Ruby & Rails: code guard - ruby-on-rails

Is there some sort of "Zend code guard" for rails applications ?

Looks like this has been covered before, so question may end getting closed as a dupe.
Can you Distribute a Ruby on Rails Application without Source?

If you use JRuby, you can then use the warbler gem to package your rails application into a war.
Please note that a war-file is easily inspected, so it offers no real protection; but is a start.


What should a Rails 3.x noob know about maintaining a Rails 2.3 app?

I recently learned Rails (Rails 3 to be specific) and got a small project maintaining a Rails 2.3.2 app.
So, as you might expect, I keep running into differences between what I learned in Rails 3 and what I'm working in.
For example 'rails server' command in Rails 3 is 'script/server' in Rails 2.x.
What else should I know to maintain my sanity?
If you're new to rails, I don't know if you'll see a lot of differences. The rails server command is one thing however.
The other big thing is the use of .gemspec in Rails 2.3.5 instead of Bundler and Gemfiles in Rails 3. Installing gems/specifying which gems your app uses is way better in Rails 3 I think.
The rest are mostly syntax changes and depreciated functions in specific areas (e.g. javascript generators).
This Blog does a good job of listing most of the major changes in more detail.
Hope that helps!

Ruby on rails : How can i run/debug find bugs for ruby on rails 3.1?

I did : git clone
Now how can i run/debug find bugs for ruby on rails 3.1 ?
Someone please mention the method completely.
Add in your Gemfile :
gem 'ruby-debug'
Then in your console type :
bundle install
Then start your application with :
rails server --debugger
Then where ever you want to set up a break point, just write the word debugger
If you want to contribute into the Rails core, first off you can use railscast, then read official doc.
Anyway it's not enough to do it. The best way is keep an eye on Rails chsngelog, test your projects and report about bugs, looking for potential bugs into Github Issues and trying to reproduce them localy.
The value contributor is the man who care about code quality, stability and primarely spend spare time to help the community, help to real business projects.

Jasper Reports in Ruby on Rails

I have assigned to use jasperserver reports in a rails application.
There is a plugin for jasperserver to use in Ruby application.
I want to know whether this plugin can use in my rails 3 version of application.
I've checked in .But it shows "no result found".
I'l be please if u people gave me any help link.
According to the wiki, the author recommends you install it as a gem & not as a plugin. They go on to give an example of how to use the gem in a rails project on this wiki page.
I haven't used this, but your compatibility issues probably won't be with rails. Maybe the ruby version or soap4r version - but there don't seem to be any rails dependencies here.
You maybe use this simple ruby script for this =>

Rail stat generator with Rails 3

It is possible to use Rail_stat_generator( with Ruby on Rails 3? What should I do to install it and make it work? If it is not possible, what any open source analytics apps would you suggest?
I think that you may run into problems using that in Rails 3, seems kinda outdated.
I would highly recommend using an external tool, like awstats for that job.

I'm a bit lost: how to render rails/ruby on a website?

Ok, long time php guy doing my best to pick up ruby on rails by developing a small website for myself using only ror instead of php.
However i'm a bit stuck, and i think it is because i'm not exactly understanding how rails actually works.
I am running centos 5.5 / apache2. I have successfully installed ruby, rubygems, and subsequently rails and passenger. All these are 'working', i can run ruby commands, gem commands etc.
But how do I start using rails on my website? If I create an .erb or .rb file with some simple ruby commands, it just displays as plain text when I navigate to it.
Do I need to configure apache to 'execute' .rb or .erb files (similar to the way .php files execute?).
Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!!
You might check out the Rails Getting Started Guide:
I suggest you read a huge tutorial on this topic:
Ruby is the language, and Ruby on Rails is a framework. From the guide:
Rails is a web application development
framework written in the Ruby
language. It is designed to make
programming web applications easier by
making assumptions about what every
developer needs to get started. It
allows you to write less code while
accomplishing more than many other
languages and frameworks. Experienced
Rails developers also report that it
makes web application development more
I'd read Chapter 4, if you already know all this, as it talks about the actual webserver.
Rails comes with it's own webserver, so Apache isn't needed.
Sounds like you need to really get a handle on Rails and what it is first. This site has some great information for beginners, and should help you understand what you are working with and your next steps to get an application running:
I've also heard some good things about the information here:
Check out Ruby on Rails Tutorial for getting started in Rails.
As #Blender mentioned, rails comes with an in build web server called webrick. (Think of it same as apache .. for now)
so all you have to do is go to the rails project directory, and run the command
if you are using rails < 3.x
ruby script/server
if you are using rails > 3.x
rails server
once u done this your rails project will start in webrick server and by default in port 3000
you may consider apache/ some other rails server setup for production deployment, but to get started you dont need apache at all
and welcome to ruby world ! :D
