Rendering button event on parts of the screen? - blackberry

Hi I am new to Blackberry.I have a Bitmap which is used as a homescreen and it contains four stages.I want to make these stages as Buttons.I am developing the application in storm version.How can I implement these parts of the screen as Button events?Any answers appreciate.

Take a look at the BitmapButton example
Implement advanced buttons, fields, and managers
Started 04-21-2010
Modified 05-10-2010


How to Make a Programmable Tile View (Like the App Store Has)?

I'm building an app, and I want the main view to be "tile" based, kind of like how the App Store looks:
In other words, I'd like to be able to add rounded "tiles" (like the get fit, now trending) to my view with certain information- a method that adds tiles in certain scenarios, with certain information. I'd also like the view to be scrollable, and the tiles to expand and reveal more information when clicked.
I have no idea how to start this, so I'm sorry for the vagueness, but any help is appreciated.
Anyone looking to make a UI like the App Store's today page will find what they want in the Cocoapod called "Cards."

Blur then focus Effect

I am making a single view application in Xcode and I am having a little trouble*(By little I mean BIG trouble!)
I wanted to make a clone of the Apple's News app home page where the buttons are are blurry than come to focus.I want to use that effect for three different ui elements.I have been trying for days but no success. :(
Is there a way of doing the blur than focus animation to a label a button And image view? If so can you please guide me on how to do it?
Thank you for your time.

Replicate iOS Pattern: Instagram Search-Style Swiping Tabs

I'm starting a new iOS project in Swift, and my experience programming native iOS applications is minimal, so please bear with me if I use some whacky terminology or overlook some simple solutions.
I'm looking to replicate a pattern in the Instagram application, as seen here:
Selected Tab
Swiping Transition
For those who don't use Instagram, what's essentially going on here is something like a UIPageViewController (with swiping functionality), but with the tabs on top indicating the selected page.
Like in Instagram, I'm planning to have this functionality within a child UIViewController of a UITabBarController (you can see the "main" tabs on the bottom).
What I started out doing was creating static tabs and adding left and right gesture recognizers to the child UIViewController, which would change the page and update the indicator of the selected page on the tabs.
This works but I'm not really loving the way it looks, nor the way it's written. I don't like the idea of needing 2 instances of the tabs, and that certainly doesn't seem to be the way Instagram is doing it, because as shown in the second image, the indicator slides between the tabs.
I've searched a fair bit, but all references to replicating Instagram patterns seem to be outdated and don't address this specific element. Like I said, though, I haven't been programming native iOS for very long (I'm an Android developer and have used Xamarin for iOS), so it's possible I'm just not using the right keywords.
I'd appreciate any help y'all can offer!

Tab Bar like WhatsApp

How do I create a tab bar like WhatsApp on BlackBerry in my BlackBerry app? I want that feature in BlackBerry OS 7.0. I have used managers -- HorizontalFieldManager and VerticalFieldManager -- to achieve it. But it doesn't look as attractive as WhatsApp. Can FieldTabController help me do this?
It's not going to look attractive if you are just making tweaks to the code, and then seeing what that looks like. You need to start with a design you find attractive. Once you have that goal put together as an image, you start writing code to make the UI look like the design image.
The WhatsApp tab bar is not a straightforward combination of built-in UI managers from RIM. It has a fair amount of customization - each tab has three visual states, and there is a tooltip that follows the focus, as well as a context tab on the right that changes depending on the currently selected main tab. This means there are several interacting UI components here, not just a single magic manager.
Essentially, you will probably want to start building your own custom Field objects.
Basically, subclass the Field class (or one of the other subclasses), and learn to love the paint(..) method and the Graphics API.

use multiple views in an application

I am new to Iphone programming. So please don't mind if I ask some basic questions. :mad:
I want to develop an application where the landing screen will be a login screen and after login application should display a new screen with the list of available categories. And on selecting any category a new screen should appear with the information related to the selected category.
Basically I want to display different screens in the applications and my confusion is how can I make different screens with one .xib file? or should I use different .xib files for each screen. If I use different .xib files for each screen then how should I navigate to different screens.
Please help in solving this confusion.
Thanks in advance
You should definitely use different .xib's for each view. You will end up having a standard view, a table view (probably programatically wrapped in a navigation controller) and a standard view, respectively. Each will also have their own class.
You navigate to different screens by programmatically initializing them. The condition on which they are created varies from screen to screen. For example, your login screen will only create and load a table view for the categories after a successful login. The category screen will only create a detail screen when the user touches a category in the table.
I think your best bet is to pick up an iPhone programming book and do the first few chapters until you feel comfortable with the basics of XCode. The Apple documentation usually contains more than you really need to know and by the sounds of it, you just want to jump in and make a few simple apps.
After that, you can look at the Apple sample code here:
