Short question about CUDA memory access - memory

hey there,
assuming I have a problem where each thread calculates something (reading some parameters out of the constant memory and using them for calculation) and than stores it to a global memory matrix. this matrix gets never read, just writing access... is there now any sense of using shared memory first to store all the calculated values in and than later write them to the global memory? I think no because the writes to global memory stay the same in complete, so the writes to shared memory just add to the writes which I had before already....

There can be, depending on the access patterns in the kernel code. Using a shared memory buffer to "stage" output can be a useful way of ensure writes are coalesced, when the naive write would not be coalesced. This was pretty crucial for performance in the first couple of generations of CUDA compatible hardware (G80/G90). In newer hardware, the case for this is a lot less strong. Fermi cards have a pretty effective L1 and L2 cache scheme which can (within reason) get close to what used to be only achievable using shared memory without any extra code.
There isn't really a general answer to this question, because it depends a lot of the specifics of what any given code does, and what target hardware it is expected to run well on.


Mapping and allocating

I am little confused with term mapping, for example, when we say mapping memory for database, it means that we assigning specific amount of memory at some memory location to that database?
Also is allocating memory synonym for reserving memory?
Very often I encounter these two terms, and they aren't so clear to me.
If someone can clarify these two terms, I will be very thankful.
This might be a question better asked to the software community at stackoverflow. However, I am a CS.
I would say that terms aren't always used accurately and precisely.
In general allocating memory is making memory available to a program for an active purpose, such as allocating memory for buffers to hold a file or in in-memory structure now.
Reserving memory is often used to mean the same thing. However, it is sometimes more passive. For example reserving memory in case their is a future requirement, or protecting against too much memory allocation for a different purpose.
Often when the term 'mapping' is used, it is for a file. It may mean exactly the same as allocating. Or it means more; mapping may be using an underlying mechanism provided by virtual memory management systems, where part of virtual memory is 'mapped' to the file, without actually reading the file into physical memory. The trick is, as the memory-mapped file is accessed, the block/page being accessed is read in 'invisibly' to the process when necessary. This uses a mechanism called demand paging. It's benefit is a program can access the file as if it is all read into memory, but only the parts actually accessed are retrieved from the persistent storage system (disk, flash, whatever), which can be a huge win if only small parts of the file are needed.
Further, it simplifies the program, which can be written as if the whole file is in memory. Instead of the application developer trying to keep track of which parts of the file have been loaded into memory, the operating system does that instead.
Even better, the Operating system can be asked to track which blocks/pages have their contents changed, and it can be asked to periodically write that back out to persistent storage. This can even further simplify the application program.
This is popular with some databases.
Mapping basically means assigning. Except we often want a 1 to 1 mapping in the case of functions. If you define the function of an object, physical or just logical, and define it's relationships and how it changes under transformation then you have mapped it.

Triggering L2 cache write to global memory on AMD GCN architecture using OpenCL

I am writing a series of test for a GPU's DRAM (global) memory. Specifically targeting AMD GCN architecture of Tahiti and Hawaii model lines. The archs have a write-back L2 caches.
What I want is to ensure that the stores to global memory are indeed written through to global memory before another thread does a read.
The barrier and mem_fence documentation in the spec states:
CLK_GLOBAL_MEM_FENCE - The barrier function will queue a memory fence to ensure correct ordering of memory operations to global memory. This can be useful when work-items, for example, write to buffer or image objects and then want to read the updated data.
However, this only enforces correct ordering. My question is does this trigger a write to global memory of the L2 cache data?
OpenCL 1.2 gives next to no control of this. The fences are very poorly defined and technically if you read carefully only affect the work-group. So most likely nothing will force the cache to flush until the kernel completes.
OpenCL 2.0 gives you full ordering control. Ordering is all you get, not explicit cache operations.
If you do a release write to all_svm_devices scope then by the time you can see that in a work-item on a different device you know that every write before it must be visible too. This may mean the cache has been flushed if the cache was not using a standard ownership-based coherence protocol.
If you release to device scope only and L2 is shared across the whole device there would be no need to flush it to guarantee that ordering.
The memory model is defined entirely in terms of ordering, not in terms of caches, but with scopes it is intended to allow efficient implementation on very relaxed cache hierarchies.

opencl - use image object with local memory

i'm trying to program with opencl.
There are two types of memory object.
one is buffer and another one is image.
some blogs and web site,white papers say 'image object is little bit faster that buffer because of cache'.
i'm trying to use image object and the reason for that is 'clamp', it will make kernel code more simpler and faster(my opinion)
my question is 'is it possible to use image object and local memory and is it faster(than using buffer object with local memory)?"
Data-> image object-> copy to local memory -> operations -> write back to other image object.
As far as i understood, i cannot use async_work_group_copy instruction for local memory in this case.
so i have to copy and synchronize manually for local memory. it will make overhead a lot.
The only real answer to that is "it depends". Most implementations don't really have a value in doing async_work_group_copy. Image reads may be slightly higher latency than buffer reads when there is a cache hit, but you may get better cache behaviour from them on some architectures. Clamping, address calculation and filtering are effectively free operations performed by dedicated hardware, that you'd have to shift into shader code when using buffers, so that reduces your read latency and may increase throughput.
If you are going to get big caching benefits from images, local memory may just get in the way. The extra cost of writing to it, synchronizing, reading from it, calculating addresses and so on may cost you.
Sadly this is just one of those things you'll have to experiment with on your target architectures.

