now i'm confused . .. does Adobe Flash support iOS or not? - ios

i see tons of articles on why apple doesn't support flash in iOS and why flash won't work on ipads and ipods. I see lots of flash sites not work properly when i launch them with mhy ipad but now i see articles about flash supporting iOS so are all of those other articles wrong. Can i now write an application and flash and have it work on the web in ipad and iphones ??

Flash is not supported in the browser, however, you can package up a Flash application and install it on your iOS device. This should clear things up:

No. iOS does not support flash. What's more likely is that Adobe has released a crosscompiler that translates a flash binary into a native iOS application.

As far as I'm reading it, it means you can develop applications in flash and export them for iOS, not that flash is coming to iOS.


Using Adobe Flash on iOS devices

Is there any way through which a flash content can be run on iOS devices?
I am getting two different view.
The link below says that it is possible that we can develop some flash application and run it on iOS devices.
But on the Apple website link it says running flash applications is not possible on iOS devices.
Can someone clarify if it is possible to run the flash applications on iOS?
You cannot run flash natively on iOS devices. Adobe does, however, provide a tool to run software built with flash on iOS devices.
This works in a similar way to Cordova/ Phonegap in that it takes your code and crosscompiles it into iOS code using other plugins and librarys.
As shown here:
Safari on Mac OS will support Flash
Safari on iOS won’t support Flash.
We will need to write a native iOS app to deliver the functionality

Playing flash file on iphone

I have small flash games, for now I want to create App which will pay the existing flash. I know Apple is not supporting flash, but is there any way to run flash in iPhone/iPad App?
I am pretty sure that iOS doesn't support Flash and that there is not any way to get flash running on iOS, this technology is getting depreciated and old-fashion.
I know that if you jailbreak your iOS device there was possibilities to run flash but I guess you want to share your games so this is not the right way to proceed.
A good way could be to translate your flash games to another compatible language for iOS like HTML5 (and with using something like Phonegap you could share it on multiple mobile platforms):
I've never tried those solutions so they are maybe not the best one, I advise you to look for the best way to port your flash games to make it compatible with iPhone/iPad.
As i know if you have jailbreaked your iPhone you can give a try to find some package like Frash(not flash here) from Cydia. but frash package can be used only for iphone iOS 3.2,3.2.1, 4.0, 4.0.1.

iOS: Flash based programming app for iOS?

I would like to know, Is there way to support Flash based programming app for iOS? It can be native, hybrid or web app. I like to know, is there any possibility to develop Flash based app for iOS devices? I have seen the forums and saying everywhere it is not possible, so just want to confirm before starting any development.
Thank you.
Yes, you can create multiplatform native apps with flash if you use adobe air
More info about Adobe AIR

Does Google Analytics Tracking for Flash works in packaged air application for IOS?

I'm building an air application (using adt packager) for iPad. I would like tracking some informations in my app so is it possible to embed Google Analytics library for Flash (.swc) in my packaged app ?
otherwise are there alternatives ways ?
Note: Currently, Flash tracking is available for any Flash content embedded in a web page. Tracking of data sent from Adobe Air, Shockwave, or via the Flash IDE (e.g. using Test Movie) is not supported at this time.
got this from
I am having better luck with this alternative native extension (ANE) for iOS and Android:
GAForFlash ( v1.0.1.319 did work for me when compiling with AIR and running in ADL on Windows, but seems to work intermittently when compiling and running it on an Android or iOS device. The visual debug feedback reports it always sending correctly, but half the time GA never receives the data.
Both solutions can send both pageViews and events, but neither (currently) works with the new mobile app GA profiles so you need to use a classic web profile.
It is possible. I have it running in my pure AS3 AIR project for mobile.
See there is a swc you can use there.

Flash CS5 iOs documentation

Helo folks. I am really excited about the development for iOs devices on the brand new Adobe Flash CS5. I tried searching a documentation for this, but I cannot found. How can I view the possibilities and documentations for that?
First of all, CS5's been out for a LOOONG time already. :P
Here's a simple tutorial:
I don't think there is any official Flash documentation for iOS, but I can't get to my Windows partition right now, so I can't check. If there is, it should be in the Help (F1).
But here's some official adobe content to get you started:
Adobe is actually consistently pumping out new documentation, tutorials, and examples of Adobe AIR for iOS, Android, and BlackBerry Playbook development.
Also, I think what he meant was Flash CS5.5, not CS5.
Here are some links that might help:
Developing for iOS using Flash Professional
Build iOS Applications using Flex and Flash Builder 4.5 (Video)
Mobile development using Adobe Flex 4.5 SDK and Flash Builder 4.5
Ultimately, you're developing with Adobe AIR and targeting specific, newly-available-for-targetting platforms and devices. There are many things to consider (screen sizes, device orientations, sensors, platforms, and more) and the links above should give you a starting point. The Adobe AIR Developer Center has the above links and many more to help you on your way.
