Rails out-of-the-box integration testing - ruby-on-rails

I can't seem to find anything except Rails' own documentation on its integration testing platform. Why doesn't anyone use it? How did it die out? What are alternatives?

The Rails integration test suite was never great, and projects like Cucumber have since taken over.


System tests VS integration tests Rails 5.1?

Before upgrading to rails 5.1 i test my rails app via integration tests. And 70% of my rails app is automated via integration tests. Means all of application simple and complex behaviors are automated via integration tests. Off-course rails did not provided any java-script based testing.
With Arrival of Rails 5.1 they include system tests and said that every app interact with java-script and now you can test your app end to end scenarios like a real user interacting with browser. So my manager ask me to move all integration tests to system tests. Ok good! we can test our application the way our users experience it and help us test JavaScript as well.
Definitely system test can cover almost all integration tests as well. So whats the importance of integration testing now ?
Why should someone write integration test in Rails 5.1 when he can
write same test case in System test?
Thanks in advance.
I wonder the same, but from this I get the impression that system tests will replace integration testing - however, the only drawback seems to be speed and resource usage.

how would I go about 'starting over from scratch' with Rails tests?

I have an existing Rails app that I built using Rails 3, Mongoid/Mongodb and Devise. The app is running fine. I'd now like to add some tests to it (sure, shoulda done this in the beginning but the learning curve for just Rails was enough...).
I've used several pages to get it going, especially the Rails guide and this blog post about Mongo and Cucumber/Rspec. My concern here is that between all of the "add this to this and such file" that I've done to try and get this working (and it's not) I've made such a mess of things that it might be better to start over from scratch. With the testing portion of the app.
I thought I would just delete the spec and test directories and re-gen the tests but I can't find a command to do that (the regen).
I've built a very simple test (assert true) but I'm getting:
D:/Dev/TheApp/test/test_helper.rb:10:in `<class:TestCase>':
undefined method `fixtures' for ActiveSupport::TestCase:Class (NoMethodError)
I think the real issue here is that I'm using MongoDb and the test architecture in Rails seems to really really want to do ActiveRecord. Not sure if those two are compatible.
Is there a quick way to build a barebones test directory? My short term solution is to just roll back those directories. Hoping for a better solution.
The blank tests are really worthless. If you didn't have tests/specs of value, then just start from scratch. And if you want to start over, you should just delete them and start new.
You could treat your code as "legacy code" as defined by Michael Feathers in Working Effectively with Legacy Code -- that is, code without tests.
Take a look at this getting started with rails testing guide over at 10gen:

Alternative to current Ruby on Rails testing methods?

I find that in order to thoroughly test a Rails application with Rspec I am required to write more test code than actual functional Ruby code. Call me crazy but this does not seems right. Is there a different/alternate approach (even one that is not as comprehensive as Rspec).
For unit testing I guess you won't find any replacement.
But for integration testing, you could create scenarios within your browser thanks to Selenium. See: http://seleniumhq.org/
There are many option available here are the few list
and many more

What Test Environment Setup do Committers Use in the Ruby Community?

Today I am going to get as far as I can setting up my testing environment and workflow. I'm looking for practical advice on how to setup the test environment from you guys who are very passionate and versed in Ruby Testing.
By the end of the day (6am PST?) I would like to be able to:
Type one 1-command to run test suites for ANY project I find on Github.
Run autotest for ANY Github project so I can fork and make TESTABLE contributions.
Build gems from the ground up with Autotest and Shoulda.
For one reason or another, I hardly ever run tests for projects I clone from Github. The major reason is because unless they're using RSpec and have a Rake task to run the tests, I don't see the common pattern behind it all.
I have built 3 or 4 gems writing tests with RSpec, and while I find the DSL fun, it's less than ideal because it just adds another layer/language of methods I have to learn and remember. So I'm going with Shoulda. But this isn't a question about which testing framework to choose.
So the questions are:
What is your, the SO reader and Github project committer, test environment setup using autotest so that whenever you git clone a gem, you can run the tests and autotest-develop them if desired?
What are the guys who are writing the Paperclip Tests and Authlogic Tests doing? What is their setup?
Thanks for the insight. There are tons of resources describing how to use the different testing frameworks, but almost nothing on the actual setup and workflow. Looking for answers that will make me a more effective tester.
The most common convention probably is rake test, rake spec, or maybe even just rake.
Of course, there is no question that this will fail with many projects, in particular the ones without tests or specs.
It might be possible to parse the output of rake -T if a Rakefile is there, and act on that, but there really is no way you will cover ALL projects on GitHub.

Integrate test process with Rspec and Cucumber in a plugin using Desert

I'm developing some rails plugins with desert, and I would like to use tests with RSpec and Cucumber in the development. RSpec is integrated by default in Desert plugins, but it gives me some bugs.
Finally I have created a minimal application which use my plugin, and I try to test it like a normal application without plugin. But I dislike that solution, the plugin lost its modularity, and RSpec still returns me some bugs (he can't find the models/views/controllers located in the plugin...).
So am I the only one who try to test a Desert plugin (or even in a classic plugin) ? May anyone know those matters and get a solution ?
I was working with 'Desert' plug-ins in a legacy Rails 2.2.2 app and the following helped me http://pivotallabs.com/users/joe/blog/articles/985-testing-desert-plugins-in-isolation
You should not use desert plugin, it's an 'old thing'.
