I found the following piece of code in the fantomas library for F#. I am having a hard time understanding this as an F# noob. From what I understand, it's a custom operator that takes 3 arguments, but why would an operator need 3 arguments? And what exactly is happening here?
/// Function composition operator
let internal (+>) (ctx: Context -> Context) (f: _ -> Context) x =
let y = ctx x
match y.WriterModel.Mode with
| ShortExpression infos when
|> Seq.exists (fun x -> x.ConfirmedMultiline)
| _ -> f y
Here's an example of how fantomas uses this operator in ther CodePrinter module.
let short =
genExpr astContext e1
+> sepSpace
+> genInfixOperator "=" operatorExpr
+> sepSpace
+> genExpr astContext e2
Operators behave a lot like function names:
let (++) a b c d =
a + b + c + d
(++) 1 2 3 4
One difference is that operators can be used infix. An operator with more than 2 arguments allows infix only for the first 2 arguments:
// the following is equal:
let f = (++) 1 2 // like a function name
let f = 1 ++ 2 // with infix
f 50 60
I did not find how fantomas uses the operator you mention, would be curious, in particular since fantomas is a high profile f# project.
It might be instructive to compare this to the regular function composition operator, >>. The definition for this is:
let (>>) (f : a' -> b') (g : b' -> c') (x : a') =
g ( f x )
Esentially, it applies f to x, and then applies g to the result.
If we have the following functions:
let plusOne i = i + 1
let timesTwo j = j * 2
And apply it the following way:
let plusOneTimesTwo = plusOne >> timesTwo
What we're really doing is something like this:
let plusOneTimesTwo = (>>) plusOne timesTwo
When you don't supply all of the necessary arguments to a function (in this case, x), what you get is a function that takes the remaining arguments and then returns what the original function would return (this is partial application.) In this case, plusOneTimesTwo's function signature is now x : int -> int.
The example you've listed is essentially the same thing, but it's performing additional logic to determine whether it wants to apply the second function to the result y or to return it as-is.
I am wondering if there is a way to write this line without piping h to calcVol function twice?
| h :: t when (h |> calcVol) > maxVol -> maxLoop t (h |> calcVol)
Where h is a tuple containing three dimensions, and calcVol returns a float value.
I know that I could explicitly define a vol value as:
| h :: t ->
let vol = calcVol h
if vol > maxVol then...
I am wondering if there is a way to do this nicely in one line?
If all the uses of vol were before the arrow, you could do this:
| h :: t when let vol = (h |> calcVol) in vol > maxVol -> // Something
But let assignments in the when clause left of the arrow do not carry over to the right-hand side. Demonstration:
let f x = x + 5
let l = [1; 2]
match l with
| a :: b when let y = f a in y = 6 -> "Six"
| _ -> "Other"
This works, and returns "Six". But:
let f x = x + 5
let l = [1; 2]
match l with
| a :: b when let y = f a in y = 6 -> sprintf "Six = %d" y
| _ -> "Other"
This does not work, producing the error:
error FS0039: The value or constructor 'y' is not defined.
So unfortunately, you can't have the one-line version you want and you'll have to go with the longer approach (with a let followed by an if, as you demonstrate in the second half of your answer).
Using active patterns a solution could look like this:
let calcVol v = v
let (|MaxVol|) maxVol = function
| [] -> (maxVol, [])
| h :: t -> ((max (calcVol h) maxVol), t)
let rec maxLoop list m =
match list with
| [] -> m
| MaxVol m (c, t) -> maxLoop t c
let vs = [ -1; 42; 3 ]
maxLoop vs System.Int32.MinValue // 42
Another possibility with better readability might be to first calculate the volumes (e.g. by mapping) and then find the maximum. Difficult to tell without the complete code...
Is there a concise functional way to rename columns of a Deedle data frame f?
f.RenameColumns(...) is usable, but mutates the data frame it is applied to, so it's a bit of a pain to make the renaming operation idempotent. I have something like f.RenameColumns (fun c -> ( if c.IndexOf( "_" ) < 0 then c else c.Substring( 0, c.IndexOf( "_" ) ) ) + "_renamed"), which is ugly.
