Using Weka for Game Playing - machine-learning

I am doing a project where I have neural networks (or other algorithms) play each other in poker. After each win or loss, I want the neural network (or other algorithm) to update in response to the error of the loss (how this is calculated is unimportant here).
Weka is very nice and I don't want to reinvent the wheel. However, Weka's API seems primarily designed to train from a dataset. Game playing doesn't use a dataset. Rather, the network plays, and then I want it to update itself based on its loss.
Is it possible to use the Weka API to update a network instead of a dataset but on one instance and do this over and over again? I'm I thinking about this right?
The other idea I also want to implement is use a genetic algorithm to update the weights in a neural network, instead of the backpropogation algorithm. As far as I can tell, there is no way to manually specify the weights of a neural network in Weka. This, of course, is vital if using a genetic algorithm for this purpose.
Please help :) Thank you.

Normally weka learning algorithms are batch learning algoritms. What you need are incremental classifier.
From weka docs
Most classifiers need to see all the data before they can be trained, e.g., J48 or SMO. But there are also schemes that can be trained in an incremental fashion, not just in batch mode. All classifiers implementing the weka.classifiers.UpdateableClassifier interface are able to process data in such a way.
See UpdateableClassifier interface to which classifiers implement it.
Also you may look MOA Massive Online Analysis tool which is closely related with weka and all of its classifiers are incremental due to constraints of online learning.

Weka, as far as I can tell, does not do online learning (which is what you're asking about).
It might be better to investigate using competitive analysis for your game.

You may have to reinvent the wheel here. I don't think it's a bad use of time.
I'm currently implementing a learning classifier system, which is pretty simple. I'd also advise looking into these kinds of algorithms. There is an implementation on the internet, but I still prefer to code my own.


When to use supervised or unsupervised learning?

Which are the fundamental criterias for using supervised or unsupervised learning?
When is one better than the other?
Is there specific cases when you can only use one of them?
If you a have labeled dataset you can use both. If you have no labels you only can use unsupervised learning.
It´s not a question of "better". It´s a question of what you want to achieve. E.g. clustering data is usually unsupervised – you want the algorithm to tell you how your data is structured. Categorizing is supervised since you need to teach your algorithm what is what in order to make predictions on unseen data.
See 1.
On a side note: These are very broad questions. I suggest you familiarize yourself with some ML foundations.
Good podcast for example here:
Very good book / notebooks by Jake VanderPlas:
Depends on your needs. If you have a set of existing data including the target values that you wish to predict (labels) then you probably need supervised learning (e.g. is something true or false; or does this data represent a fish or cat or a dog? Simply put - you already have examples of right answers and you are just telling the algorithm what to predict). You also need to distinguish whether you need a classification or regression. Classification is when you need to categorize the predicted values into given classes (e.g. is it likely that this person develops a diabetes - yes or no? In other words - discrete values) and regression is when you need to predict continuous values (1,2, 4.56, 12.99, 23 etc.). There are many supervised learning algorithms to choose from (k-nearest neighbors, naive bayes, SVN, ridge..)
On contrary - use the unsupervised learning if you don't have the labels (or target values). You're simply trying to identify the clusters of data as they come. E.g. k-Means, DBScan, spectral clustering..)
So it depends and there's no exact answer but generally speaking you need to:
Collect and see you data. You need to know your data and only then decide which way you choose or what algorithm will best suite your needs.
Train your algorithm. Be sure to have a clean and good data and bear in mind that in case of unsupervised learning you can skip this step as you don't have the target values. You test your algorithm right away
Test your algorithm. Run and see how well your algorithm behaves. In case of supervised learning you can use some training data to evaluate how well is your algorithm doing.
There are many books online about machine learning and many online lectures on the topic as well.
Depends on the data set that you have.
If you have target feature in your hand then you should go for supervised learning. If you don't have then it is a unsupervised based problem.
Supervised is like teaching the model with examples. Unsupervised learning is mainly used to group similar data, it plays a major role in feature engineering.
Thank you..

Tensorflow: Use case for determining a dose of medication

I'm new to machine learning and trying to figure out where to start and how to apply it to my app.
My app is pulling a bunch of health metrics and based on all of them is suggesting a dose of medication (some abstract medication, doesn't matter) to take. Taking a medication is affecting health metrics and I can see if my suggestion was right of if it needs adjustments to be more precise the next time. Medications are being taken constantly so I have a lot of results and data to work with.
Does that seem like a good case for machine learning and using some of neural networks to train and make better predictions? If so - could you recommend an example for Tensorflow or Keras?
So far I only found image recognition examples and not sure how to apply similar algorithms to my problem.
I'm also a beginner into machine learning, but based on my knowledge, one way would be to use supervised learning with Keras, which uses Tensorflow as a backend. Keras is a lot easier to program than Tensorflow, but eventually Tensorflow might as well do the trick (depending on your familiarity with machine learning libraries).
You mentioned that your algorithm suggests medication based on data (from the patient).
One way to predict medication is to store all your preexisting data in a CSV file, and use the CSV module to read it. This tutorial covers the basics of reading CSV files (
Next, you can store the data in a multi-dimensional array, and run a neural network through it. Just make sure that you have sufficiently enough data (the more the better) in comparison with the size of your neural network.
Another way, as you mentioned, would be using Convolutional Neural Networks, which theoretically could and should work, but I have very little experience programming them, so I'm afraid I can't give you any advice for that (you can program CNNs in both Keras and Tensorflow).
I do wish you good luck in your project!

