Image edge detection - image-processing

I need to count out boxes in a warehouse by using edge detection techniques; images will be taken from a 3D model of a warehouse and the propose system will be used 3 images in 3 different angles to cover the whole area of a warehouse.
As I have no experience in image processing before I'm a bit confused about which algorithm to use.

For a quick start I would suggest looking at those two:
Sobel operator
Canny operator
These are the most widely used edge detection filters with pretty good results.
If you are starting to learn computer vision, you should also learn about typical operations in image processing and convolution.
The OpenCV library is a great library which implements many algorithms of computer vision, including the two operators mentioned above.

Check out AForge. It has full C# implementation of some edge detection algorithms.

Take a look at Image Processing Library for C++ question. You can find several useful links there. The suggested libraries not only have algorithm description but also their implementations.

OpenCV has a very nice algorithm which detects closed contours in an image and returns them as lists of points. You can then throw away all contours which don't have 4 points, and then check some constraints of the remaining ones (aspect ratio of the rectangles, etc...) to find your remaining box sides. This should at least solve the image processing part of your problem, though turning this list of contours into a count of boxes in your warehouse is going to be tough.
Check here for the OpenCV function:

'Sujoy Filter' is better than Sobel Filter for Edge-detection. Here's the Julia implementation (with paper link): Sujoy Filter


OpenCV compare similar hand drawn images

I am trying to compare two mono-chrome, basic hand drawn images, captured electronically. The scale may be different but the essences of the image is the same. I want to compare one hand drawn image to a save library of images and get a relative score of how similar they are. Think of several basic geometric shapes, lines, and curves that make up a drawing.
I have tried several techniques without much luck. Pixel based comparisons are too exact. I have tried scaling and cropping images and that did not get accurate results.
I have tried OpenCV with C# and have had a little success. I have experimented with SURF and it works for a few images, but not others that the eye can tell are very similar.
So now my question: Are there any examples of using openCV or commercial software that can support comparing drawings that are not exact? I prefer C# but I am open to any solutions.
Thanks in advance for any guidance.
(I have been working on this for over a month and have searched the internet and Stack Overflow without success. I of course could have missed something)
You need to extract features from these images and after that using a basic euclidean distance would be enough to calculate similarity. But hand writtend drawn thins are not easy to extract features. For example, companies that work on face recognition generally have much less accuracy on drawn face portraits.
I have a suggestion for you. For a machine learning homework, one of my friends got the signature recognition assingment. I do not fully know how he did it with a high accuracy, but I know feature extraction part. Firtstly he converted it to binary image. And than he calculated the each row's black pixel count. Than he used that features to train a NN or etc.
So you can use this similar approach to extract features. Than use a euclidean distance to calculate similarities.

Comparing similar images as photographs -- detecting difference, image diff

The situation is kind of unique from anything I have been able to find asked already, and is as follows: If I took a photo of two similar images, I'd like to be able to highlight the differing features in the two images. For example the following two halves of a children's spot the difference game:
The differences in the images will be bits missing/added and/or colour change, and the type of differences which would be easily detectable from the original image files by doing nothing cleverer than a pixel-by-pixel comparison. However the fact that they're subject to the fluctuations of light and imprecision of photography, I'll need a far more lenient/clever algorithm.
As you can see, the images won't necessarily line up perfectly if overlaid.
This question is tagged language-agnostic as I expect answers that point me towards relevant algorithms, however I'd also be interested in current implementations if they exist, particularly in Java, Ruby, or C.
The following approach should work. All of these functionalities are available in OpenCV. Take a look at this example for computing homographies.
Detect keypoints in the two images using a corner detector.
Extract descriptors (SIFT/SURF) for the keypoints.
Match the keypoints and compute a homography using RANSAC, that aligns the second image to the first.
Apply the homography to the second image, so that it is aligned with the first.
Now simply compute the pixel-wise difference between the two images, and the difference image will highlight everything that has changed from the first to the second.
My general approach would be to use an optical flow to align both images and perform a pixel by pixel comparison once they are aligned.
However, for the specifics, standard optical flows (OpenCV etc.) are likely to fail if the two images differ significantly like in your case. If that indeed fails, there are recent optical flow techniques that are supposed to work even if the images are drastically different. For instance, you might want to look at the paper about SIFT flows by Ce Liu et al that addresses this problem with sparse correspondences.