What would be nice is something that creates a new frame from the input frame, like this: Frame( f |> Frame.cols |> Series.keys |> Seq.map someRenamingFunction, f |> Frame.cols |> Series.values ) but this gets tripped up by the second part -- the type of f |> Frame.cols |> Series.values is not what is required by the Frame constructor.
How can I concisely transform f |> Frame.cols |> Series.values so that its result is edible by the Frame constructor?
You can determine its function when used with RenameColumns:
df.RenameColumns someRenamingFunction
You can also use the function Frame.mapColKeys.
Builds a new data frame whose columns are the results of applying the
specified function on the columns of the input data frame. The
function is called with the column key and object series that
represents the column data.
type Record = {Name:string; ID:int ; Amount:int}
let data =
{Name = "Joe"; ID = 51; Amount = 50};
{Name = "Tomas"; ID = 52; Amount = 100};
{Name = "Eve"; ID = 65; Amount = 20};
let df = Frame.ofRecords data
let someRenamingFunction s =
sprintf "%s(%i)" s s.Length
df.Format() |> printfn "%s"
let ndf = df |> Frame.mapColKeys someRenamingFunction
ndf.Format() |> printfn "%s"
df.RenameColumns someRenamingFunction
df.Format() |> printfn "%s"
Name ID Amount
0 -> Joe 51 50
1 -> Tomas 52 100
2 -> Eve 65 20
Name(4) ID(2) Amount(6)
0 -> Joe 51 50
1 -> Tomas 52 100
2 -> Eve 65 20
Name(4) ID(2) Amount(6)
0 -> Joe 51 50
1 -> Tomas 52 100
2 -> Eve 65 20
I'm trying to create an infinite Stream in F# that contains armstrong numbers. An armstrong number is one whose cubes of its digits add up to the number. For example, 153 is an armstrong number because 1^3 + 5^3 + 3^3 = 153. so far, I have created several functions to help me do so. They are:
type 'a stream = Cons of 'a * (unit -> 'a stream);;
let rec upfrom n = Cons (n, fun() -> upfrom (n+1));;
let rec toIntArray = function
| 0 -> []
| n -> n % 10 :: toIntArray (n / 10);;
let rec makearmstrong = function
| [] -> 0
| y::ys -> (y * y * y) + makearmstrong ys;;
let checkarmstrong n = n = makearmstrong(toIntArray n);;
let rec take n (Cons(x,xsf)) =
match n with
| 0 -> []
| _ -> x :: take (n-1)(xsf());;
let rec filter p (Cons (x, xsf)) =
if p x then Cons (x, fun() -> filter p (xsf()))
else filter p (xsf());;
And finally:
let armstrongs = filter (fun n -> checkarmstrong n)(upfrom 1);;
Now, when I do take 4 armstrongs;;, (or any number less than 4) this works perfectly and gives me [1;153;370;371] but if I do take 5 armstrongs;;nothing happens, it seems like the program freezes.
I believe the issue is that there are no numbers after 407 that are the sums of their cubes (see http://oeis.org/A046197), but when your code evaluates the equivalent of take 1 (Cons(407, filter checkarmstrong (upfrom 408))) it's going to force the evaluation of the tail and filter will recurse forever, never finding a matching next element. Also note that your definition of Armstrong numbers differs from, say, Wikipedia's, which states that the power the digits are raised to should be the number of digits in the number.
let rec f n =
match n with
| 0 | 1 | 2 -> 1
| _ -> f (n - 2) + f (n - 3)
Without CPS or Memoization, how could it be made tail recursive?
let f n = Seq.unfold (fun (x, y, z) -> Some(x, (y, z, x + y))) (1I, 1I, 1I)
|> Seq.nth n
Or even nicer:
let lambda (x, y, z) = x, (y, z, x + y)
let combinator = Seq.unfold (lambda >> Some) (1I, 1I, 1I)
let f n = combinator |> Seq.nth n
To get what's going on here, refer this snippet. It defines Fibonacci algorithm, and yours is very similar.
