Is Possible to integrate small cocos2d-x 3.2 game inside existing IOS application using swift 3? - ios

Hello friends is it possible to create a game using cocos2dx 3.x , Swift.If this is possible than how can i integrate my game inside my native IOS application using swift3.Please Guide me.

Sure, that's quite possible since cocos2d-x will work on a OpenGLES view. And also xCode understands C++.
But it will be a bit tricky to add ; you need to handle all of build configurations with large cocos2d-x library etc.


iOS Plugin Unity

I am currently working on a augmented reality project. I would like to place some virtual objects on a human body. Therefore I created an iOS facetracking app(with openCV; C++) which I want to use as a plugin for Unity. Is there a way to build a framework from an existing iOS app? Or do I have to create a new Xcode project and create a cocoa touch framework and copy paste the code from the app into this framework? I am a little bit confused here. Will the framework have camera access?
My idea was to track the position of a face and to send the position to unity, so that I can place some objects on it. But I do not know how to do that. Can anybody help?
nice greets.
as far as I know you need to make your Unity project, and use assets like OpenCV, but it doesn´t allow you to track the human body (without markers).
About building a fremwork starting from an iOS app, first time I heard that!

Integrate Swift into an exported Unity project instead of using Objective C?

I am currently starting an iOS project and I want to use Unity as the primary drive for the project. Currently when you export Unity as an exported project, I am only given Objective-C.
How do I make a Unity based project using primarily Swift?
This seems extremely complicated as Objective-C can develop in top level and most of Unity is involved with the top level, how can I use Swift in this project? I am planning on using most of the Unity in Objective C and most of the front end GUI on Swift.
After a good couple of days hammering at this, it is possible. The main pitfalls was of course how the linking and the compilation process that Objective-C and Swift have to interact in order to do so:
Create an AppDelegate in Swift, subclassing UnityAppController and utilizing startUnity instead of Application(..)
Bridge between Swift and ObjectiveC using Unity's generated and the bridging headers
Create an Objective-C wrapper whose sole responsibility is to communicate between the Swift project and the Unity project
As follows here:
UPDATE July 11th 2016: There is also another guide, which I have since started using for my app development moving forward: This is a different approach and also largely more maintainable due to the easily configurable unity.xcconfig (To get through most of the project config headaches) strat used here

How to use Cocos2d-Swift in existing project

I got an existing Objective-C project. Now I decided to rewrite some code and add Cocos2d to it. I know this framework for a long time and I recently discovered that they stopped the support for Cocos2d and created a new version called Cocos2d-x. There I found the Swift library and I asked me how to use the Cocos2d-Swift framework in my existing Objective-C project ? A step by step tutorial would be great. I searched a bit in the internet and found this:
Stackoverflow Link
But since the post is from 2011 it does not cover how to add the swift library, since Swift wasn't introduced at this moment.
Cocos2d-swift is a bit of a misnomer : it is currently written in objective-c. The software is now distributed with SpriteBuilder, that is why there is no '' as there used to be. So integrating it into your project should not be too difficult. Use SpriteBuilder (from the AppStore) to create a 'blank' SB project, and see how cocos2d is integrated in there. Then, what you see is what you integrate !
caveat : Cocos2d is now ARC, so it is best your project defaults ARC. Otherwise you will have to do a lot of Xcode click-click-click to make the reference count strategy file specific.

combining flex UI with native objective c into single ios application

I am running out of time can anyone suggest me a good solution for my problem
I am working in a ios project in which they have a UI designed already in flex a year ago..Now I have done all the backend coding with objective-c using apple native (IDE) xcode ,Now i dont know how I am going to combine the flex UI with the backend Objective c coding to integrate into a single application.
With Adobe Native Extensions you can do it, but I warn you, it'll be a hard game to get it start.

Corona SDK and IBOutlets

Somebody correct me if im wrong.
There is no way (at least no supported way) to create a View/Windows based iPhone app using the Corona SDK?
I say this mainly because i see no way to work with IBOutlets (anything related to the interface builder). Which makes me believe Corona is not converting anything to Objective C, but rather converts the Lua script to C/C++.
The latest new feature in Corona (currently available only to subscribers) is Corona UI, which emulates most of the native UI components:
Note that I say "emulated." It's still not connecting to IBOutlets but it may accomplish what you want.
Corona UI supports most of the native UI components, you can also include widget_iOS for other native components of iOS otherwise you can create your own custom objects.
We can achieve it using Corona Enterprise edition. It has all the option to bridging between LUA and C/C++, lua and objective-C or LUA AND JAVA.
Corona Enterprise provides feature to work in Xcode- objective-C environment to execute same functionalities in corona apps.
Hope this helps for your question.
