Blackberry jre configuration - blackberry

I am new to that Blackberry development platform.
I installed eclipse plugin for blackberry successfully.
Now when creating the project its showing no jre click configure jre when clicked and configure and select whenever option its shows the same error then I go to that update site and install the sdk but after downloading its shows error like
An error occurred while collecting items to be installed
session context was:(profile=SDKProfile..
Please help me create my first BB app here.
Can't send more logs because I have 9 reputation and require 10 reputation for adding hyperlinks

Well, try this out
Remove BlackBerry plugin from Eclipse, shut eclipse down.
Next go to BlackBerry developer website (register, its free I think), get the correct SDK your handset has, install it.
Add the home directory of this SDK to your path.
Now launch Eclipse, go get the BlackBerry plugin and install it. Now try creating a BlackBerry project, it should work.
If it doesnt, try running one of the sample apps that get shipped with the SDK in Eclipse, say the "Hello World" app. If it works, modify it for your project.


Unity iOS support, installation failed

I am trying to use Unity to create an iOS app. I used Unity Hub to install Unity. I then opened Unity, went to File-Build Settings. I click on iOS, and it says "No iOS module loaded", so I clicked on the "Open Download page". I downloaded UnitySetup-iOS-Support-for-Editor-2018.4.7f1 and ran it. It looks like everything is going smoothly, and right at the end I get the message in the attached screen shot.
I have tried closing Xcode and Unity. I have tried restarting my computer. I have done several Google searches, but I haven't found anything that helps. Does anyone have any ideas?
I suspect the installation path got messed up.
You have to use the Unity Hub to install additional packages.
Go to Installs, click the 3 vertical dots and select Add Modules.
I had a similar problem with tvOS support and it seems that if you don’t have Unity installed to /Applications/Unity, installing addons will fail. (I had it in /Applications/Unity-2019.4.7f1.)
I moved my Unity to /Applications/Unity, installed the addon, and then moved Unity back.
The accepted answer did not work for me.
However, what did the job (Unity 2018, Unityhub 3.4.1) was copying the installed /Applications/Unity/PlaybackEngines to the current /Applications/Unity-[2018....]/PlaybackEngines

Selected folder doesn't contain a config.xml in phonegap

I am using windows 7 .my antivirus is now disabled. I want to build a hybrid app. i downloaded phone gap. when i creating new phone gap project their shows "Selected folder doesn't contain a config.xml ". I tried lot of time but i cant able to create a project .after seeing this message selected folder contain 4 folders but it is empty. I want to built a hybrid app but i am stuck in beginning please help me to solve problem.
i am attaching screenshot of project creation and error message .1st screen shot is how i created project.2nd one is error message when i click create project.3rd one is empty folders created in selected folder for creating project.
When i select a folder with config file it show below error...
It helped me to create the project through the PhoneGap CLI and then just add the project in the Gui. That worked for me
Install phonegap Cli with npm: npm install -g phonegap#latest
Go to your project folder and create the project: phonegap create testproject
Start the PhoneGap Desktop App and add the existing project
We've pinpointed the issue, there seems to be have been a recent change to the template and it seems to have a compatibility issue with the connect-phonegap create API which is used by PhoneGap Desktop to create projects.
We're currently working on a fix.
In the mean time you can also use the PhoneGap CLI as an alternative.

how to run application on real device in blackberry?

I have installed Blackberry on Windows7. I got all three .csi files from BB. I have done all the procedures and got a successful response from there. Then i right clicked my project and clicked on "sign with signature tool". After signing i loaded this project on Blackberry Bold Device.
Now My Device Shows the installed icon on screen but when i try to open this project it says that "attempts to access a secure api." how to resolve this problem.
For resolving this problem i have also Disabled my UAC. I am working on eclipse Helios.I installed Blackberry Plugin with this exe file. "BlackBerry_JDE_PluginFull_1.5.0_helios" is there a problem with this setup.
I am not able to launch a simple helloworld application on Device. I have tried all the help from internet but still i have not succeeded. plz help to resolve this critical issue.
You need to sign your application. Contact RIM for signing keys. Install them and sign your app before installing on actual device.
Check this link to obtain signing keys:

Code Signing Failure Blackberry Ant tools

I am using phonegap and sencha touch to build mobile applications. I have successfully built Android and iOS application. When it comes to blackberry application, I am using the procedure given at phonegap docs.
I can able build and deploy application on to the simulator. But when it comes to code signing it always getting failed.
When I run the command "ant build" the signature tools pops up and closes successfully, I even get 75 emails to my inbox.
Note: I have only sigtool.csk and sigtool.db. Is this the problem?
Any Suggestions?
Well at last I got the solution. If you get a code signing error which does not specify any details, just uninstall and reinstall Java, Blackberry web works and Ripple emulator in the same order. It works for me.

how to Run two BlackBerry simulators in windows eclipse?

How to Run two instance of BlackBerry simulator in windows eclipse?
The documentation regarding developing with BlackBerry Messenger indicates that you can run two simulators at once, at least with the simulators that come bundled with the BBM SDK.
You cannot. If you try, you will get an error message saying only one simulator can run at a time.
What you need to do is:
Install the blackberry eclipse plugins twice and make two
workspace of each eclipse.
Run the two simulators in each eclipse and error like "could not
open port 19780 and it is use by another program....." will pop
out in one of your simulator.
So made the changes in pin,
data-port values in .bat files, files inside
MDS and fledge-settings.conf in one of your simulator... but this
changes will not be reflected on your eclipse.
So what you need to do is, when you click the debug configuration from your
eclipse, you will see the simulator option there. So, click the simulator and change the PIN value, whatever you have made the changes in .bat files.. and just after that in the simulator you will again find the option of network, there unselect the disable registration button...once all this changes is made click apply and restart your eclipse... this will surely solved your problem
