Url.Action is throwing error CS1026: ) expected - asp.net-mvc

This is hopefully just a syntax error as I'm new to MVC and trying to edit something that already exists without having much experience. Having spent ages trying different syntax I'm obviously missing something.
My issue is that I have this:
var url = '<%= Url.Action("List") %>?page=' + pageNo;
which is fine, but its not passing in all the required parameters as part of pager functionality.
What I want to use is something like:
var url = '<%= Html.RenderAction("List",
new { Domain = "Placement",
Id = Model.Item.PlacementAgreement.PlacementAgreementId,
agencyPlacementAgreementId = Model.Item.AgencyPlacementAgreementId,
Page = Model.PageNo
But it always complains about error CS1026: ) expected
Same with trying
<%= Url.Action("List", "PlacementAgreementAgencyPlacementAgreementsPlacement",
new { Domain = "Placement",
Id = ViewData.Model.AgencyPlacementAgreement.PlacementAgreement.PlacementAgreementId,
agencyPlacementAgreementId = ViewData.Model.AgencyPlacementAgreement.AgencyPlacementAgreementId,
Page = Model.PageNo }
If someone could point out what I'm doing wrong that would be great. Basically I'm trying to call controller PlacementAgreementAgencyPlacementAgreementsPlacement with action List passing in all parameters Id, agencyPlacementAgreementId and Page. It's being done in javascript so that I can use this:
function loadAgreementPlacementPage(pageNo) {
var url = '<%= Url.Action("List") %>?page=' + pageNo;
$.get(url, function(data) {
PS. Using MVC 1.0.

It should be:
var url = '<%= Url.Action(
new {
Domain = "Placement",
Id = Model.Item.PlacementAgreement.PlacementAgreementId,
agencyPlacementAgreementId = Model.Item.AgencyPlacementAgreementId,
Page = Model.PageNo
}) %>';
Use Url.Action instead of Html.RenderAction and remove the semicolon at the end.

Remove the semicolon before the closing tag


Still having ddl redirect issues

I am still having issues. I think what I am trying to do is simple. I have a viewbag droplist - which is working fine. I just want to redirect on selection it redirect just like: #Html.ActionLink("Branch", "Employees", new { Branch = item.Branch }) | (but with the selection from the droplist) Should this be difficult?
#Html.DropDownList("Branches", ViewBag.Branches as SelectList, "Select a Branch", new { #id = "ddlBranch" })
$(function () {
$("#ddlBranch").on("change", function () {
var deptId = $(this).val();
var routeVal = { Id: deptId };
var url = '#Url.Action("Department", "Home")';
url: url,
type: 'POST',
data: routeVal
}).done(function (result) {
window.location.href = result.newUrl;
From a comment on the question above:
So now I just need to redirect to: #Html.ActionLink("Branch", "Employees", new { Branch = item.Branch }) but Item.Branch would be $(this).val(). Can this be done?
There may be a more elegant way, but an approach I've always taken is something like this:
let url = '#Html.ActionLink("Branch", "Employees", new { Branch = "REPLACEME" })';
url = url.replace('REPLACEME', $(this).val());
window.location.href = url;
On the client-side this turns into something like:
let url = '/Brand/Employees?Branch=REPLACEME';
url = url.replace('REPLACEME', encodeURIComponent($(this).val()));
window.location.href = url;
Which would look silly to anybody examining only the client-side code, I'm sure. But since the Branch parameter might be in the query string or might be in the route, and since it's the ASP.NET MVC Framework's responsibility to manage that, generating the URL and putting the client-side value into the URL are two separate responsibilities here.
So we use the server-side code to generate the URL with a placeholder (can be any string, "REPLACEME" was an arbitrary choice) and then use the client-side code to dynamically replace that placeholder with the desired value.
This essentially replaces whatever you're trying to do with AJAX in the original question. Unless you need to invoke a server-side operation to get a result not known to the client-side code in order to build the URL, you can just omit the AJAX entirely and build the URL directly.

unable to pass parameter value inside Html.EditableGridView in mvc cshtml

In MVC 4 project I tried to pass parameter value like following but I failed due to syntax.
In .cshtml file
new { cssObj = "genericContentCss", url = "/Test/GetMyPartial?mode=Edit&id=" }))
in url want to pass id parameter value like id=#Model.Id
but it is not working I'm missing something very small , I tried google but failed to do this can anyone give me clue
How about this:
new { cssObj = "genericContentCss",
url = "/Test/GetMyPartial?mode=Edit&id="+Model.Id
or you can use Url.Action():
url = Url.Action("GetMyPartial","Test",new { mode="Edit" , id=Model.Id })
in above code:
new { cssObj = "genericContentCss",
url = Url.Action("GetMyPartial","Test",new { mode="Edit" , id=Model.Id })

