Use Google Charts on Blackberry - blackberry

I want to use Google charts in my Blackberry application.

Jaydeep, here is you answer. Following link shows complete source code of How to use Google chart api on BlackBerry.


Can't enable Google Slides API?

When I was trying to enable Google Slides API, the instruction tells me to go to the below address and enable the Google Slides API, but I can't find it among other Google Apps API. Does anyone know other ways to enable Google Slides API, or where I can find the Google Slides API on this console? Thanks!
You should be able to find it in the library under this URL:

Google maps api from where we get?

I want to use google maps in my ios application can anyone tell me that from where I will get google maps framework so that i can implement it in my application.
Is is free or any cost i have to pay for google map library.
Yes, you can find here in and also find below github links
Go to the Google Maps API page, and check out the iOS section for further information .
Cost depends on the sort of use I think, whether you want a premium access or not. Check the link for further details.

Search Airport code using google search api

Currently I'm building an iOS application which is having flight search feature and planning to use QPX google api for that but for airport/city code not able to find the api in google service.
Is it possible to use QPX Express api in iOS application because didn't see the way to parse the response.
Here is the link for google flight search "".Would like to know which api google has been using it for airport/city code search.
Have tried with Google Places API for iOS but don't know the way to get the airport codes.

Possible to style Google Maps SDK for iOS?

Is it possible to style the map in Google Maps SDK for iOS like in Google Maps API used in web pages?
It is not yet possible to style the map in the iOS SDK. Please file a feature request.

Impementation of google map in blackberry

I have to develop an application which involves implementation of google map in blackberry.
u can use Static google map api.. Follow the link
Google Static Maps API
