How to write multiple lines in a label - ios

I have a XIB file of type View XIB. In it I have a View controller, and in the View controller I have a label.
I have long text that I want to break, but it doesn't - it gets truncated.
I tried this solution - I did it in the attribute window - but it doesn't help.

You could use a TextView and disable the Editable and User Interaction Enabled options in IB.

use this
myLabel.lineBreakMode = UILineBreakModeWordWrap;
if you are worried about backwards compatibility use this because the comand i mentioned before was introduced in iOS 6.0
myLabel.numberOfLines = 0;

I have been running into a similar problem. I started out with a label, but wanted multi-lines and a UITextView worked great for this, at first. Because I am using a third party library (MBProgressHUD) to handle stuff like progress messages and what not, I had thread problems when trying to update a UITextView and show the progress message at the same time.
So I went back to UILabel which actually didn't have thread problems. I found a property to allow a specific number of lines of my choosing, and had to create the label big enough to display those lines. The downfall to this approach is that I don't get the context menus like Copy, Paste, etc. but more importantly I'm not running into thread problems. I can always embed this into a UIScrollView in the future if I so choose.

You could check out my category for UILabel on GitHub.
This lets you resize the height of the label to accommodate the content.

From the Attiribute inspector, choose LineBreaks->Word Wrap option when you have selected the lablel. Also increase the number of lines Label->Lines.

Try Following steps to solve issue :
Drag out a UITextView.
Double-click it to edit text, place cursor where you want the
paragraph break.
Option-Enter a couple of times to create a blank line & paragraph.


Swift UIButton - How to remove underline?

I have problem when in iOS settings is enabled this setting "Button Shapes"
It causing this underline in application (first picture with enabled setting, second without)
Any idea how to programatically or in storyboard disable it?
I tried attributed text but I get same result :(
I'm newbie in Swift.
Thanks for help!
It's not a problem. You should not make any attempt to counter any accessibility changes set by the user. They are there for a reason.
This is an answer by user4291543 from this question Remove underline on UIButton in iOS 7
[yourBtnHere setBackgroundImage:[[UIImage alloc] init] forState:UIControlStateNormal];
I found this answer works with SWFrameButton
And for all the others saying "Don't Do This", SWFrameButton is a very good example of when you would want to do this. I also think the OP's situation is a perfectly valid scenario as well...
I totally agree with #maddy's comment:
It's not a problem. You should not make any attempt to counter any accessibility changes set by the user. They are there for a reason.
But I did stumble on a way to accomplish the task at hand...
In addition to a UIButton, you'll also need to make a .png file that contains nothing (meaning the entire contents have an opacity of 0%). Go ahead and load that into your xcode project's assets.
Now go ahead and set the Button's Background to that image you just provided. (In my case, I called it clear) This will remove the underline from the button's text. However, now you can't see the boundaries of the button. This can be solved by changing the Background of the button's View. Go ahead and select any color for the View's Background property and now the background of the View visibly defines the button's boundaries. You're able to see this because your clear.png has an opacity of 0%.
see the Attributes inspector for UIButton here.
Rather than trying to defeat the underline by going to make a label perform some action via UITapGestureRecognizer, this allows you to still use a UIButton. Keeping inline with accessibility features to mark buttons for people that want to do that.
You could create a custom button class with a label (with clear color). If you set the text of this label instead it shouldn`t get an underline.
Are you sure you want to do that?
Apple added an accessibility feature to mark buttons for people that want to do that. Apple will probably reject your app because it defeats a system function meant to help the disabled.
I found the solution. All you have to do is set a picture as the background of the button. just pick a picture with the same color as the button you created.

Cursor issue while creating Custom keyboard with UIView

My requirement was to make a application specific keyboard i.e with a different theme and different key contents as compared to the default keyboard. But the way Apple states to implement keyboard requires user effort to add it through Settings->General->Keyboard which I don't want.
So, for that I tried to implement it using a UIView and making it the inputView for UITextView and it is working perfectly fine except for one issue. I added a functionality to add a linebreak in the textView. For that the code I used is
textView.text = "\(textView.text)\n"
Now, whenever I add a linebreak through keyboard, line is changed, but a new cursor appears to blink above the old cursor. I don't know how to get rid of that.
To explain the problem in a better way, here's a GIF image of the issue.
Please help.

Word Wrapping on UILabel iOS

Hi friends i have one requirement that word wrapping on label. Using myLabel.lineBreakMode=NSLineBreakByCharWrapping;
I am able to show the text in label like below
Designation : I am working as iOS
But i want to show
Designation : I am working as iOS
Is this possible to achieve above requirement within one label?
I tried it and got it solved. I have attached the screenshot. You just need to do the following:
set lines property of label to 2.
set height and width of the label through xib and its done.
In Xcode, you can design your UILabel to have 2 lines. Then, you just need to add a new line ("\n") after the word "iOS", and center-align everything? If your caption is always the same you can pre-enter it in Xcode. To add a new line, just press alt+Enter.
Would that be acceptable?
No, it's not possible with UILabel, Unless workaround to this. I think, you know how to done manually. But You can't wrap the content like above. Simple answer is you can use two label.
Not possible. UILabel just renders text according to properties that you defined. If you want to do it ideally then use two UILabels. & Place them according to your need.

Is it possible to customize a text field , in iOS?

i am in need to use a text field in my application but the ones provided by XCode are only 1 line long and you can only change the width but not the hight.
I was wondering if its possible to make it look more lines long?
Is it only possible with customization and if yes any good tutorials?
Thank you!
First off, you can actually change the height of a UITextField. Just change the border style in the Attributes Inspector to anything except the default "rounded corners". You can then resize it right in Interface Builder. If you really wanted to, you could even change it back in your viewDidLoad method like this:
self.myTextField.borderStyle = UITextBorderStyleRoundedRect;
However, to have multiple lines, you have to use a UITextView. It's by default multi-line, but see the Apple documentation for more information.
You can use a UITextView. The document about it here. If you need something else, please post an image of what you want to achieve.

UIScroll and its nested elements

I created a UIScrollView.
I set up the dimensions and then I am trying to add UILabels.
However the labels are all white text (annoying because I have to change the property per label).
Is there a way to make all labels (new ones that are dragged from IB to the view) have a default text color of black?
Edited to match comments
I want to use IB as much as I can. Therefore I want to drag UILabel from the Library palette to the UIView. When I do this, the UILabel is set to white (default). I want the default color to be Black. I know I can do this programatically but I am trying to avoid that unless I really really need to.
There's no easy way to do exactly what you want. But what you can do is create a label with the properties you want, store it somewhere on the drawing board but not in the view, then duplicate it each time you want a new label instead of dragging on a new one. You can duplicate easily using option+drag.
I think the short answer is "no, there's not an easy way to do what you're describing."
The easiest way I can think of would be to create all your UILabels (with the default setting of white text), then control-click them all and set their text color all at once – all the other ways are less convenient, or would essentially require that Apple open-source Xcode or UIKit so that we can get at their internals.
Yes, there is a way. You could loop the subviews of the target view such as:
UIView * targetView;
for(id subView in targetView.subViews){
if([subView isKindOfClass:[UILabel class]]){
[subView setBackgroundColor:clearColor];
why do the labels have to come from the object library? You could get the functionality that you want by dragging only one UILable from the library to your view set all the properties to the defaults that you want and hit copy(command+c) once. Now you can paste(command+v) your UILabel with the special property values as many times as you want, IBActions and outlets will also be retained in the copys.
If you plan to tweak more involved properties than font color and size, then I would suggest a more custom approach that will require only minimul coding before you do the bulk drag and drop work in IB.
Subclass a UILable in Xcode, set all of your properties just once in a simple return method and than call this method from both "init" and "awakeFromNib" Now go back to IB and do all your drag/dropping making sure that the labels are of your subclass.
However, it is my opinion that if you are doing this a lot, especially if you will be doing something similar again in the future, you will save a substantial amount of time and energy to implement this "label factory" in code. Its likely less code than you are imagining it will be and the kicker is that you can reuse it in the next app. anyway thats my 2cents, Good Luck
