Reducing Redmine's memory usage - Low Hanging Fruit - ruby-on-rails

I am running a Redmine instance with Passenger and Nginx. With only a handful of issues in the database, Redmine consumes over 80mb of RAM.
Can anyone share tips for reducing Redmine's memory usage. The Redmine instance is used by 3 people and I am willing to sacrifice on speed.

There are not really and low hanging fruits. And if there were, we would've already included and activated them by default.
80 MB RSS (as opposed to virtual size which can be much more) is actually pretty good. In normal operation, it will use between 70 and 120 MB RSS per process (depending on the deployment model, rather few on passenger).
As andrea suggested, you can reduce your overall memory footprint by about one third when you use REE (Ruby Enterprise Edition, which is also free). But this saving can only achieved when you run more than one process (each requiring the above memory). REE achieves this saving by optimizing Ruby for a technique called Copy on Write, so that additional application processes take less memory.
So I'm sorry, your (hypothetical) 128 MB vServer will probably not suffice. For a small installation, you might be able to squeeze a minimal installation into 256MB, but it only starts to be anything but a complete pain in the ass at 512 MB (including database).
That's because of how Rails applications work in contrast to things like PHP. They require a running application server instance. That instance is typically able to answer one request at a time, using about the same amount of memory all the time. So your memory consumption is roughly equivalent to the number of application processes you run, independent of actual load. But if you tune your system properly, you can get quite a number of reqs/s out of one process.

May be i am replying very late but i got stuck in the same issue and I found a link to optimize ruby/rails memory usage, which works for me
It may be helpful for someone else.


Rails application servers

I've been reading information about how different rails application servers work for a while and some things got me confused probably because of my lack of knowledge in this field. Anyway, the following things got me confused:
Puma server has the following line about its clustered mode workers number in its readme:
On a ruby implementation that offers native threads, you should tune this number to match the number of cores available
So if I have, lets say, 2 cores and use rubinius as a ruby implementation, should I still use more than 1 process considering that rubinius use native threads and doesn't have the lock thus it uses all the CPU cores anyway, even with 1 process?
I understand it that I'd need to only increase the threads pool of the only process if I upgrade to a machine with more cores and memory, if it's not correct, please explain it to me.
I've read some articles on using Server-Sent Events with puma which, as far as I understand, blocks the puma thread since the browser keeps the connection open, so if I have 16 threads and 16 people are using my site, then the 17th would have to wait before one of those 16 leaves so it could connect? That's not very efficient, is it? Or what do I miss?
If I have a 1 core machine with 3Gb of RAM, just for the sake of the question, and using unicorn as my application server and 1 worker takes 300 MBs of memory and its CPU usage is insignificant, how many workers should I have? Some say that the number of workers should be equal to the number of cores, but if I set the workers number to, lets say, 7 (since I have enough RAM for it), it will be able to handle 7 concurrent requests, won't it? So it's just a question of memory and cpu usage and amount of RAM? Or what do I miss?

Appfog instances vs memory

I'm developing an API on Appfog and want to know what to focus on (more memory with one instances or more instances with lower memory).
Appfog gives you free 2GB of RAM and up to 16 instances if each instances get 128 MB RAM.
My application uses PHP, MySql and Memcachier.
I want to launch it soon and want to know which configuration is best for my server.
What is the benefit with more RAM or instances?
Thanks for helping :)
Best Regards,
You want as many instances as your app will run without running out of memory :). More instances means better performance and uptime. However, if an instance runs out of memory it will be shut down leaving your app running with fewer instances until they all collapse. You can diagnose this problem with the af apps and af logs <appname> --all commands. If the app is running at < 100% regularly then the instance memory budget may be too low. When there are down instances, the logs command may reveal memory limit reached errors.
Memory Recommendations
Here are some memory recommendations to start out with: Wordpress with several installed plugins will need > 512mb to be stable. For lean custom PHP apps 128mb is usually sufficient but should be watched. If an app is using a framework try 256mb. These memory limits may seem high but it's really the peak memory usage not the average usage.
Load Test
Load testing using Seige can help find a memory / instance balance. It does this by determining if your app is peaking out over the memory limit. Scale the app down to 1 instance and siege with 5, 10, and 15 concurrent connections progressively increasing by 5 until the app falls over. If the app does stop, bump the memory up and try again.

