Some Rails unit testing questions (using Shoulda + Factory girl) - ruby-on-rails

I have a couple of complicated objects to stub out (instances of gems I use). Where can I centralize these stubs to make them available to all tests?
How can I programatically clear the DB between tests without rake:test? I want to quickly run individual tests through textmate, but doing so will error out since it doesn't clear the DB between tests
The tests run slow since it has to spin up a Rails instance. How to speed up the tests? Especially while writing the tests and wanting to quickly run changes

1) You can either put them in test_helper.rb to make them available to all tests or you could write your own module which contains those methods and then include that module in the tests that require those stubs.
2) You could put Model.destroy_all (or .delete_all if appropriate which would be quicker) in your test setup method to strip out those models that you are no longer interested in.
However, if you are running tests in transactions (and your database supports transactions) then you shouldn't need to clear out any data because the creation of the data and the test will run in a transaction which will then be rolled back clearing the data automatically.
3) Not so sure on this one. I had this problem a lot developing on Windows but not so much on *nix. You could look into some kind of continuous testing but there's still going to be a delay on feedback. It might be worth investigating what is causing the rails environment to be so slow starting - it might be something you can skip in your testing environment.


FactoryGirl and DatabaseCleaner best practices for entire test suite using integration and unit tests

I have a Rails test suite that uses DatabaseCleaner, FactoryGirl, and Capybara-Webkit. All my tests pass on my machine when running the suite, including when running them all in parallel (parallel_rspec).
When I push to CI (circleci) I always get a failure in my integration tests. I suspect it is because I am using transaction strategy in my unit tests (controllers, services, views, etc...). Perhaps it is a bad practice, but if I need a model in my controller (for example) I have been doing FactoryGirl.create(:my_model). But I suspect every single place I use FactoryGirl to create a model I should also be making that test use a truncation strategy in DatabaseCleaner.
I just marked my entire suite to use truncation and pushed to CI and it's green which is great, but now the suite takes 50% longer to run.
So, when instantiating ActiveRecord models with FactoryGirl, should I ALWAYS mark those tests to use truncation?
Thank you for any and all feedback.
Test that need to be marked to use truncation (or deletion) are tests that access the database through multiple connections. When using Capybara for feature tests that's generally any tests using a driver other than rack-test, since they run the app in a separate thread which gets it's own connection to the database, and is handled by the recommended database_cleaner config - (the use of append_after for the block that starts the clean is very important)
Other types of tests generally don't create multiple threads or connections so truncation usually isn't necessary for them (and data needed in those tests is often built using the FactoryGirl build_stubbed method with find mocked to return the stubbed object and bypass the database completely).
Additionally if the tests pass on your machine they should pass on CI since I assume you're using the same database cleaner method on your machine as on CI, so I would guess it's more of a timing issue.
Also with DatabaseCleaner, once you set the method in a CI container, it's set that way for the entire run, so it's good practice to run your unit tests in a separate container than your features/system tests.

speed up test cycle on rails 2.3.10

I've got a fairly big scary legacy app with no tests that I'm trying to build some tests into. My problem is that the schema's rather large, and to drop the database and reload it takes 56 seconds. to run all my tests (so far) takes 2. I'm using transactional fixtures, it runs each test without reloading the db, I don't see why I shouldn't be able to load the test environment once, build the db, then run tests over and over without needing to drop the db and rebuild? a 1 minute test cycle doesn't sound like much, but it really adds up. transactional fixtures should ensure the db doesn't get muddy ya?
Trying to figure it out, I didn't see anything that would do what I wanted, and before diving into the rake gem to try and modify the rake test task, I figured I'd ask, since i get the feeling I'm doing it wrong.
Don't drop the database; you're shouldn't be testing database creation, so doing so is often a TDD anti-pattern. Instead, truncate your tables. You can do this in a number of ways, but a very common way is with the DatabaseCleaner gem.

