iPad application frameworks - ipad

what are the frameworks available for iPad application development?

Last I looked, there are none. You can use the iPad development kit, but that's it. The Apple license for developing on the iPad/iPhone (used to) preclude the creation of frameworks.


How to reduce my iOS app's bundle size?

I am working on an iOS app that integrates with multiple bluetooth devices (e.g. printers and barcode scanners). Each of the devices comes with it's own version of SDK and most of them just have objective-c/swift SDKs but not javascript SDKs.
Would like to find out what is the best way to reduce the app bundle size at the same time supporting multiple devices ?
Based on my investigations,
iOS doesn't allow downloading objective-c/swift code dynamically during runtime, hence the option of downloading the SDKs after the user having installed the app is ruled out.
Would like to get a feedback on the feasibility of the below solution. Also let me know if there is a better solution.
iOS version 8+ support embedded frameworks - Have separate iOS driver
apps for each of the supported devices which just installs the device
SDK as a shared embedded framework so that the parent app can
dynamically link to the shared embedded framework if one that matches
the connected device is available, otherwise force the user to
download the respective driver app.
This question has gone unanswered for a little while, so you may have already figured this out, but no, you cannot make shared embedded frameworks on iOS. Only Apple can do that. All of the frameworks you use must be either provided by Apple or embedded inside your app.

i have already developed an app in java how do i open it in xcode simulator

My team has developed a big social networking app. Now i want to publish it to app store. But the app is not written in Objective C. What is the way to get it published in app store? Or least how can i open in in Xcode simulator for testing and enhancement?
My guess is that you created an app in android and now want to port it to iOS. Unfortunately Xcode isn't able to transform Java to Objective-C and iOS cannot run Java apps, so you will not be able yo submit your app as-is to the App Store.
You will have to do it the hard way and rewrite the entire app in Objective-C. Luckily Google recently launched a translator that might help with part of the work: http://google-opensource.blogspot.com.br/2012/09/j2objc-java-to-ios-objective-c.html
You cannot. Sorry.
I recently worked on an app for iOS and Android launch and we settled for parallel development.
Your Java code is incompatible with iOS and Xcode has no process to convert it to Obj-c.
The only options for cross-platform development that I am aware of are:
1) Heavy use of c/c++ based libraries; these can be utilised in both Android applications and iOS applications (this is what we used). But the entire front end of the apps must be re-implemented.
2) A cross-platform framework such as PhoneGap or Appcelerator, but this would require significant redevelopment from your current code-base.
3) A 'translator' such as the one Breno Gazzola suggested (another option is XMLVM) but these only do some of the work for you, and they're far from perfect.
It's very hard to judge without knowing your code, but if I were you I'd look at combining options 1 and 3 as much as possible, but budget for a complete re-write.

Is it possible to deploy an Adobe AIR desktop application to iOS?

I have an incredibly basic Adobe AIR 4.5 desktop project that I just want to use to test an iOS deployment. Is it at all possible to deploy this to an iOS device as it is? Or does it need to be turned into a Mobile project somehow?
The steps to creating an IPA file in the guide on Adobe's site (http://www.adobe.com/devnet/air/articles/packaging-air-apps-ios.html) seem to assume the project is already a mobile project. I'm a total newb here, but it sounds like this sort of thing is possible? Is it really? I'm having trouble finding information.
It is possible to create a simple Flash project and export it without modification for iOS. Obviously depending on what the project is doing, some things might need to be tweaked.
I am currently building several apps using the same fla and as files, which are targetted for browser and iOS use.
But in order to place anything onto an iDevice, be it just for debugging, testing or adHoc distribution, you need to be signed up to the Apple Development program, have an Apple provisioning certificate in place and have relevant apple provisioning profiles created.
There is a great course on lynda.com about setting yourself up for iDevice app building.

ios sdk for windows xp

Can any one provide details of "ios sdk for windows xp" so that we can develop Ipad application in Windows environment.
YES it is possible! You can develop for iOS on a PC. Almost all versions of windows are supported, including Windows XP. You can build iPad and iPhone apps using the SDK. It is called Dragon Fire SDK and it allows you to create iOS apps using Visual Studio C++. Dragon Fire SDK is very limited in it's features, but the company is constantly updating the SDK. Dragon Fire SDK is really aimed at creating games (Open GL ES), although they recently announced a possibility of an Enterprise version of the SDK which would allow you to create lifestyle, productivity, utility, and other types of apps. I used it for almost a year before switching to a Macintosh Computer and getting Xcode, and I was very pleased with everything. The company was devoted to helping you create your dream app, and they had lots of resources, help forums, and communities to answer your questions about app building with the PC. The SDK allows you to develop your app in C or C++ and then test it using a real iPhone or iPad simulator. Dragon Fire SDK ranges from the basic starter kit, $50, to the ultimate version which allows for iPhone and iPad Dev, priced at $150. Dragon Fire SDK is created by Zumisoft. As far as distributing your app, Zumisoft will distribute it for you, but the downfall of that is that your app must be a FREE app and updates cost $10 each. The other way is to distribute it through the App Store for $99 and do all the cool fancy stuff you want.
Dragon Fire SDK Home
Dragon Fire SDK Products
Apple iOS Developer Center
Best of Luck!
Happy App Building!
If you are really serious about the iPad app, buy a Mac ;)
There is no iOS SDK for Windows.

Does cocos2d framework work on iPad?

Does Cocos2d iPhone framework work on iPad?
My guess would be yes, but wanted to check if someone has a definitive answer after porting iPhone project with cocos2d to iPad, or starting a new one.
Cocos2d v0.99.0-rc was released today which formally supports the iPad.
Apple confirms that all applications available in the app store can be run on iPad
See this link: http://www.apple.com/ipad/app-store/
With that said, Cocos2D is just an opensource library which consists mostly of Objective-c/Cocoa code. It will work just fine.
Also, Apple developer program (link here: http://developer.apple.com/iphone) mentions: "iPhone Developer Program Members can begin developing iPad applications with iPhone SDK 3.2 beta".
Go ahead and get started...
According to Engadget, the iPad runs all iPhone apps with no modifications which means that it supports the Cocos2d library.