opencv matching edge images

I am working on the project and part of it is to recognize objects recorded on camera. So to be more specific:
I am using OpenCV
I have correctly setup camera and am able to retrieve pictures from it
I have compiled and experimented with number of demos from OpenCV
I need a scale- AND rotation- invariant algorithm for detection
Pictures of original objects are ONLY available as edge-images
All feature detection/extraction/matching algorithms I have seen so far are working reasonably well with gray-scale images (like photos), however due to my project specs I need to work with edge images (kinda like output of canny edge detector) which are typically BW and contain only edges found within the image. In this case the performance of algorithms I was trying to use (SURF, SIFT, MSER, etc) decreases dramatically.
So the actual question is: Has anyone come across algorithm that would be specific for matching edge images or is there a certain setup that can improve performance of SIFR/SURF/? in order to work well with that kind of input.
I would appretiate any advice or links to any relevant resources
PS: this is my first question of stackoverflow
Edge images have a problem: The information they contain about the objects of interest is very, very scarce.
So, a general algorithm to classify edge images is probably not to be found. However, if your images are simple, clear and specific, you can employ a number of techniques to classify them. Among them: find contours, and select by shape, area, positioning, tracking.
A good list of shape information (from Matlab help site) includes:
An important condition to use shapes in your algorithm is to be able to select them individually. Shape analysis is very sensitive to noise, overlap, etc
I found a paper that may be interesting in this context - it is an object classifier that only uses shape information, and it can be applied on Canny images - it sounds like it's your solution

Shape context matching in OpenCV

Have OpenCV implementation of shape context matching? I've found only matchShapes() function which do not work for me. I want to get from shape context matching set of corresponding features. Is it good idea to compare and find rotation and displacement of detected contour on two different images.
Also some example code will be very helpfull for me.
I want to detect for example pink square, and in the second case pen. Other examples could be squares with some holes, stars etc.
The basic steps of Image Processing is
Image Acquisition > Preprocessing > Segmentation > Representation > Recognition
And what you are asking for seems to lie within the representation part os this general algorithm. You want some features that descripes the objects you are interested in, right? Before sharing what I've done for simple hand-gesture recognition, I would like you to consider what you actually need. A lot of times simplicity will make it a lot easier. Consider a fixed color on your objects, consider background subtraction (these two main ties to preprocessing and segmentation). As for representation, what features are you interested in? and can you exclude the need of some of these features.
My project group and I have taken a simple approach to preprocessing and segmentation, choosing a green glove for our hand. Here's and example of the glove, camera and detection on the screen:
We have used a threshold on defects, and specified it to find defects from fingers, and we have calculated the ratio of a rotated rectangular boundingbox, to see how quadratic our blod is. With only four different hand gestures chosen, we are able to distinguish these with only these two features.
The functions we have used, and the measurements are all available in the documentation on structural analysis for OpenCV, and for acces of values in vectors (which we've used a lot), can be found in the documentation for vectors in c++
I hope you can use the train of thought put into this; if you want more specific info I'll be happy to comment, Enjoy.

Image processing [duplicate]

I need to count out boxes in a warehouse by using edge detection techniques; images will be taken from a 3D model of a warehouse and the propose system will be used 3 images in 3 different angles to cover the whole area of a warehouse.
As I have no experience in image processing before I'm a bit confused about which algorithm to use.
For a quick start I would suggest looking at those two:
Sobel operator
Canny operator
These are the most widely used edge detection filters with pretty good results.
If you are starting to learn computer vision, you should also learn about typical operations in image processing and convolution.
The OpenCV library is a great library which implements many algorithms of computer vision, including the two operators mentioned above.
Check out AForge. It has full C# implementation of some edge detection algorithms.
Take a look at Image Processing Library for C++ question. You can find several useful links there. The suggested libraries not only have algorithm description but also their implementations.
OpenCV has a very nice algorithm which detects closed contours in an image and returns them as lists of points. You can then throw away all contours which don't have 4 points, and then check some constraints of the remaining ones (aspect ratio of the rectangles, etc...) to find your remaining box sides. This should at least solve the image processing part of your problem, though turning this list of contours into a count of boxes in your warehouse is going to be tough.
Check here for the OpenCV function:
'Sujoy Filter' is better than Sobel Filter for Edge-detection. Here's the Julia implementation (with paper link): Sujoy Filter
