Zynga Fontlabel is accepted by AppStore? - ios

I need to handle fonts in iOS at runtime. The only solution I found is zynga FontLabel: https://github.com/zynga/FontLabel.
I am not sure, if using this solution, will affect the acceptance of my App into AppStore. So my question is, will using this solution ruin my chance of getting my App into AppStore? Any experience with that?

FontLabel will not prevent you from getting listed on the app store. It doesn't use any private frameworks or alone violate any App Store policies.
Many apps use it on the App Store today without an issue.


How can I upload my ios app to apple store?

My iOS app is based on WebView.
I want to register this app to app store.
After submit, I can see this message from support team.
Hello,Thank you for your patience.
Regarding 4.2.0, your app provides a limited user experience as it is not sufficiently different from a mobile website. Specifically, your app does not contain any native iOS features within the app.
To resolve this issue, it would be appropriate to revise your app to provide a more robust user experience by including additional native iOS functionality..
We look forward to reviewing your resubmitted app."
How can I upload my app to app store?
My app is just to show only website on iOS webview. Just a simple app.
Please help me with this problem.
You can't.
I know this isn't the answer you were hoping for, but unless you change your app to significantly use some native iOS features, Apple will continue to decline your app. This is to ensure a minimum level of quality in the apps available. Due to this regulation, WebView-centric apps will not be accepted on the store. Please have a read on the guidelines to help you understand
If you really want to get it up on the store, you will have to add features. Otherwise, there are alternative distribution solutions that don't require publishing to the App store, but more often than not they are for businesses & in-house deployment.

Is there any way to prevent new users from downloading the app but still provide bug fixes for existing users?

I'm going to remove app form the app store but I need to provide bug fixes for existing users.
is there any way to continue to provide bug fixes to existing users even if the app is not available for download anymore on the Apple App Store?
Can't be done. I wish there was. I went through this a few years ago. I wanted to prevent new users from downloading the app but still provide bug fixes for existing users. The Apple app store doesn't support such a thing.

Get the version of an app programatically in iOS

Is there a way to get the version of other app(outside of my control) in my app? I know it may not comply with iOS sandbox rules, but is it possible to do so? And what if i can control the "other app"? All the apps mentioned will not be published on App Store, only just for our own guys.
No, and there is no reason to get it.
(Of course questions and answers asumes by default a non-jailbreaked environment)

iOS, how to support multiple languages properly

We currently have an English app on the AppStore and have decided to support another language. But I'm not sure where to start.
How should the app content be created to be able to support this? Should I just create two separate applications in their respective language and submit them both to the AppStore? Or do I have to create one app with some kind of mechanism that translates on the fly??
I somehow don't think that flooding the AppStore with multiple versions of my app would be the way to go (at least in the eyes of the Apple Review team).
Any ideas?
The usual way is to use the localization of iOS. You should not upload different apps!
See this link for a tutorial: How to localize an iPhone app

What shoud I do/know before send my first ios app to Apple App store?

What shoud I do/know before I'll send my first ios app to Apple App store? Thak you.
Test the App
Let others test your App (try to find people with different devices and iOS versions)
Check the official guidelines and make sure your App does not use private API's
And, most important: be patient, review may take more time than expected.
Be ready to wait. Patience is a virtue.
Follow official documented guidelines and you will be unlikely to encounter any problems. 99% of bad stories you've heard about the app submission process are from people who didn't.
