How can step through an Action that is requested from JavaScript during execution? -

There is this one action that is requested using javascript during the loading of a page, it takes over 25 seconds to resolve. Looking at the code makes me think there is a scaling issue, but I am wondering if there is any way I can step through the code during the request so I can see what is happening. I try clicking 'debug/start debugging' but it won't launch the proper URL (access to the site is subdomain based), and it will also not find certain dependencies. I am able to browse the site directly via URL locally after mapping a URL via my hosts file to localhost (127...) but the default url that pops up (localhost...) from debug does not work because it is not formatted properly.
Any ideas?

You can attach the debugger to your browser by selecting "Attach to process" under "Debug" menu.

In the past, at least with ASP.NET we have used tracing to debug issues. You will just need to enable it in the webconfig. If you use warn, the messages will show in red and be easier to spot.


Atlassian JavaScript load error We tried to load scripts but something went wrong

We tried to load scripts but something went wrong.
Please make sure that your network settings allow you to download scripts from the following domain:
Tried Google Chrome, Firefox, Internet explorer also tried with different PC.
Not able to login into bitbucket
I'm using Chrome Version 77.0.3865.120 (Official Build) (64-bit). I got the same error trying to log in to my group's Atlassian site, and I was able to fix it by specifically allowing JavaScript from Atlassian:
Open Chrome settings
Click on Advanced
Click on Privacy and Security
Click on Site Settings
Click on JavaScript
Make sure JavaScript is set to allowed
Next to Allow, click Add
Paste the URL from the error message in and click Add
I've faced a similar problem recently while traveling and trying to work from a new location.
First I've tried the steps from the previous answer which unfortunately didn't help me (but they definitely may be useful in a different case scenario).
I'm renting a house with an existing pre-configured WIFI router which I could get an access to manage it over the web UI.
I'm not sure which of the following helped me. I did the following changes to the router configuration:
Added the as a primary DNS Server
Enabled IPV6
Disabled the built-in firewall (this one is the more likely one which fixed the issue)

TestCafe: Clicking SSL link does not load page

In a test, I click a link (SSL Cert) link that does not actually load the expected URL page. It hangs and as far as I can tell no issues when I look at network or console. Is there a known issue with TestCafe and clicking certain kinds of links. Clicking the same link with Selenium and Robot Framework successfully takes you to the expected URL.
This information is not sufficient to reproduce the problem. Please create a separate issue in the TestCafe Github repository using the following form
I would appreciate it if you provide us with your project or url to your site and your test code. It will help us determine the cause of the issue efficiently.

Issue trying to launch sample project che-ide-server-extension

With Eclipse Che, I've recently been able to deploy the docker container without any issue as provided in the instructions.
I'm at the point where am trying to learn a bit more about extension development for Che, and I'm going through the small introduction on "developing your first plugin" located on the following page:
I'm stuck at the point where I can successfully build and deploy the sample project by executing the Traefik Start, Tomcat8-IDE Start, Deploy IDE and Deploy Workspace Agent commands.
But when it comes time to navigate to the newly created 2nd workspace by clicking on the link provided in the IDE to go to the newly created 2nd workplace instance...:
... I end up getting redirected to the following error page:
I suspect that there may be some kind of configuration problem with the sample plugin project, or configuration problem with keycloak, but I'm at the point where I don't really know how to proceed in terms of troubleshooting.
(Update: 2018/07/31)
At request of #kalrsson for more information, below is a screenshot of the che-public client configuration in my Keycloak instance.
(SOLUTION Update: 2018/08/01)
Thanks to #kalrsson for pointing me in the right direction.
At first I tried only adding the needed URL to the "Valid Redirect URIs" list. Doing so allowed me to get past the issue were I was receiving the error "Invalid parameter: redirect_uri". However, this only presented me with a blank page. On this blank page, when I inspect the web browser console, I noticed the following error:
From there, I also tried to add the needed URL to WebOrigins in KeyCloak as seen below.
Doing this finally allowed me to fully load and render the secondary workspace
Can you go to keycloak_ip:5050/auth, login as admin/admin, clients, che-public, and the IP you use to redirect urls and webOrigins?
So, you need to previewURL:port both to redirectURIs and webOrigins

Google Colaboratory ServiceWorker Error On Chrome

Whenever I open a Colaboratory Document I always get the same error message:
NotSupportedError: Failed to register a ServiceWorker: The user denied permission to use Service Worker.
This is happening on chrome and my browser allows for ServiceWorkers (chrome://serviceworker-internals/), what's going on? Because the thing is all the code still runs.
Colab's output frames use service workers to support some functionality such as displaying richer graphs (Altair and
The error message indicates that third-party cookies are disabled in your browser, this will prevent the browser service workers from working. The option should be configured under chrome://settings/content/cookies.
I tried white-listing in chrome link (chrome://settings/content/cookies) the following:
Here it was the best approach, better than simply liberatin the 3rd part cookies
Seems to work so on.
Usually there are two causes for this error:
1- you didn't allow cookies on colab domain, so you need to change you browser settings
2- you are using an adblocker

Why am I getting the message "The specified request cannot be executed from current Application Pool"?

Quite not sure why I see this error.
I navigate to my Login View like so
My Login view was just redone using MVC but I have seen this same error message going to an aspx page as well...
If I use http I get the error message The specified request cannot be executed from current Application Pool.
If I use, I'm good.
If I don't specify a protocol,, I get the error as well
Is there an error happening under the covers and my custom error page can't be shown like discussed here?
What are some other causes of this error?
That usually means your custom errors are configured to run as a different AppPool.
You can read more at MSDN. (See section "Using Custom Errors from Another Application Pool").
There are two ways to correct this behavior. The first is possibly not one that you are interested in because it would require you to change your current architecture and run both sites in the same application pool (such as share the same worker process memory space). To do this, simply move the /errors virtual directory to run in the same application pool as the site for which it serves the custom error.
The second way is to make use of a registry key provided by IIS 6.0. This registry key makes sure IIS 6.0 does not check the metadata during the execution of the custom error and therefore allowing this to work.
See the article for information on the registry key fix.
It may also mean that you are using something along the lines of Server.Transfer to a page that is in a different AppPool.
It could be because you're using different versions of ASP.NET for one or many apps in the pool.
Make sure all apps in the pool use the same version of ASP (e.g. ASP 2.0.50727)
If you just added a new app, try changing the app momentarily to a different version of ASP, then back to same version. I experienced an issue where the displayed version was correct, but under the hood, a different version was used!
Check your event log, under Application, to get more details about the error.
The message would be caused by your page server-side redirecting to a page served by another application pool. Such as for example, in your link, the error page.
I know this is an old thread, but I stumbled upon it and found a different solution. Here's what worked for me: Make sure your application handles .asmx files correctly
From IIS:
Right Click on your project > Properties > Configuration
If necessary, add the .asmx file extension that maps to the aspnet_isapi.dll
Limit to: "GET,HEAD,POST,DEBUG" and restart.
Because I can't comment on vcsjones's answer, I'll add it down here. The DWORD value IgnoreAppPoolForCustomErrors needs to be set under HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W3SVC\ Parameters vs HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W3SVC referenced in that technet article. Set it to 1 and do an iisreset and you're good to go.
Source Blog Post
In my particular case, I received this error while trying to serve a content (non ASP.NET) website while it was an Application. Right-Clicking the virtual folder and removing the application fixed it for me.
In my case the application used the application pool that didn't exist. I have no idea how it's happened.
