Delphi - alternative solution for a global keyboard hook - delphi

sorry for this little bit strange title, didn't found a better one..
I've got the following situation:
I have a PC with an RFID reader connected via USB.
I now need a program which pops up when ab transponder was scanned the the RFID reader and shows the scanned value. (The reader just simulates keystrokes)
Problem: the value of the transponder is something like 0001230431, and I can't change it. (To prefix a hotkey combination or so)
So I have thought about using a global keyboard hook, check if three zeros where typed in, capture rest of data and when the 10 digits are complete, call the application through an automation object and show the number.
But I'm not very exalted about using a global keyboard hook. Many AV programs don't like them very much, they are not so easy to handle with Delphi and I guess that's not very resource-friendly for such a little task...
So I'm looking for an alternative solution...maybe somebody has an idea?
Big thx!

ben, you can use the RegisterRawInputDevices and GetRawInputData functions.
first you must use the RegisterRawInputDevices function to register the input device to monitor and then you can retrieves the data from the input device using the GetRawInputData function.
Check theses functions too
GetRawInputDeviceList retrieves the list of input devices attached to the system.
GetRawInputDeviceInfo retrieves information on a device.

Why not make sure the Delphi app with a text edit control has focus before the scan is done? Then the keystrokes will go straight into your Delphi app.


Lua code runs properly on my advanced computer but doesn't run on the monitor

I run a successful Minecraft Tekkit modded server with computer craft on it.
I'm fairly new to lua and only know the basics, I'm trying to make a menu with pages to display the banned items list and rules list on. I've made a program with arrows that's optimized for advanced computers and monitors.
The code runs properly on my advanced computer but doesn't run on the monitor, when it shows and someone clicks the arrows it doesn't work either.
I just started using stack so I'm not sure on what to do, if you need any info please ask for it :)
The code:
By the way I already tried using Mon.write and Mon = peripheral.wrap("top")
For those who don't have tekkit here is a computercraft emulator:
I'm sorry to inform you that I haven't read through all of your code. But judging based on your description, I would say that it's likely one of three issues, not including incorrect syntax as a possibility.
Note: Your question is exclusively asking about the programs ability to run on a monitor while the emulator you link to only provides the desktop ComputerCraft computers.
Although you already stated:
By the way I already tried using Mon.write and Mon = peripheral.wrap("top")
I would like to clarify that you can, as a way to simplify the code transition, set the peripheral function table equal to the term variable. For example: term = peripheral.wrap(string_side).
Note: When you use this method, you shouldn't execute the program with the command:
> monitor side program.
You should instead run it as a normal program with no special treatment.
I.e. > program.
Incorrect Mouse Event Detection
Simply put, when using a monitor, you're not supposed to pull for a mouse_click event. You have to pull for a monitor_touch event instead.
while true do
type, side, x, y = os.pullEvent()
if type == "monitor_touch" then
print("Monitor '"..side.."' has been pressed at "..x..", "..y.."!")
Monitor Size
This just simply means that the program you're trying to execute on the monitor takes up to much space and is therefore unusable when displayed on that size of monitor.
Suggestion: Either update your code for the monitor size or build the monitor to fit the program.
Please remember that all of these ideas might not answer your question, as the code you have provided to look over is too large and I haven't been able to find the time to experiment with it. Therefore, these are only general suggestions.
if i had to guess, it's because term is short for terminal and will auto work with computers so if you set term to be the monitor at the top of the file it should work correctly.
term = peripheral.wrap("SIDE OF MONITOR")
Put that at the top of your code and it should work. but this what i think it is after taking a look at your code (also its not that long of a code sample...)

Keystroke Device Tracing (Delphi) [duplicate]

I have two keyboards attached to a PC. One is used to type in TMemo1 and the other in TMemo2. Both are allowed to type at the same time. The problem is I cannot distinguish what keyboard-one has typed and what keyboard-two has typed.
Is there any way to distinguish, which device certain input came from?
#Dian, you can use the RegisterRawInputDevices function to register the keyboards and monitor the WM_INPUT message to determine the device (keyboard) where the input came from.
check theses links for more info
Using Raw Input from C# to handle multiple keyboards
WM_INPUT Message
As far as I know there is no way to distinguish keyboards unil you have hooked keyboard driver. Windows provide solid input model to application, so there is no difference for application receiving input from keyboard, second keyboard, IR remote control, or from another program that uses SendInput API function.

