extra "file://" prefix generated by pdflatex using hyperref package in macro - latex

The LaTeX hyperref package confuses me in several ways. Here's my particular problem.
In my document, the command
works just fine - pdflatex generates just the valid link.
But the commands
generates the link
Can someone tell me where the extra "file://..." comes from, and how to get rid of it?

Wild guess: Are you sure you're not introducing any extraneous spaces anywhere? I can reproduce the behaviour if I introduce a linebreak just before #1. (Pro tip: Put a % just after the last character in multi-line commands, so LaTeX doesn't process the newline.)


Sphinx cross-reference in LaTeX

I have the following reference identified in file A:
.. _my-label:
and I reference it in file B :
this is a reference to file A :ref:`my-label`
This generates a cross-reference as expected when outputting HTML. However, when outputting LaTeX, it does not and I have the classical warning:
LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `my-label:my-label' on page XX undefined on input line YY.
Is there a LaTeX trick like double compilation or something similar that I am not doing correctly?
I encountered the same issue. HTML compiled without errors for me, but LaTeX compilation did throw the hyperref errors you described. It seems to me that, for some obscure reason, Sphinx does not create the labels that hyperref tries to reference.
I came up with the following solution: since I do not know how to include the missing labels, I will just make it so that LaTeX does not look for them anymore. In detail, I am doing this by overwriting the \hyperref command.
I included the following code in my conf.py file:
latex_elements = {
'preamble': r'''
This includes the \renewcommand{... in the preamble of the LaTeX document created by Sphinx. It will overwrite the \hyperref command so that it won't try to insert a link, but just print the link text.
Obviously, with this solution, the reference that caused the errors will not appear as hyperlinks in your PDF document, but at least it is compiling without errors.
What I described worked perfectly fine for my use case, however, it is described in the Hyperref manual that the \hyperref command can be invoked in two different ways (\hyperref{URL}{category}{name}{text} and \hyperref[label]{text}). I am only overwriting the second one, as that seems to be the one that Sphinx is using for cross references. However, not accounting for the first one when overwriting the command might lead to issues in some cases.

Wrap URL (ignores margin) in BibTeX using pdfLaTeX

I'm using the breakurl package and the hyperref package with pdfLatex and BibTeX to cite a url. The url is breaking, but not according to my margins. Is there any way I can make the url recognize my margins or force a line break? Thanks in advance.
author = {University of Bristol Centre for Multilevel Modelling},
title = {Datasets used in reviews},
howpublished = {\url{http://www.cmm.bristol.ac.uk/learning-training/multilevel-m-software/exam.shtml}},
Sometimes, when LaTeX cannot break lines nicely, it leaves them unadjusted. You can control that behavior putting \sloppy at the beginnig of your document and see if the behavior suits you more. Also, you have spaces in your URL, as I've seen in your post. Remove them. The url package usuallly does a nice job breaking urls (I have not used the breakurl package and my URLs break nicely by the slashes or dashes).
Better to add 'breaklinks' to the options for hyperref or if using url explicitly format the url in the bibtex file "\url{http:....}". This fixed the problem for me. You may still need to redefine the format for the url if the default box does not suit your purposes.

linebreak in url with Bibtex and hyperref package

Why is this item not shown properly in my bibliography?
abstract = {ANN is an implbmentation of nearest neighbor search.},
author = {David M. Mount and Sunil Arya},
howpublished = {\url{http://www.cs.umd.edu/~mount/ANN/}},
keywords = {knn},
posted-at = {2010-04-08 00:05:04},
priority = {2},
title = {ANN.},
url = "http://www.cs.umd.edu/~mount/ANN/",
year = {2008}
author = {Nilsson, Nils J.},
citeulike-article-id = {6995464},
howpublished = {\url{http://robotics.stanford.edu/people/nilsson/mlbook.html}},
keywords = {*file-import-10-04-11},
posted-at = {2010-04-11 06:52:28},
priority = {2},
title = {Introduction to Machine Learning: An Early Draft of a Proposed Textbook.},
year = {1996}
I am using
. It produces error when using url package together with it. So can the two not work together?
I would like to use hyper links inside pdf file, so I want to use hyperref package instead of url package. I googled a bit, and try
but there is still no line break just as before. How can I do it?
When using url and hyperref together,
if it is just
the compilation by latex is fine, but the link is still hyperlink and has still no linebreak. If I do not use hyperref package, the link has linebreak, but I lose hyper links. Since \url can be used in both hyperref and url packages, how can I specify which package's \url is being used?
If it is
the compilation by latex command will report clash with url:
! LaTex Error: Option clash for package url.
So I wonder how I should do?
You should use them in this order:
You get this error when you use them the other way around.
! LaTex Error: Option clash for package url.
since the hyperref package loads the url package somewhere internally without that hypens option, and then you want to load it with the option, so it clashes.
Turning the order around does what you want and does not give this error (since the package is already loaded hyperref won't load it again with different options)
edit: this was with pdftex, I did not test with other tools.
or as mentioned by PatrickT in a comment: \PassOptionsToPackage{hyphens}{url} if you're using a class that already loads the package, e.g. beamer.
I just ran across almost the same problem and found it solved by putting
before the
If you mean the too-wide spacing, that's because the URLs seems to not allow line-breaks. Why this happens is another question, and the answer depends on your preamble (the packages you use etc.). In principle, if properly used, the url package should allow line breaks.
This problem (and its solution) is described here (sending you to a Google cache since the site is offline at the moment). Bottom line: either use the breakurl package, or PDFLaTeX, or both.
Weird, I load the url package (with no option) and hyphenation is done at the slashes / if needed.
Anyway, simple workaround:
howpublished = {\url{http://www.cs.umd.edu/}\url{~mount/ANN/}},
Manual job, but it splits up the URL yes or yes.
for me only this worked:
Taken from: https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/22854/url-line-breaks-with-biblatex
Normally URLs are hyphenated, but in your bibliography they seem not to be. When the URLs don't fit on one line, they are moved to the next line, and the text before them is stretched to fill out the preceding lines. Since there is only one place to break the line, it's not very likely that the preceding text will fit nicely into a whole number of lines, and so you get all the extra space.
EDIT: When you changed your bib entry, you happened to change it in such a way that the text did fit nicely. This is just a coincidence, you didn't fix your problem.
I suspect that putting
in your preamble will solve it.
If url package doesn't help, try:
Package xurl is an expanded version of url, which allows line breaking at every point in the url. Call xurl before hyperref.
Source: Does the hyperref breaklinks option have any effect?
I add this package:
and in the bibtex I used:
howpublished = {**\url{**http://www.......**}**}
and it works out.
This simple solution worked for me:
The URLs are now perfect.
At the preamble, just put \usepackage{breaker} somewhere after \usepackage{hyper ref}. The \burl command is defined and, by default, the package also turns the \url command into a synonym of \burl.