Automate testing of process flows in Rails

I am building a educational service, and it is a rather process heavy application. I have a lot of user actions triggering various actions, some present, some future.
For example, when a student completes a lesson for his day, the following should happen:
updating progress count for his user-module record
checking if he has completed a particular module and progressing him to the next one (which in turn triggers more actions)
triggering current emails to other users
triggering FUTURE emails to himself (ongoing lesson plans)
creating range of other objects (grading todos by teachers)
any other special case events
All these triggers are built into the observers of various objects, and the execution delayed using Sidekiq.
What is killing me is the testing, and the paranoia that I might breaking something whenever I push something. In the past, I do a lot of assertion and validations checks, and they were sufficient. For this project, I think this is not enough, given the elevated complexity.
As such, I would like to implement a testing framework, but after reading through the various options (Rspec, Cucumber), it is not immediately clear what I should be investing my effort into, given my rather specific needs, especially for the observers and scheduled events.
Any advice and tips on what approach and framework would be the most appropriate? Would probably save my ass in the very near future ;)
Not that it matters, but I am using Rails 3.2 / Mongoid. Happy to upgrade if it works.
Testing can be a very subjective topic, with different approaches depending on the problems at hand.
I would say that given your primary need for testing end-to-end processes (often referred to as acceptance testing), you should definitely checkout something like cucumber or steak. Both allow you to drive a headless browser and run through your processes. This kind of testing will catch any big show stoppers and allow you to modify the system and be notified of breaks caused by your changes.
Unit testing, although very important, and should always be used in parallel with acceptance tests, isn't for doing end-to-end testing, Its primarily for testing the output of specific methods in isolation
A common pattern to use is called Test Driven Development (TDD). In this, you write your acceptance tests first, in the "outer" test loop, and then code your app with Unit tests as part of the "inner" test loop. The idea being, when you've finished the code in the inner loop, then the outer loop should also pass, and you should have built up enough test coverage to have confidence that any future changes to the code will either pass/fail the test depending on if the original requirements are still met.
And lastly, a test suite is something that should grow and change as your app does. You may find that whole sections of your test suite can (and maybe should) be rewritten depending on how the requirements of the system change.
Unit Testing is a must. you can use Rspec or TestUnit for that. It will give you atleast 80% confidence.
Enable "render views" for controller specs. You will catch syntax errors and simple logical errors faster that way.There are ways to test sidekiq jobs. Have a look at this.
Once you are confident that you have enough unit tests, you can start looking into using cucumber/capybara or rspec/capybara for feature testing.

