RTE field validation is not happening if I traverse from RTE to RTE. Please find the attached git.
Steps to reproduce
Case 1
Focus into RTE1, type Hello
Tab out to text input (Node Selector)
Validation works
Case 2
Focus into RTE1, type Hello
Tab out to RTE2
Validation doesn't work
I tried with nightly build and was able to reproduce the above error and case 1 is failing too. An other difference that I noticed is "xxforms-value-change-with-focus-change" event is not fired when moved from RTE to RTE.
This is fixed as of 2011-01-24, and this fix will be included in the Orbeon Forms 3.9 release. Also see: [ #315639 ] RTE: values are not sent to the server when the RTE looses the focus.
I need to test this login form on iOS Emulator, but when I try to insert text on element '//input[#name="email"]' the text is putted however when I select the element '//input[#name="password"]' the text from the first element disappear, the same happens when I press the '//div[#id="react-component-login-header']//button/div/span[1]" element.
I think the problem is related how the Text is inputted in form, since that using Selenium2Library (for Desktop) don't have this problem.
Any other way how I can insert text on the field? I don't have any problem in using other Libraries or creating Keywords on Python to auxiliary the tests (already did on other tests).
I already tried with:
Input Text
Input Value
Input Password (I know, but i needed to try something else)
*** Settings ***
Library Dialogs
Library AppiumLibrary
*** Variables ***
${defaultTimeout} 15s
*** Test Cases ***
[Setup] Configuration
Start Test
Wait Until Page Contains Element //*[#id='age-gate-yes'] ${defaultTimeout}
Click Element //a[#id='age-gate-yes']
Wait Until Page Contains Element //a[#href="/profile"] ${defaultTimeout}
Click Element //a[#href="/profile"]
Wait Until Page Contains Element //input[#name="email"] ${defaultTimeout}
Click Element //input[#name="email"]
Input Text //input[#name="email"] johndoe#john.doe
Click Element //input[#name="password"]
Input Text //input[#name="password"] JohnDoe123
Click Element //div[#id='react-component-login-header']//button/div/span[1]
Wait Until Page Does Not Contain Element //div[#id='react-component-login-header']//button/div/span[1] ${defaultTimeout}
[Teardown] End Test
I can see the text being written on field, but when the context of that element is lost, the text is too.
For Android I resolve the problem using the keyword "AppiumLibrary.Press Keycode"
Example, sending a "AppiumLibrary.Press Keycode 67" I managed to send a backspace
I am using has_no_css? to verify if certain elements are no more visible in UI.
ex:- After clicking 'ok' on confirmation popup, popup should no more be visible in UI. To verify that we use
page.has_no_css?('.modal.dialog', visible: true)
Tests failing randomly at has_no_css? with Selenium::WebDriver::Error::StaleElementReferenceError: Element not found in the cache - perhaps the page has changed since it was looked up
I see people talking about this problem in few places(roughly few years old threads).. << Labeled as 'Waiting for response'!topic/ruby-capybara/O3Ib6INOP58
Currently I am catching this exception to overcome this issue.I would love to hear what are you folks who faced this issue doing/done ? Am I overlooking something and just blindly catching exception ?? suggestions please...
we are using capybara (2.3.0)
I have a program create by Delphi language. This run on windows XP SP3.
After Open and stop program multi time (~600 to 700 times) (Only open and stop, does not do any thing). My program will be error:
Cannot input to text box of system.
Cannot click on some button.
When bug has occurred, the error will exist until the computer is restarted. (Restart program cannot resolve this bug)
I was check some information of system, and bellow is result:
Total GDI handles is less than GDI handles in normal: (Use GDIView to detect that)
case normal: 3513 GDI handles
when error occur: 3410
Class Name of control is bad: (Use spy++ detect)
Normal: Class name of text box is Tedit.
When error occur: "Toolbar_Customize" or "" or any value (This value is awlay change) ==> I think because that, i cannot input value to textbox.
Some time, i cannot start another program of windows when this bug occur.
Please help me.
P/s: any unclear please comment
This reminds me of the following issue (Resource leak caused by RM_GetObjectInstance message):
There is a workaround in the last comment.
My customer has reported a problem that standard ''print'' button in Z-report which a developer wrote before is not working.
How can I enable the button?
MODULE user_command_0100 INPUT.
CASE sy-ucomm.
Then button needs a usercommand assigned, which is then processed in pai. usually with a general form called get_ucomm (many developers call it similar). You also can issue /h in transaction field and then press the print-button. /h will trigger the debugger and You can inspect the report step by step.
That's all I can say without seeing the code. Hope this will help.
Which user command do you define in your GUI status?
If you have a standard list (what I expect when you write about a z-report), then you should define the command PRI to print the list:
If you define a screen (using the screen painter) or an ALV-Grid... then this solution will not help you.
If you don't know, what a GUI status is: Scan your source code for the command
Then double click on 'XXXX' and you should be directed to the status definition. There may by multiple status (and status with generic names).
I've seen your code and for the &RNT option there's no code to execute, so if the user wants to print the button will do nothing.
MODULE user_command_0100 INPUT.
CASE sy-ucomm.
" There's no code
I've used the 'STANDARD' GUI Status from the function group 'KKBL' and '&RNT' is the code of the print button and that's why I think that is the print button you are refering in your program.
Can you post the GUI Status you are using please?
Using orbeon-, I'm having a problem with Smart Date completion.
I've included the configuration property:
<property as="xs:string" name="" value="[D]/[M]/[Y]"/>
to take European-style dates as input.
The condition for Smart Date completion:
When the property starts with [D: e.g.
from Input Control-Forms doesn't seem to trigger. I get:
Input Output
20 20/5/2013 (Correct)
20/5 Not Valid (Incorrect, should be 20/5/2013)
20/5/13 20/5/2013 (Correct)
5/20 20/5/2013 (Incorrect, should be Not Valid)
Is this a bug?
This was a bug, and it is now fixed. The fix will be in the next release of Orbeon Forms, which at the time of this writing will most likely be 4.2.