URL latex linebreak

When a URL is over a line and goes onto a second line, the hyperlink only uses the first line. Is there a way to get around this and yet still have the URL on multiple lines?
You should use the url package:
\url{http://long.url.com/... .../stuff}
and it will break it for you at an appropriate place.
I suggest using package:
This works fine for me on overleaf.
At the preamble, just put \usepackage{breakurl} somewhere after \usepackage{hyperref}. The \burl command is defined and, by default, the package also turns the \url command into a synonym of \burl.
Do it the following way. You are good to go!
For me only this worked:
and with this code to add line breaks after every normal alphabetic character and with *-~'":
\expandafter\def\expandafter\UrlBreaks\expandafter{\UrlBreaks% save the current one
answer complited from this site:
What packages (hyperref,url) and drivers (pdftex, dvips, etc.) are you using? Are you using the breaklinks option to hyperref?
According to the TeX FAQ you might want to try the breakurl package, though it appears you may simply be out of luck in some cases.
What worked best for me (with pdflatex) was
and then just \url{http://stackoverflow.com/} to create URLs. It only broke URLs at . and /, which was okay for my document. Importantly, other approaches I tried created PDFs where only the first line of the URL was a clickable link, and the destination URL was truncated to this portion, which is pretty confusing and bad.
Long URLs that contain underscores (_) in path segments will not be broken when using \PassOptionsToPackage{hyphens}{url}\usepackage{hyperref}. However, I found that I could solve this problem by manually breaking lines in the displayed label using \\\\, like this:
This results in URLs that are a bit prettier (IMO) than the use of \usepackage{breakurl} and \burl, as suggested by Debajyoti Mondal, and allows you to display the full URL if you wish.
There is a simple answer. Use \usepackage[hidelinks]{hyperref} before \begin{document}

Odd Bibtex behaviour in a Latex document

I added a line "\cite{test}" as a test to my working Latex document. When I compiled the bibtex "!bibtex name_of_my_file, I got the expected error:
Warning--I didn't find a database entry for "test"
Then, I removed the line and compiled the bibtex again, hoping to have a working Latex file again. However, the same error occurs, even with a fresh shell. I cannot understand the behaviour. What is the logic? How can I get my Latex document working again?
[Updated Info]
The problem dissapeared as unexpectedly as it emerged. I have no idea why but it works now. Do you know the reason for the odd behaviour?
I think you are tripping over the multi-pass nature of LaTex plus Bibtex. If you look at Step 3 in this discussion, you'll see the following:
The first run (through latex)
generates an auxiliary file,
paper.aux, containing information
about citations (and other types of
references), the bibliography style
used, and the name of the bibtex
database. The second run (through
bibtex) uses the information in the
auxiliary file, along with the data
contained in the bibtex database, to
create a file paper.bbl. This file
contains a thebibliography environment
with \bibitem entries formatted
according to the bibliography style
So, what I think is happening is that your name_of_my_file.aux file still contains your placeholder \cite{test}. If you remove the auxiliary file, you should be able to start over with:
latex name_of_my_file
bibtex name_of_my_file
latex name_of_my_file
latex name_of_my_file
[Update based on additional info]: The problem was that you had a .aux file with your \cite{} still embedded. The second time that you ran latex, you overrode the old file with the new. That's why the complete set of steps includes an initial latex call, a bibtex call and two follow-up latex calls. Think of it as a multi-pass compiler and it might be more intuitive.
You could have a look at latexmk, which will take care of the fix point compilation for you.
Anyway, you should be able to build the document (pdflatex blah.tex), even if you're missing a bibliography item. The corresponding references will just appear as question marks in the PDF.
Rerun latex to regenerate the aux file.
Have a look at this discussion for pointers to a bit more information. Basically, you may have taken your citation out of the .tex file, but it still exists in one of the derived files (aux, bbl, whatever...)
Check if your bib file has the extension .bib and not .tex.
If it is .tex, just change it to .bib and that should do it.
Once I changed it accidentally to tex, by adding some references, and saving it with the "save as" option, without specifying the bib extension. That's how it can happen all of a sudden.
delete all your .aux and temporal files, re run with latex and then bibtex and then latex twice.