how to "test" an externally managed db in rails

Background: We have a dependency on an externally managed database. This is a company-wide resource. We have a read-only account into it and have no control over or input into the schema or contents.
Issue: We're using ActiveRecord as our ORM into said resource; we manage the connection information separate from our central db connection information. It worked out fine. We have some characterization tests that verify that our ActiveRecords retrieve the data for a few know datapoints. However, we have no test/dev environment replacement strategy for this database. Right now all of our environments are configured to use the production database connection:
That sucks
We don't want the production password on the build server, so our build is broken
The queries to the production database server are slow and because caching is off in test/dev our homepage loads REALLY slow locally
So we need something else in test/dev mode.
Q) Why not just have another sqlite database locally that mimics the schema of the production database?
A) Because we've tried that for another connection and it's lousy for at least a couple reasons.
It's fairly complex managing the separate schema (sqlite db file) in the rake process just for testing/dev.
Testing ActiveRecords outside of a schema that's managed by some process that ensures schema consistency between environments is largely meaningless.
The database configuration doesn't feel like the right seam. The database connection aspect of this, and thus the AR, is not part of what we're developing, it's just a connection library in this case. As long as we can ensure our test/dev replacement for it acts the same as the production AR, then it doesn't matter if we use AR for this in test/dev. I hope that made sense, it's an important point.
Q) You could use SchemaDumper to grab the schema of the production database and use it to generate the test database. That way all the SQLy details would be automated and it would look more like typical rails stuff.
A) Yeah, that would be pretty hot, but SchemaDumper doesn't seem to play nicely with the production database connection. It just hangs after a while and we don't get the whole schema. Bummer. That also doesn't avoid having to manage that whole other database file and work managing said file into our rake tasks.
What I really want to do is to have production use the ARs that are tested in the characterization tests and then have another object that's a plain old PORO that reads stuff out of a yaml file (like a fixture) that replaces the object in the test/development/build environments.
Q) But Najati, isn't putting that stuff in a yaml file the same as defining the schema?
A) Well, yeah, sorta. Its just a lot more direct and easier to manage if it's in some PORO that loads some crap out of a yamlfile than if I also have to work some half-baked schema management into our build tasks; we do this currently and it's pretty lousy and, frankly, doesn't seem to be buying us much. Also the test schema and the test data fixture duplication the information: "this is what we want the test version of this data to look like" - why do we need both? I claim "So that you can use the same AR in both environments." is not a sufficient argument to justify the complexity of managing the extra sqlite db file.
Q) I feel like there's something you're not telling me.
A) I've been cheating on my Weight Watchers. Also,
In the past when I've had something like this my solution looked like this:
Characterization tests that capture the important aspects of the external service's behavior, run not with the unit test suite, but as a separate process on the build server, maybe once every 4 hours or every night or whatever.
A fake implementation that used the same set of tests to exercise it's behavior to ensure that it was providing similar functionality to the test/dev environment.
Spring (and probably dependency injection containers in general) makes this easy. You just swap out beans in your environment-specific bean config and the test env just goes on it's merry way.
Given my understanding/knowledge, Rails doesn't seem to be lending itself to this very well. I supposed I could redefine the class in my test/dev environment scripts, but that seems really shady. For one thing, I don't know if that would keep the model from being loaded at application start-up, and another, that would add yet another strange wrinkle to our Rails project, another bit of magic that would make the project harder to come up to speed on. I want something that feels like the "service replacement" strategy used in Spring that doesn't require hard-to-find/understand RoR magic.
Uhh. I'll stop there and see if that much prompts anything. Thanks for taking the time to read!
You don't actually test the database. You're testing your models that interact with the app or other 'original' code that might touch the database. If there is magic in the prod database, take it out and put it in fixtures or factories. The fixtures and factories load the test data into a test instance, for example: db_test. When the test has passed or failed the database is rolled back with transactions and your tests can (and should) run atomically. If you are trying to build an app that tests a database, that's a different story. For everyone else, use the testing design that Rails provides: fixtures or factories and a "test" rails database defined in config/database.yml. The YML file swaps out for the dependency injection functionality. It's just a hash of variables, you don't need any pojo spring tricks to swap out environments. :) When rails runs your tests with fixtures or factories, it will load only the test environment as defined in database.yml. This will also integrate nicely with rspec, guard and other tools. When I save one of my models, it creates some data in my test db, runs my test and cleans up the database all just by hitting the save button on my source file.
Integration tests should still use this same mechanism. The only thing that makes this process annoying is legacy databases and I've worked some magic there with metaprogramming to minimize the hassle.
Take a look at factory_girl for factories. And episode railscast #275:
I think you have only two options: either you duplicate the database in some way, or you separate the ORM into a thin (as thin as possible) layer and mock it out in your tests.
Besides, you may have an AR schema ready in your db/schema.rb.

Fixtures and Selenium and Rails (oh my?)