UPD There are three components here:
The lambda which gets i-th element;
The combinator which runs recursion over i; and
The wrapper that initiates the whole run and then picks up the value (from a triple, like in #Tomas' code).
You have asked for a tail-recursive code, and there are actually two ways for that: make your own combinator, like #Tomas did, or utilize the existing one, Seq.unfold, which is certainly tail-recursive. I preferred the second approach as I can split the entire code into a group of let statements.
The solution by #bytebuster is nice, but he does not explain how he created it, so it will only help if you're solving this specific problem. By the way, your formula looks a bit like Fibonacci (but not quite) which can be calculated analytically without any looping (even without looping hidden in Seq.unfold).
You started with the following function:
let rec f0 n =
match n with
| 0 | 1 | 2 -> 1
| _ -> f0 (n - 2) + f0 (n - 3)
The function calls f0 for arguments n - 2 and n - 3, so we need to know these values. The trick is to use dynamic programming (which can be done using memoization), but since you did not want to use memoization, we can write that by hand.
We can write f1 n which returns a three-element tuple with the current and two past values values of f0. This means f1 n = (f0 (n - 2), f0 (n - 1), f0 n):
let rec f1 n =
match n with
| 0 -> (0, 0, 1)
| 1 -> (0, 1, 1)
| 2 -> (1, 1, 1)
| _ ->
// Here we call `f1 (n - 1)` so we get values
// f0 (n - 3), f0 (n - 2), f0 (n - 1)
let fm3, fm2, fm1 = (f1 (n - 1))
(fm2, fm1, fm2 + fm3)
This function is not tail recurisve, but it only calls itself recursively once, which means that we can use the accumulator parameter pattern:
let f2 n =
let rec loop (fm3, fm2, fm1) n =
match n with
| 2 -> (fm3, fm2, fm1)
| _ -> loop (fm2, fm1, fm2 + fm3) (n - 1)
match n with
| 0 -> (0, 0, 1)
| 1 -> (0, 1, 1)
| n -> loop (1, 1, 1) n
We need to handle arguments 0 and 1 specially in the body of fc. For any other input, we start with initial three values (that is (f0 0, f0 1, f0 2) = (1, 1, 1)) and then loop n-times performing the given recursive step until we reach 2. The recursive loop function is what #bytebuster's solution implements using Seq.unfold.
So, there is a tail-recursive version of your function, but only because we could simply keep the past three values in a tuple. In general, this might not be possible if the code that calculates which previous values you need does something more complicated.
Better even than a tail recursive approach, you can take advantage of matrix multiplication to reduce any recurrence like that to a solution that uses O(log n) operations. I leave the proof of correctness as an exercise for the reader.
module NumericLiteralG =
let inline FromZero() = LanguagePrimitives.GenericZero
let inline FromOne() = LanguagePrimitives.GenericOne
// these operators keep the inferred types from getting out of hand
let inline ( + ) (x:^a) (y:^a) : ^a = x + y
let inline ( * ) (x:^a) (y:^a) : ^a = x * y
let inline dot (a,b,c) (d,e,f) = a*d+b*e+c*f
let trans ((a,b,c),(d,e,f),(g,h,i)) = (a,d,g),(b,e,h),(c,f,i)
let map f (x,y,z) = f x, f y, f z
type 'a triple = 'a * 'a * 'a
// 3x3 matrix type
type 'a Mat3 = Mat3 of 'a triple triple with
static member inline ( * )(Mat3 M, Mat3 N) =
let N' = trans N
map (fun x -> map (dot x) N') M
|> Mat3
static member inline get_One() = Mat3((1G,0G,0G),(0G,1G,0G),(0G,0G,1G))
static member (/)(Mat3 M, Mat3 N) = failwith "Needed for pown, but not supported"
let inline f n =
// use pown to get O(log n) time
let (Mat3((a,b,c),(_,_,_),(_,_,_))) = pown (Mat3 ((0G,1G,0G),(0G,0G,1G),(1G,1G,0G))) n
a + b + c
// this will take a while...
let bigResult : bigint = f 1000000