I have an application using OmniAuth for authenticating with a variety of social networking services (including Linkedin) and want to post updates. I have the following information on a user from omniauth:
linkedin_verifier: ****
linkedin_token: *****
linkedin_secret: *****
linkedin_url: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/*****
But can't figure out how to use it to post. I've taken a look at: https://github.com/pengwynn/linkedin, but it requires a request token and request secret (I seem to only have the response token and response secret) that I don't get from omniauth. Any ideas?
Have you tried authorize_from_access using the token and secret you get after omniauth?
client = LinkedIn::Client.new('your_consumer_key', 'your_consumer_secret')
client.authorize_from_access(linkedin_token, linkedin_secret)
from the link (https://github.com/pengwynn/linkedin) I found this,
You need to get your api keys first, create a client with them and then you will get your request token and response.
#get your api keys at https://www.linkedin.com/secure/developer
client = LinkedIn::Client.new('your_consumer_key', 'your_consumer_secret')
rtoken = client.request_token.token
rsecret = client.request_token.secret
I am trying to POST a payload to the web server using Simple.OData.Client in .Net application.
I have the following parameters:
Authorization = 'OAuth 2.0'
Grand Type = 'Authorization Code'
Callback URL = 'https://myserver.com/*'
Auth URL = 'https://myserver.com/auth'
Access Token URL = 'https://myserver/token'
Client ID = 'id'
Client Secret = 'secret'
Scope = 'openid'
Token Name = 'name'
I also have URL and endpoint for POST.
Using these parameters I can get Access Token and POST data successfully using Postman, the problem is to implement that on C#.
As I understand it has to be 2 steps process: get Access Token, post.
Could someone provide code for getting Access Token?
Im trying to use google oauth using the below link but get a 405 error,
Can you please let me know if the parameters are correct?
client_id = changed to a diff value
response_type = code
scope= openid%20email
redirecturl = given the value based on what I registered in console.developers.com
login_hint = my gmail id..
I made the above get requests in the browser..
There are a few steps to getting access to Google its easer for me to show you the full flow. My guess is you are stuck on step two because your not sending it as a post.
Step 1: Ask for access
https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth?client_id={clientid}.apps.googleusercontent.com&redirect_uri={From console}&scope=openid%20email&response_type=code
This just displays the window asking them to approve you. Once the user has approved access you get a one time Authentication Code.
Step 2: Exchange Authentication Code for AccessToken and RefreshToken. Note this needs to be sent as a HTTP POST not a HTTP Get.
code={Authentication Code from step 1}&client_id={ClientId}.apps.googleusercontent.com&client_secret={ClientSecret}&redirect_uri=={From console}&grant_type=authorization_code
you should get a JSon string back looking something like this.
"access_token" : "ya29.1.AADtN_VSBMC2Ga2lhxsTKjVQ_ROco8VbD6h01aj4PcKHLm6qvHbNtn-_BIzXMw",
"token_type" : "Bearer",
"expires_in" : 3600,
"refresh_token" : "1/J-3zPA8XR1o_cXebV9sDKn_f5MTqaFhKFxH-3PUPiJ4"
Now you can take that Access_token and use it to make your requests. But access tokens are only good for 1 hour and then they expire before that time you need to use the Refresh_token to get a new access token. Also if you are going to want to access your users data again you should save the refresh_token some place that will enable you to always access there data.
Step 3: Use Refreshtoken
client_id={ClientId}.apps.googleusercontent.com&client_secret={ClientSecret}&refresh_token={RefreshToken from step 2}&grant_type=refresh_token
This time you will only get the Access token back, because your refreshtoken is good until the user removes authentication or you haven't used it for 6 months.
"access_token" : "ya29.1.AADtN_XK16As2ZHlScqOxGtntIlevNcasMSPwGiE3pe5ANZfrmJTcsI3ZtAjv4sDrPDRnQ",
"token_type" : "Bearer",
"expires_in" : 3600
You can find more detailed information on this here Google 3 Legged oauth2 flow
It seems you are using wrong api, you should use https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth instead of https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token.
The reason you get error 405 is https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token can only be called by POST, and it is to get token. You need to get authorization code first and then exchange it for a token.
Please pay attention for this /oauth2/v3/token and /oauth2/token
I do follow guide of google at this link
It show me following
obtain Authentication Code by /o/oauth2/auth => it work, the response as example in the guide
obtain access token by /oauth2/v3/token => it is error, the status code 405 is responsed
The correct must be /oauth2/token
when we request by click on authorize.........
request send to the
the response come
now i hve to copy the "code" put in console like below code.....
app_id = "57070f3927deea2d38c50afa042ae0o9u0c539e4d45a79e203cd66d286f9ec8e"
secret = "1dbd541132ca2bdeb9fe83b41d24490b2be445c30fd1856e5914f6d343c4a71b"
client = OAuth2::Client.new(app_id, secret, site: "http://localhost:3000/")
client.auth_code.authorize_url(redirect_uri: callback)
access = client.auth_code.get_token('1560b332321dd2obc99ed3411c78614ce0d59c90e9264c87b7f2f179441d6b4e', redirect_uri: callback)
this how the access_token is generated...
is there a better way to get the access code from the dookeeper
This is standard way described by oauth2.0 specification for autorization code based retrieval of access token. There are other ways like implicit, password and client credentials. Check out the details in RFC and try it with Doorkeeper.