What data do you use with Selenium tests on Rails apps? Do you load from fixtures? Use an existing dev db? Use a separate (non-fixture) db?
I'm considering my options here. I have a Rails app with a large Selenium test suite that runs on a modified version of Selenium Grid. Part of the process, right now, is loading a large set of fixtures, once, before the test suite runs. It's a LOT of data. Most of it is reporting info exported from our production db. When I set it up originally, I exported the data to yaml from Oracle.
Now there's been a schema change in some of the reporting tables, so of course I have to regenerate the fixture data. There is so much of it that it's not worthwhile to edit the files by hand. But it seems inefficient to have to regenerate for every little schema change - not to mention that it's yet another step to remember to do. Is there a better way?
EDIT: I originally intended to load the fixtures before each test and unload them after each test, like regular Rails tests. But it takes about 15 minutes to load the fixtures due to this reporting data. There are 200+ tests, and the suite runs every 12 hours. I cannae bend spacetime captain!
EDIT 2: I also agree that having this big set of fixtures is a bad smell. I'm not sure how to pare it down, though, because the reports aggregate a lot of data and much of the value of the selenium tests is that they test the reports.
Even if it's a small set of data,'s still another set to keep co-ordinated with schema changes. (We have a separate, smaller set for unit, functional, and [Rails] integration tests.)
Which brings me back to my original question - are there other options besides doing it by hand, or remembering to regenerate them each time?
If you can, the best possible thing to do is have a system in which each Selenium test gets it's own data state (ie: DB tables dropped and recreated, bootstrap data re-inserted, and caches cleared). This is easier said than done and usually is only possible if the project planned for it from the start.
The next best thing is to have a consistent DB state for each test suite/run. This is not as nice since there is now a strong chance that some tests will depend on the success of previously run tests, making it more difficult identify true failures vs. false negatives.
The worst case, IMO, is to use a static DB in which each test run mutates the date. This almost always leads to problems and is usually a "project smell". The key to doing it the "right way" (again, IMO) is to be vigilant about any state/schema change and capture it as part of the automated test/build process.
Rails does a good job with this already with Migrations, so take advantage of them! Without knowing your situation, I'd generally question the need to run Selenium tests against a snap of the full DB. Most DBs can (or should) be distilled down to less than 1MB for automated testing, making automated schema migrations and data reset much more efficient.
The only time I've seen a "valid" reason for massive DBs for Selenium tests is when the DB itself contains large chunks of "logic data" in which the data affects the application flow (think: data-driven UI).
I think you're asking two questions here that are intertwined so if I'm to break it down:
You want to get test data into and out of your DB quickly and fixtures aren't doing it for you.
You've been burnt by a schema change and you want to make sure that whatever you do doesn't require eight iterations themed "fiddling with the test data...still" :)
You've got a couple of alternatives here which I've hashed out below. Because you've mentioned Oracle I'm using Oracle technologies here but the same thing is true for other DB platforms (e.g. Postgresql):
Rake tesks that call PL/SQL scripts to generate the data, nasty horrible evil idea, don't do it unless there's no other option. I did it on one project that needed to load in billions of rows for some infrastructure architecture tests. I still sulk about it.
Get your DB into a dump format. For speedy binary dumps check out the exp/imp and data pump utilities. This will allow you quick setup and teardown of your DB. Certainly on a rails project I worked on we used rake tasks to exp/imp a database which had around 300k records in under a minute. Also check SQLLoader which is the logical dump utility, as its logical its slower and requires you to have control scripts to help SQLLoader understand the dumps. However, the benefit of the logical dump is that you can run transformation scripts over them to massage the data into the latest format. Sadly though just like fixtures all these tools are pretty sensitive to change in the schema.
Use a plugin such as Machinist or Factory Girl to make the generation of the data nicer. You still incur the penalty of using ActiveRecord to setup the DB but these fake object generators will help you stay close to you migrations and are a lot less hassle to maintain than fixtures.
Combine approaches 2 and 3. What happens here is that you make some test data with say Machinst. You export that test data to a dump and then reload the dump during each test run. When the schema changes update the Machinist config and re-export.
Hope that helps.
I'm currently on a project with an enormous Selenium test suite--actually, the one Selenium Grid was written for--and our tests use a small amount of reference data (though we don't use Rails YAML fixtures) and object factories for one-off data needed for particular tests.
Alternatively, on many of the ThoughtWorks Rails projects I've been on we've written checkin scripts that incorporate a number of pre-commit hooks--for example, running the tests before allowing a commit. One thing you might consider trying is writing (or customizing) a similar checkin script that will check for schema changes and reload the reference data as needed.
See e.g. Paul Gross's rake commit tasks on Github.