give dynamic action name in Url.action javascript

I want to give dynamic action name in Url.action through javascript.
// I want to change Index name by dynamic
url: '#Url.Action("Index", "Home")',
type: "Post",
data: { Surveyid: surveyid, Category: catcode },
success: function (data) {
window.location.href = data.Url
var x="xxxx";
#Url.Action(x,"Home") -> not working throws error
#Url.Action(x.toString(),"Home") -> not working
then how can i ?
Url.Action is server generated, whereas it seems you want to change the action on the browser. What you can do is tokenize the Action, get Url.Action to generate the tokenized URL, and then substitute this in js:
var jsUrl = '#Url.Action("##", "Home")'; // ## is the token
url: jsUrl.replace('##', someDynamicAction),
(You may need to do the same for the controller)
My conscience has gotten the better of me - doing this isn't a good idea, given that any invalid action name (or a change in the Controller or Action names) will only be picked up at run time e.g. with 404 errors.
The number of controllers and actions that you need to ajax to should be finite, and T4MVC has already solved this kind of issue.
You can create the urls to the various links:
var urlToIndex = '#Url.Action(MyControllerAssembly.Index.Home())))';
var urlToOtherAction = ...
... etc for all actions needed in the 'switch' for ajax call.
and then choose the appropriate URL for your ajax call. (T4MVC also has methods Url.JavaScriptReplacableUrl and Ajax.ActionLink although for slightly different scenarios)
Best way to use urls in your mvc application is that you define a global app_url in layout page like following:
var app_root = '#Url.Content("~/")';
and use in content page
any_page that inherited from _Layout.cshtml
url: app_root + 'Home/Index', // or url: app_root + 'Home/' + x
something odd in your example, but I believe what you are trying to do is this
function axajThis(numberthing,path) {
var newUrl = "htttp://somplace/"+path;
/* and what ever the number x is doing */
url: newUrl,
type: "Post",
data: ....
Little more info needed on what 'x' is.

Rails 3: update URL params with AJAX request

I have a filter and a list of products (id, name, creation_date).
I can filter by id, name or creation_date. With an AJAX request I update a content div... but obviously the URL not change.
How can I append params to URL? For example:
I know that history.pushState(html5) exists... but I need that my app works in html4 browsers like IE9.
I tried Wiselinks (https://github.com/igor-alexandrov/wiselinks) which it uses History.js but it doesn´t use AJAX request.
Any ideas?
Finally I follow those RailsCasts tutorials:
You are doing some AJAX call means, you must have invoked the AJAX part on radio button change
So I am assuming, you have done it using by radio button and the radio button name is 'choose_product'
You can add a hidden field in your view, where you can store your current date.
<div id='parentDiv'>
<%= hidden_field_tag 'current_date', Time.now.strftime('%d-%m-%Y') %>
Your radio button code
In the javascript add the following code. It is just a sample not complete solution.
var showProducts = function(){
$("#parentDiv").on('click', "input[name='choose_product']", function(){
var ajax_url = 'localhost:3000/dashboard/catalog';
var url_param = '';
case 'creation_date':
var param_date = $('#current_date').val();
url_param = '?name=radio&date_creation=' + param_date;
case 'name':
// Your code goes here
//Your code goes here
// Here you will get the modified url dynamically
ajax_url += url_param
url: ajax_url,
// your code goes here
A lot of time has passed, but it may be useful.
The code is also updated so if you have more then one ajax\remote link you will be able to merge the params of multiple urls.
Based on user1364684 answer and this for combine urls.
# change ".someClassA" or "pagination" to the a link of the ajax elemen
$(document).on('click', '.someClassA a, .pagination a', function(){
var this_params = this.href.split('?')[1], ueryParameters = {},
queryString = location.search.substring(1), re = /([^&=]+)=([^&]*)/g, m;
queryString = queryString + '&' + this_params;
#Creates a map with the query string parameters
while m = re.exec(queryString)
queryParameters[decodeURIComponent(m[1])] = decodeURIComponent(m[2]);
url = window.location.href.split('?')[0] + "?" + $.param(queryParameters);
history.pushState(null, "", url);
return false;
# make back button work
$(window).on("popstate", function(){

Navigate to my action/controller/id from jQuery

I would like to navigate to my action/controller/id not from an ActionLink but from jQuery. Here is what I do:
$('.search-results tr').click(function () {
var IdSuite = $(this).data('idsuite');
var IdAffaire = $(this).data('idaffaire');
var url = '#Html.Raw(Url.Action("Detail","Suite", new { IdAffaire = "idAffaire", IdSuite = "idSuite" }))';
url = url.replace("idSuite", IdSuite);
url = url.replace("idAffaire", IdAffaire);
window.location = url;
I know it works but I would like to know if this is the best way to achieve this?
You don't need jQuery to do this.
If you want the user to be able to go back to the previous page after redirecting him, then using window.location = url is fine, otherwise you can use window.location.replace = url