Automatic printing from web app

I am writing a web app that needs to quickly print a name tag and a parent claim check as we check children in. I am using a Dymo Twin Turbo (a label print that can have 1 label type on the left and a different sized label on the right). When I check in a child, it needs to print one on each side of the printer without prompting. I have found jZebra (which I am still trying to figure out) but it doesn't seem to have the capability to choose which tray it will print to. Is there another applet or such that would be better, or is there something about jZebra that I could use?
If anyone is interested in what I came up with: Dymo has a great JavaScript framework that works with its label writers. This framework can be found in the developers section of the Dymo website ( The examples provided all use a button to print, instead I used an onLoad event to call my function. It was my first real attempt at JavaScript, so it took me a while to get it working like I wanted, but it works great!

How to read value from simple USB device?

I have an exceedingly simple USB device. There is no driver provided and instructions are to open an editor and manpulate the device (let's not confuse the issure by dicussing the device) to see the result.
Sure enough, if I open Notepad in Windows and manipulate the device a text string appears in Notepad.
Ok, it looks like it is writing to stdin. Now I would like to write a Delphi program to take this input and act upon it ...
How should I best go about it?
The form doesn't seem to be receiving KeyDown/KeyUp/KeyPress events. That's a pity as it would allow the device to 'interrupt' me. But, maybe I have to poll? Every so often (how often?) I could attempt read from stdin - but what if there is nothing to read?
I hope that I explained that clearly. Any advice?
Update: oops, my bad - I wasn't receiving KeyDown/KeyUp/KeyPress events because I forgot to set the form's KeyPreview to True. But I am awarding the question to Greg because he tried to help and because HID looks interesting. Thanks, Greg.
It sounds like your device is using the HID (Human Interface Device) USB class and is acting like a keyboard. So, you would read from the keyboard exactly as you normally would, manipulate the device in whatever way is appropriate (scan a bar code, whatever) and the keystrokes will come through as if they were typed.

How to create a BlackBerry App that access low level hardware?

I've written some BlackBerry apps, but now i'm trying to write one that must access the hardware (keyboard) in some low level way, and I can't seem to find a way to do it, nor any help to it in the 'official' boards.
The thing is, I need to know when, at any time, the '$' key is pressed in the blackberry keyboard, so my app (or resident service) can catch it, stop the '$' char from displaying, and if the user presses a vowel next, then add an accent to that vowel... and if it presses another key, just send back the '$' char + the other char.
i.e. '$' + 'a' = รก
In other words, I need to create an app or service that converts the '$' key into an accent key, just like typical non-US PC keyboards works.
Now here's the problem: The whole Blackberry OS works under a Java Virtual Machine (Kind of making the JVM the actual OS). So as you can imagine, every app written for it is written in Java.
There's obviously a set of special blackberry api libraries into their Java implementation so the developer is able to access particular Blackberry functions and features... however there doesn't seem to be a thing that I can use to achieve my particular task.
But then maybe there is, and I haven't found it, since I'm still new to Blackberry Programming.
So, in that note, any help or comment will be greatly appreciated.
-Gabriel Alonso.
A screen need to have the focus to be able to get key Event.
RIM dosen't allow low level access to their hardware for security reason.
Press and hold a letter key and roll the thumb-wheel to scroll through international/accent characters, equation symbols and other marks.
Here is the source
Blackberry do not allow execute applications, if they use certain API, not to mention the low-level programming.
All that you can use in your applications for keypad handling - it is possibilities of Java. Like KeyListener interface and Keypad class.
This is a very late reply, however...
You can use keyChar (member of screen, and of KeyListenerInterface) to intercept any key - for the first letter, capture the key pressed. If it's "$" hold onto it and don't call super.keyChar. On the next keyChar (or after a delay with no input) perform your mapping if $ was previously pressed, and send your designed character code to the super.keyChar call. keyDown and keyUp can be used similarly if keyChar presents implementation issues.
