though it didn't work as he initially suggested (I'm marking his as correct answer). I changed the root plugin (his item 2. above) but still did not work. So, I did the same on all of the users shown with the SELECT user, authentication_string,plugin,host FROM mysql.user;.
After, that i ran a FLUSH PRIVILEGES; and then was able to complete the MediaWiki 1.34.0 installation (via
I suspect that all i really needed to do was run that ALTER USER on the two root accounts (root#localhost and root#%) but it is working now so i'm leaving it as-is. Here is a good link that will help with these commands.

How to access phpmyadmin on DDEV Windows 10 pro localhost with SSL record too long error

I am using DDEv and Docker with Windows 10 pro to set up a localhost install of drupal 8.8 using Composer. I have set up and configured the local drupal installation (it is a fresh install) and it appears to be running correctly, but in the admin section of the drupal site I receive a warning to change write permissions of sites/default/settings.php.
I tried to change settings using Filezilla, but it appears that local files in Filezilla do not provide access to write permissions? When I right-click the file in Filezilla, no permissions option appears.
Following troubleshooting tips from ddev, I tried to access phpmyadmin at
Instead of loading phpmyadmin, I got the following error message:
Secure Connection Failed
An error occurred during a connection to SSL received a record that exceeded the maximum permissible length.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because the authenticity of the received data could not be verified.
Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
I've been searching around for a couple of hours now and do not find a solution to this. I ran ddev describe and all seems fine with the installation. The drupal site in the container seems to run okay. There are no port conflicts present so far as I have found, so I am not sure why I cannot get access to phpmyadmin.
I am a relative newbie in terms of skills, but have successfully maintained drupal 4-7 on localhost with XAMPP and my web host. Now I am wrestling with the move to drupal 8/composer/docker/ddev. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
Thank you!
Update 2022-09-14: DDEV has had https support fpr PHPMyAdmin and MailHog for years now, ddev describe will show you the URL.
(Original answer) ddev's PHPMyAdmin connection doesn't support https, just http. You can find the links for both PHPMyAdmin and MailHog using ddev describe; both are http-only, as in your example, It would be possible to provide https URLs for PHPMyAdmin and MailHog, but nobody has ever asked for them, and there's no security reason to do so.
Note that the key reason for https on the actual project URL is because real projects run behind https and people need to see problems like mixed content during the development phase. But there's no such need for PHPMyAdmin. However, I'm sure if people ever want it, we'll do it, it's not hard to do.
Just as a general add on, after ddev start you can run ddev launch -p in order to open PHPMyAdmin for the current project database in the browser.

Forgot Neo4j Server Password

Because this question was never answered, I was hoping someone could help me reset the password to connect to my neo4j password (at localhost:7474). Zachary wrote a post on solving this by someone restarting the service using:
sudo service neo4j-service restart
but I did not find this helpful. In the terminal, I ran bin/neo4j restart (which I think is the equivalent command), and was not able to reset my password.
Depending on environment and installation type you need to look for a file named auth under directory dbms and remove it.
In MacOs, for dmg installations (adjust for custom locations):
or (homebrew install)
Windows users should look for same file in the default.graphdb/dbms directory.
In Ubuntu
In docker containers
Alternatively, you might choose to disable auth in the configuration file, usually found in
and set this property to false
After doing this, you need to restart the server for changes to make effect, you will be asked for a new password.
In window machine, I deleted the auth file at following path :
Users\systemUser\Documents\Neo4j\default.graphdb\data\dbms and then I restarted the neo4j server.
Navigate to http://localhost:7474. It will ask you to enter the password for user neo4j. Enter default password (neo4j)
After this you will be navigated to change password screen. Change your password.
Note : for other operating systems auth file path may be different
I am running version 4.0.7. Many answers I found on the internet state "Delete /data/dbms/auth". That does not work for 4.0.7, that file does not exist.
I followed these instructions, and they worked.
Mainly do this:
Stop neo4j if its running
edit /etc/neo4j/neo4j.conf, and uncomment
connect to the database and run
ALTER USER neo4j SET PASSWORD 'mynewpass';
Stop neo4j
comment out the
start neo4j
For the Mac, I had to remove ~/Documents/Neo4j/default.graphdb/data/dbms/auth
Then restart the server, and reset the password.
In addition to deleting the auth file, sudo rm /data/dbms/auth, I also had to set up local port forwarding for the browser port 7474 and the bolt connector port 7687. This is due to the outbound firewall for browsers of the network I am using.
On a DB and on a Windows installation of Neo4j Desktop (others can chime in if it works on Mac and Lnx), you can simply:
stop the DB,
click anywhere along the ribbon with the DB name and the "Open" button (this is hidden until you do a mousehover on this area) - I just click the name as there's no event on that label control and
you'll see along the RHS, the "Details", "Pluggins" and "Upgrade" options - select the "Details".
at the bottom, open the "Reset DBMS password" and you're good to go.
It's a bit scary as you don't need to know the original pwd...but since this should be used only for dev tasks and/or by the dba, that seems good for my lazy needs :)

Rails still hitting old database IP, even after restarting apache

I have a Rails app on a windows machine that also has a SQLServer that it used to use as it's database.
However I am trying to transition the app to use a new SQL server on a different Windows machine.
The new Machine is reachable (ping)
After changing the database.yml file with the new IP I can go into Rails console and make queries on the new machine.
However, Running the code still queries the local(old) database.
I have restarted apache.
This is driving me nuts. Why is my code still hitting the old configuration? Do I need to restart the machine completely?
Just Try printing the TARGET_ENV and the URI that you are targeting in the Ruby code. It will tell you which IP is being hit everytime.

Problem stopping/starting MySQL Workbench

I've installed the MySQL workbench version 5.2.34 and having problems creating a local connection. I'm getting an error saying "Can't Connect to MySQL Server on'(10061)" when i try connecting to Localhost on Port 3306. I tried restarting the service but i don't have the option to stop/start/pause or resume using Windows 7. The status is just set to "starting". I also tried "net stop mysql" from the command line in DOS but get the following error: "The service is starting or stopping. Please try again later"
Does anyone know if this is another bug in the Workbench or is there a quick solution to get around this?
You can restart mysql from services. Also, check error log (by default, on Windows 7 machine it's under ...ProgramData\MySQL\MySQL Server [version]\data
Sounds like a problem with MySQL itself starting up. You may have to kill the mysqld process if nothing else gets it into a started or stopped state, and then investigate the .err logs in your data directory.
This solution uses the window's mysql installer which you have used to install your MySQL.
Even though this post is very old, I have wasted around 2 hours and hence want to post this so that it can save someone else's time.
I have tried every other way of restartring the service, but mysql service just wont start.
Start your windows mysql installer. For me it was "mysql-installer-community-"
Then remove/uninstall the SQL Server and remove all configurations
Manually delete the SQL Server folder from "C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0."
Start your mysql installer again and install the SQL Server again
You can check now that the MySqL Server has started.