Rails Server Memory Leak/Bloating Issue

We are running 2 rails application on server with 4GB of ram. Both servers use rails 3.2.1 and when run in either development or production mode, the servers eat away ram at incredible speed consuming up-to 1.07GB ram each day. Keeping the server running for just 4 days triggered all memory alarms in monitoring and we had just 98MB ram free.
We tried active-record optimization related to bloating but still no effect. Please help us figure out how can we trace the issue that which of the controller is at fault.
Using mysql database and webrick server.
This is incredibly hard to answer, without looking into the project details itself. Though I am quite sure you won't be using Webrick in your target production build(right?), so check if it behaves the same under Passenger or whatever is your choice.
Also without knowing the details of the project I would suggest looking at features like generating pdfs, csv parsing, etc. Seen a case, where generating pdf files have been eating resources in a similar fashion, leaving like 5mb of not garbage collected memory for each run.
Good luck.

Delayed Jobs leaking memory?

I'm using collectiveidea's delayed_job with my Ruby on Rails app (v2.3.8), and running about 40 background jobs with it on an 8GB RAM Slicehost machine (Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, Apache 2).
Let's say I ssh into my server with no workers running. When I do free -m, I'm see I'm generally using about 1GB of RAM out of 8. Then after starting the workers and waiting about a minute for them to be utilized by the code, I'm up to about 4GB. If I come back in an hour or two, I'll be at 8GB and into the swap memory, and my website will be generating 502 errors.
So far I've just been killing the workers and restarting them, but I'd rather fix the root of the problem. Any thoughts? Is this a memory leak? Or, as a friend suggested, do I need to figure out a way to run garbage collection?
Actually, Delayed::Job 3.0 leaks memory in Ruby 1.9.2 if your models have serialized attributes. (I'm in the process of researching a solution.)
Here's someone who seemed to have solved it,
Here's the issue from Delayed::Job
Just about every time someone asks about this, the problem is in their code. Try using one of the available profiling tools to find where your job is leaking. ( or similar.)
Triggering GC at the end of each job will reduce your max memory usage at the cost of thrashing your throughput. It won't stop Ruby from bloating to the max size required by any individual job, however, since Ruby can't free memory back to the OS. I don't recommend taking this approach.

Can i limit apache+passenger memory usage on server without swap space

i'm running a rails application with apache+passenger on virtual servers that do not have any swap space configured.
The site gets decent amount of traffic with 200K+ daily requests and sometimes the whole system runs out of memory causing odd behaviour on whole system.
The question is that is there any way to configure apache or passenger not to run out of memory (e.g. gracefully restarting passenger instances when they start using, say more than 300M of memory).
Servers have 4GB of memory and currently i'm using passenger's PassengerMaxRequests option but it does not seem to be the most solid solution here.
At the moment, i also cannot switch to nginx so that is not an option to preserve some room.
Any clever ideas i'm probably missing are welcome.
Edit: My temporary solution
I did not go with restarting Rails instances when they exceed certain amount of memory usage. Engine Yard wrote great blog post on the ActiveRecord memory bloat issue. This is our main suspect on the subject. As i did not have much time to optimize application, i set PassengerMaxRequests to 300 and added extra 2GB memory to server. Things have been good since then. At first i was worried that re-starting Rails instances continuously makes it slow but it does not seem to have impact i should worry about.
If you mean "limiting" as killing those processes and if this is the only application on the server and it is a Linux, then you have two choices:
Set maximum amount of memory one process can have:
# ulimit -m
Or use cgroups for similar behavior:
I would advise against restarting instances (if that is possible) that go over the "memory limit", because that may put your system in infinite loops where a process repeatedly reaches that limit and restarts.
Maybe you could write a simple daemon that constantly watches the processes, and kills any that go over a certain amount of memory. Be sure to log any information about the process that did this so you can fix the issue whenever it comes up.
I'd also look into getting some real swap space on there... This seems like a bad hack.
I have a problem where passenger processes end up going out of control and consuming too much memory. I wrote the following script which has been helping to keep things under control until I find the real solution It might be helpful.
Passenger web instances don't contain important state (generally speaking) so killing them isn't normally a process, and passenger will restart them as and when required.
I don't have a canned solution but you might want to use two commands that ship with Passenger to keep track of memory usage and nr of processes: passenger-status and sudo passenger-memory-stats, see
Passenger users guide for Nginx or
Passenger users guide for Apache.