Coping with, and minimizing, memory usage in Common Lisp (SBCL)

I have a VPS with not very much memory (256Mb) which I am trying to use for Common Lisp development with SBCL+Hunchentoot to write some simple web-apps. A large amount of memory appears to be getting used without doing anything particularly complex, and after a while of serving pages it runs out of memory and either goes crazy using all swap or (if there is no swap) just dies.
So I need help to:
Find out what is using all the memory (if it's libraries or me, especially)
Limit the amount of memory which SBCL is allowed to use, to avoid massive quantities of swapping
Handle things cleanly when memory runs out, rather than crashing (since it's a web-app I want it to carry on and try to clean up).
I assume the first two are reasonably straightforward, but is the third even possible?
How do people handle out-of-memory or constrained memory conditions in Lisp?
(Also, I note that a 64-bit SBCL appears to use literally twice as much memory as 32-bit. Is this expected? I can run a 32-bit version if it will save a lot of memory)
To limit the memory usage of SBCL, use --dynamic-space-size option (e.g.,sbcl --dynamic-space-size 128 will limit memory usage to 128M).
To find out who is using memory, you may call (room) (the function that tells how much memory is being used) at different times: at startup, after all libraries are loaded and then during work (of cource, call (sb-ext:gc :full t) before room not to measure the garbage that has not yet been collected).
Also, it is possible to use SBCL Profiler to measure memory allocation.
Find out what is using all the memory
(if it's libraries or me, especially)
Attila Lendvai has some SBCL-specific code to find out where an allocated objects comes from. Refer to and write him a private mail if needed.
Be sure to try another implementation, preferably with a precise GC (like Clozure CL) to ensure it's not an implementation-specific leak.
Limit the amount of memory which SBCL
is allowed to use, to avoid massive
quantities of swapping
Already answered by others.
Handle things cleanly when memory runs
out, rather than crashing (since it's
a web-app I want it to carry on and
try to clean up).
256MB is tight, but anyway: schedule a recurring (maybe 1s) timed thread that checks the remaining free space. If the free space is less than X then use exec() to replace the current SBCL process image with a new one.
If you don't have any type declarations, I would expect 64-bit Lisp to take twice the space of a 32-bit one. Even a plain (small) int will use a 64-bit chunk of memory. I don't think it'll use less than a machine word, unless you declare it.
I can't help with #2 and #3, but if you figure out #1, I suspect it won't be a problem. I've seen SBCL/Hunchentoot instances running for ages. If I'm using an outrageous amount of memory, it's usually my own fault. :-)
I would not be surprised by a 64-bit SBCL using twice the meory, as it will probably use a 64-bit cell rather than a 32-bit one, but couldn't say for sure without actually checking.
Typical things that keep memory hanging around for longer than expected are no-longer-useful references that still have a path to the root allocation set (hash tables are, I find, a good way of letting these things linger). You could try interspersing explicit calls to GC in your code and make sure to (as far as possible) not store things in global variables.

Determine whether memory location is in CPU cache

It is possible for an operating system to determine whether a page of memory is in DRAM or in swap; for example, simply try to access it and if a page fault occurs, it wasn't.
However, is the same thing possible with CPU cache?
Is there any efficient way to tell whether a given memory location has been loaded into a cache line, or to know when it does so?
In general, I don't think this is possible. It works for DRAM and the pagefile since that is an OS managed resource, cache is managed by the CPU itself.
The OS could do a tight timing loop of a memory read and try to see if it completes fast enough to be in the cache or if it had to go out to main memory - this would be very error prone.
On multi-core/multi-proc systems, there are cache coherency protocols that are used between processors to determine when to they need to invalidate each other's caches, I suppose you could have a custom device that would snoop this protocol that the OS would query.
What are you trying to do? If you want to force something into memory, current x86 processors support prefetching memory into the cache in a non-blocking way, for instance with Visual C++ you could use _mm_prefetch to fetch a line into the cache.
I haven't done this myself, so use at your own risk. To determine cache misses for profiling, you may be able to use some architecture-specific registers., Appendix A gives "Performance Tuning Events". This can't be used to determine if an individual address is in the cache or when it is loaded in the cache, but can be used for overall stats. I believe this is what vTune (a phenomenal profiler for this level) uses.
If you try to determine this yourself then the very act of running your program could invalidate the relevant cache lines, hence rendering your measurements useless.
This is one of those cases that mirrors the scientific principle that you cannot measure something without affecting that which you are measuring.
dont know how to tell if address IS in cache
BUT here is how to tell if address WAS in cache
save timestamp
mov eax,address
rdtsc read timestamp counter
calculate timestamp difference
if < threshold then was in cache
threshold has to be determined from documentation or empirically
some machines have cache hit/miss counters which would serve equally well