I'm working with the Zendesk API, an HTTPS-only, JSON API and authentication is required to update a resource, and the API supplies an API token to use when authenticating as different users. When updating a resource, I issue a PUT request over SSL, assign the appropriate JSON content to the request body, and specify the Content-Type request header as application/json.
Next, the API instructs its users to authenticate as the end-user by either using the user's email and password (which I can't do for several reasons) or to use the user's email address along with the API token. The following is my attempt to authorize to the API with the Authorization header:
#id = params[:id]
#comment_body = params[:comment]
uri = URI.parse "https://{subdomain}.zendesk.com/api/v2/requests/#{#id}.json"
http = Net::HTTP.new(uri.host, uri.port)
http.use_ssl = true
req = Net::HTTP::Put.new(uri.request_uri)
req.body = '{"request": {"comment":{"value":' + "\"#{#comment_body}\"" + '}}}'
req['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
#The following two lines do not work!
credentials = Base64::encode64("{user_email}/token:{api_token}")
request.headers['Authorization'] = "Basic #{credentials}"
response = http.request(req)
The API specifies that the format for authentication using the API token is {user_email}/token:{api_token}. I encoded that format with Base64::encode64 and passed it to the Authorization Header preceded with Basic, but the response is a 401 Unauthorized. However, replacing those two lines with req.basic_auth {user_email}, {user_password} works fine.
So my question is, how can I authenticate as a different user using the email and the given API token as authentication instead of supplying the user's email and password to req.basic_auth?
The googling I've done on the topic has revealed very little; apparently it's a lot more common to use the normal {username}:{password} format when dealing with the Authorization header than an API token.
Thanks in advance!!
Update: Weirdly, trying to authenticate as the end-user with req['Authorization'] = "Basic #{credentials}" does not return a 401 Unauthorized Error or a WWW-Authenticate header while trying to authorize as request.headers['Authorize'] = "Basic #{credentials}" does.
Finally figured it out after much head-banging and nearly throwing my laptop out the window. Suddenly, the answer seems incredibly obvious.
When using Net::HTTP, its basic_auth method can also accept tokens depending on the API, and the Zendesk API specifies that the format for using the API token is {email}/token:{token}. Basic authentication uses the format {username}:{password}, where the two fields are separated by a colon, meaning in Zendesk's case I can place {email}/token as the first argument and {token} as the second argument (instead of the username as the first argument and the password as the second argument), so the following code is correct:
req.basic_auth "{email}/token", "{api_token}"
I hope anyone who found this useful could leave a comment. Nice to know I spared someone from this frustration.
I have a RoR app where I am authenticating against Google using omniauth and google_oauth2 where I am requesting offline access.
How do I use my refresh token to request a current access token? Also, how can I refresh my access token when it no longer works? I don't want to have any user interface in this situation, assuming of course that the authorization hasn't been taken away.
For an example using the Ruby HTTParty gem:
Where #auth is an ActiveRecord record that stores the auth keys for the specific user you are trying to refresh tokens for.
# Refresh auth token from google_oauth2 and then requeue the job.
options = {
body: {
refresh_token: #auth.refresh_token,
grant_type: 'refresh_token'
headers: {
'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
#response = HTTParty.post('https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token', options)
if #response.code == 200
#auth.token = #response.parsed_response['access_token']
#auth.expires_in = DateTime.now + #response.parsed_response['expires_in'].seconds
Rails.logger.error("Unable to refresh google_oauth2 authentication token.")
Rails.logger.error("Refresh token response body: #{#response.body}")
I don't see anything in google_oauth2 that handles fetching a new access_token with a refresh token, so it looks like you'll need to make the exchange directly.
Google's official OAuth 2.0 documentation explains how to do this at a low level. Within your server-side code, use your favorite HTTP client to construct a request that looks like this:
POST /o/oauth2/token HTTP/1.1
Host: accounts.google.com
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
where CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET are the same ones you used for the original authentication and REFRESH_TOKEN is the refresh token from the original authentication flow. If the exchange is successful, you'll receive a fresh access token in a response that looks something like this:
You can follow this process to grab a new access token whenever you need one. You can either use the expires_in value to estimate when you will need a new one, or attempt a refresh whenever your API request responds with a 401 HTTP status.