F#: Implementation of interface that returns reference to iterator - f#

I am implementing the Microsoft.VisualC.StlClr IVector and one of the member functions returns a reference to an iterator, like so
abstract begin :
:ContainerRandomAccessIterator<'TValue> byref -> unit
Would someone know how this interface function could be implemented?

after looking at this interface in Reflector I'd rather say that it is impossible to implement it in F#. Method begin (as well as some other methods) has custom required modifier IsUdtReturn (modreq[IsUdtReturn]) and it seems it is not recognized by F# compiler. However I'll be glad to know that I'm wrong.


Casting TList<T:class> to TList<W:class>

I have a list of type TList<TForm>. I need to cast it and use it as TList<TObject> like this:
procedure mainForm.testCast;
listT: TList<TForm>;
listW: TList<TObject>;
obj: TObject;
listT := TList<TForm>.create;
listW := TList<TObject>(listT); // Casting is OK
// This works, but is this fine?
for obj in listW do
The sample works as expected, but is it ok to cast like this between generic lists? Will this cause some data structure corruption etc?
I use it only for looping (DoGetEnumerator) purposes and some string checks i.e. I'll not add/remove items.
The real function is little more complicated. It gets reference to listT using RTTI in a TValue.
The main goal is not to link FMX.Forms in my unit.
Why are TGeneric<Base> and TGeneric<Descendant> incompatible types?
Well, your code will work, but it somewhat dubious in my view. Simply put the cast is not legal because
is false. So a TList<TForm> object is not a TList<TObject>. If it were, then the cast would not be needed.
That this is so is because Delphi's generic types are invariant. More details can be found here:
Why is a class implementing an interface not compatible with the interface type when used in generics?
If you have any difficulty understanding why the designers made generic types invariant, consider for a moment the effect of writing listW.Add(TObject.Create) in your code. Think what it means to the true underlying object of type TList<TForm>.
So the language promises you nothing. You are venturing outside its guarantees. It so happens that the implementation of these two un-related types is compatible enough for your code to work. But that is really just an accident of implementation.
Since you are already using RTTI, then I suggest that you iterate over the list with RTTI. You can call GetEnumerator and so on using RTTI. That way you will call the actual methods of the object.

F#: Implement an inline method (On Inteface) to avoid using a real type

I'm trying to see if inline can be applied to an implemented method so that the specific type coming in doesn't have to be spelled out. I've done this with one off (Not inherited/implemented) methods, but trying to also do using an interface.
type public IBookInteraction =
abstract inline CreateBook : 'a -> MethodResult<BasicBookModel>
type public BookInteraction(?userInteraction) =
interface IBookInteraction with
member inline x.CreateBook(bookModel) =
let userId = (^a : (member UserId : Int32 with get) (bookModel))
I'm guessing there's a way to do this, but it doesn't work with a generic operator(?) in the interface method signature.
I don't believe it's possible to have abstract inline methods. Even if you could, your code wouldn't work, because your interface definition promises that users can call it with any 'a, but your implementation places a static member constraint on 'a - in a hypothetical world where F# supported abstract inline methods, the declaration of the method on the interface would also need to include the constraint.
In any case, to see why it's not possible for F# to support abstract inline methods, consider what inline means: the code that you write to implement the method will be essentially copied and pasted into the call site. However, with an abstract method, you don't know the concrete type that is defining the implementation of the method, so there's no way to figure out at compile time what code you're supposed to be inlining!
I think the correct answer is interface implementations may not be inlined. I'm not sure why it's allowed in the interface definition.

Delphi - Interfaces and overload directive

I'm a little bit confused on interfaces in Delphi, so I'm asking you about this. An interface can be 'associated' with an abstract class. (It does not implement the methods declared on it.) All the methods declared on it are implemented in the class/classes which is/are implementing the interface.
So, why then is it allowed to have the overload directive on the method declaration of an interface?
IFoo = interface
function Test : String; overload;
Compiler is quiet on this.
overloaded allows to have few the same named methods, but with different parameter sets, in a single class / interface.
Your interface has Test method. With this single method there is no need for overloaded. But you can introduce, if you need, additional Test methods with differrent parameter sets.
Probably you are thinking about override directive ...

How do I determine the type of the implementing object of an interface

I'm attempting to write a unit test for a simple factory class that creates one of several possible implementing objects and returns it as an interface reference.
DUnit has a built in procedure, CheckIs(AObject: TObject; AClass: TClass; msg: string), that based on its name and the parameters it accepts should fail the test if the object's class type doesn't match the expected one. The only problem is it requires an object reference not an interface reference.
So I'm trying to use CheckTrue and perform the comparison in the body of the test but I'm not as familiar with Delphi's type checking support as I am with C#'s.
I know the is operator is out of the question since it only works with object references.
CheckTrue(LMyInterfaceReference {comparison here} TMyClass);
Any suggestions?
BTW, I'm using Delphi 2009 so I don't have access to the new RTTI support added in 2010+.
I'm wondering why you MUST have to test this... maybe you really don't have to.
But if knowing the underlying object of a Interface is a must, you have two choices:
Add a method to the interface which returns the underlying object, just a TObject, and implement this in each class just by returning self.
Hack a bit, for example using this Interface to object routine.
If you don't like hacks and don't feel like upgrading to Delphi 2010+ you may use an interface like this:
IImplementingObjectInterface = interface
function GetImplementingObject: TObject;
Make sure your objects also implement this interface and use it to extract the implementing object. If you need to do this for a lot of objects you can define your own TInterfacedObject derivate that already implements this so you can simply change your inheritance and be done.
Barry Kelly (one of the main Embarcadero Delphi Compiler Engineers) wrote a nice An ugly alternative to interface to object casting this week.
It answers your question.
The fun is that Hallvard Vassbotn wrote a very similar piece of code back in 2004.
From Delphi 2010 on, you can just use an is check or as cast to go back from interface references to object references.

Delphi: determine actual type of a generic?

Is there any way to determine the type of a variable passed as an argument to a method? Consider the class:
TSomeClass = class
procedure AddToList<T: TDataType; U: TListClass<T>>(Element: T; List: U);
with the method implementation
procedure TSomeClass.AddToList<T, U>(Element: T; List: U);
if Element is TInt then
else if Element is TString then
where TInt.Create() and TString.Create() have different sets of arguments, yet, they both inherit from TDataType.
Now, I know the is-operator can't be used like this, but is there a legal alternative that does what I'm asking here?
Not being able to use the is operator here is a known issue, but there's a pretty simple workaround.
if TObject(Element) is TInt then
Also, since the type of a generic is part of the class and is known at compile-time, you might be better off restructuring your code. Make two different generic classes, one of which accepts a TInt as its <T> parameter, and the other of which accepts a TString. Put the type-specific functionality into them at that level, and have them descend from a common ancestor for shared functionality.
This question I asked some time ago
Conditional behaviour based on concrete type for generic class
might be of interest, especially if you want to use not only TObject descendants but also primitive types in your conditionals.