Use feedback or reinforcement in machine learning?

I am trying to solve some classification problem. It seems many classical approaches follow a similar paradigm. That is, train a model with some training set and than use it to predict the class labels for new instances.
I am wondering if it is possible to introduce some feedback mechanism into the paradigm. In control theory, introducing a feedback loop is an effective way to improve system performance.
Currently a straight forward approach on my mind is, first we start with a initial set of instances and train a model with them. Then each time the model makes a wrong prediction, we add the wrong instance into the training set. This is different from blindly enlarge the training set because it is more targeting. This can be seen as some kind of negative feedback in the language of control theory.
Is there any research going on with the feedback approach? Could anyone shed some light?
There are two areas of research that spring to mind.
The first is Reinforcement Learning. This is an online learning paradigm that allows you to get feedback and update your policy (in this instance, your classifier) as you observe the results.
The second is active learning, where the classifier gets to select examples from a pool of unclassified examples to get labelled. The key is to have the classifier choose the examples for labelling which best improve its accuracy by choosing difficult examples under the current classifier hypothesis.
I have used such feedback for every machine-learning project I worked on. It allows to train on less data (thus training is faster) than by selecting data randomly. The model accuracy is also improved faster than by using randomly selected training data. I'm working on image processing (computer vision) data so one other type of selection I'm doing is to add clustered false (wrong) data instead of adding every single false data. This is because I assume I will always have some fails, so my definition for positive data is when it is clustered in the same area of the image.
I saw this paper some time ago, which seems to be what you are looking for.
They are basically modeling classification problems as Markov decision processes and solving using the ACLA algorithm. The paper is much more detailed than what I could write here, but ultimately they are getting results that outperform the multilayer perceptron, so this looks like a pretty efficient method.

How to approach a machine learning programming competition

Many machine learning competitions are held in Kaggle where a training set and a set of features and a test set is given whose output label is to be decided based by utilizing a training set.
It is pretty clear that here supervised learning algorithms like decision tree, SVM etc. are applicable. My question is, how should I start to approach such problems, I mean whether to start with decision tree or SVM or some other algorithm or is there is any other approach i.e. how will I decide?
So, I had never heard of Kaggle until reading your post--thank you so much, it looks awesome. Upon exploring their site, I found a portion that will guide you well. On the competitions page (click all competitions), you see Digit Recognizer and Facial Keypoints Detection, both of which are competitions, but are there for educational purposes, tutorials are provided (tutorial isn't available for the facial keypoints detection yet, as the competition is in its infancy. In addition to the general forums, competitions have forums also, which I imagine is very helpful.
If you're interesting in the mathematical foundations of machine learning, and are relatively new to it, may I suggest Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning. It's no cakewalk, but it's much friendlier than its counterparts, without a loss of rigor.
I found the tutorials page on Kaggle, which seems to be a summary of all of their tutorials. Additionally, scikit-learn, a python library, offers a ton of descriptions/explanations of machine learning algorithms.
This cheatsheet is a good starting point. In my experience using several algorithms at the same time can often give better results, eg logistic regression and svm where the results of each one have a predefined weight. And test, test, test ;)
There is No Free Lunch in data mining. You won't know which methods work best until you try lots of them.
That being said, there is also a trade-off between understandability and accuracy in data mining. Decision Trees and KNN tend to be understandable, but less accurate than SVM or Random Forests. Kaggle looks for high accuracy over understandability.
It also depends on the number of attributes. Some learners can handle many attributes, like SVM, whereas others are slow with many attributes, like neural nets.
You can shrink the number of attributes by using PCA, which has helped in several Kaggle competitions.

Can neural bots trained by a neural network be used for the following purpose?

Hey I have a task to perform, which is basically to somehow retrieve powerpoint presentations or pdf documents pertaining to a certain field. Let's say I want to retrieve ppt and pdf lecture notes pertaining to bioinformatics field. I would like to know if this task can be achieved by adapting the approach of using neural bots trained by a neural network? Just wanted to confirm that this approach is not completely wrong before I proceeded further with my implementation.
And in case someone is wondering why a neural network or any learning algorithm at all is required in this case well here is my plan (which might be wrong or there might be an easier way to achieve this so please feel free to correct me):
I generate neural bots trained by a neural network (not sure how this training happens yet, I am assuming by supervised learning using a sample training set of certain ppt and pdf files) and then these bots retrieve pages that are similar to what they learnt through their training.
So is the above approach a correct way to go about completing this task?
Neural nets are complicated. It seems like you have a generic document classification problem. The simplest place to start is using some kind of naive bayes model with bag of word features. The next step I'd take from there is to use a linear SVM or logistic regression on the same feature set. If you still don't have the performance you want after you tried simpler things, maybe then go on to try using neural nets.
Just like you wouldn't say, I want to do write an email server, I'll start by writing an operating system, I'd tend to be wary of using neural nets before simpler things have failed.
