TFS with different binaries folder for different projects - tfs

I've got a solution with Silverlight projects, a couple Web applications and some Windows service and their small Winforms test applications.
When I build it using TFS it puts all binary files in the Binaries folder. It also creates a _PublishedWebsites folder where it puts the web applications ready for deployment.
What I would like is for a few of the projects to have their ouput in a separate directory in the Binaries folder. I want the files that I would normally find in the bin\Release folder to be there.
I looked long and hard and could only find scarce documentation on how to achieve that and only for TFS 2008. There's a good article there link text and another entry for VS 2010 there link text. However, none of these work :-(
It seems that the build ignores the <OutputPath> property. I tried fiddling with the <AfterBuild> property but unfortunately if I use the $(OutDir) property I get ALL the files in the Binaries directory and not only the ones that just got compiled.
At the moment I'm setting up a separate build that only has the projects I'm interested in that get compiled but I would really like to have all the files needed for the release built all at once.
EDIT: I didn't make it clear enough but I'm using the latest version of TFS (TFS 2010 RTM). I set up <OutputPathDir> on the project level as explained in the links that I provided.

In your build definition (.proj) file, check that
Also, you may run into some problems if you're trying to compile what was once a "website" project type (created from File->New->Website->ASP.NET Webiste). They seem to override the output directory every time. We had to convert some of those to class libraries instead.


Should umbraco & umbraco_client be checked in to source control?

Just installed the latest Umbraco (7.2.1) package via NuGet. My development environment is as follows:
Umbraco is installed installed on IIS8 as shown below and is all up and running.
My Visual studio project is set up as shown below (For the sake of clarity, any folder/file excluded from project is not in included in my source control.
The content folder houses all scripts, images & css
On build - bin, config, content, masterpages, usercontrols, Views, xslt, default.aspx, Global.asax & the transformed Web.config are copied to the IIS instance (I don't like running Umbraco in the same place as my project, it just seems messy.)
Is this an appropriate way of developing for Umbraco? Am I missing anything, my biggest concern is whether or not I should include the umbraco & umbraco_client folders in version control and in the post build action. Any suggestions would be great.
There is some debate over what should and shouldn't be in your repository and ultimately it comes down to personal preference. I used to only add custom files and files that I changed from the Umbraco install such as the config files however since the introduction of the Nuget package I do put all but the binaries into source control because when I upgrade via Nuget later on I can easily see changes and merge customisations back in.
It saves a lot of hassle running Umbraco directly (IMO) especially if you make any changes via the UI and if you're not running it directly then there is little point really in using the Nuget package because you will end up with a bunch of unused files in your project. In your situation you might as well keep your project clean and do a manual install into the location IIS is using for the site and only keep files in your project that you have created.
This is only my opinion so take from it what you wish but hopefully it is of some help.

TFS Build Queries for Non .NET supported files

We are using TFS for maintain file versions of our database.
We do not have any .NET application in our Source Control; only HTML and supported CSS files only.
Is it possible through TFS Build Automation process to create Zip package and Deploy the package to drop location?
Note: We Do not have any .NET project or solutions only need to deploy folder(with HTML and supported files) in zip format.
I somewhere read that TFS build definition compulsorily needs .SLN files to have build project.
We don't want to build anything or test anything
Just want to create zip and deploy same to drop location.
I have tried some tweaking of Build Definition.
But in New Build definition in process tab it asks me for Items to build, where my selection is restricted to .NET supported files only.
You will need to create a custom MSBuild project file (.proj) to perform the work that you need. You can test this file locally in the command line and then when it is ready, you can point the Build process at it.
This is a good starting point for you
The MSBuild Community Tasks ( contains a Zip task which should make the job a lot easier.
Judging by your description, you are using 2010 or later. What I would do is to create a custom build template that does all of what you are looking for. If you start with default template obviously you would want to remove all of the compile and test activities and replace it with the zip and copy it to the binaries directory (From there it will be moved to the drop). You could do 1 of two things for the solution file requirement, create a fake solution file in the workspace and use that knowing it won't be compiled. Or you could, in the template, remove the Argument BuildSettings which is the object that contains the solution file and configurations.

Customizing Drop Folder Structure with TFS Team Build

I'm using TFS 2012 to automate a build of a solution which contains multiple windows services and two web applicaitons.
I've used the guide I found here to customize the build process template so that the windows services are put in a folder structure that I like. Specifically:
This works great, but unfortunately it doesn't work for web applicaitons. If I used the same strategy for those, I just get the contents of /bin for each web app, rather than the full site contents.
MSBuild typically uses the web application targets to handle this, but for some reason, this doesn't work when you customize the build as I have. I no longer get the _PublishedWebSites folder in the build output. (I'm guessing that's because I cleared our the OutDir property of the MSBuild task.)
Has anybody done something like this and gotten it to work with web applications as well?
I think I can help with this, it looks like in the build targets that the published websites folder isn't created if the OutDir is the same as the OutputPath.
So this isn't perfect, but if you add the following into the csproj file in the first property group, you'll get everything deployed into "\bin\deploy\" including the _PublishedWebsites folder
With a bit of customization, this solution ended up working for me:
Basically, did what that link recommended, but also leveraged a new solution configuration (which I called TeamBuild) rather than conditional property definitions.
I believe the key to making this all work was the passing of the outputDirectory as the TeamBuildOutDir argument to MSBuild. Embedding this variable reference in the OutDir or OutputPath variable was allowed Team Build to build to the correct staging location and then automatically copy files from that location to the drop folder.
I'm going to take this a little futher and get rid of the whole _PublishedWebSites thing, but that will be done entirely in the build workflow.
EDIT: TFS 2013 supports this natively with a simply build configuration option:
Take a look at this thread as this post as well.
Team Build: Publish locally using MSDeploy
Since you need all the files for your web projects, you need to trigger the publishing process, and by tweaking the destination of that process, you can have all of your files copied where you need them.
I think option (2) from his answer will work for you.
I hope that helps.
As I can see in your reference link, it will just compile and package the binaries. It does not deploy the website by the steps mentioned in that.
If you want to get the .html, .css, .js etc. under the _PublishedWebSites folder, you need to do a Web Deployment. This manually we can do by clicking the publish option from right click menu of your VS project and by selecting Publish Method as File System.
But, since you need to automate this in your build and drop it in custom drop folder, you may need to manipulate your MSBuild script by calling a AspNetCompiler task. You can get more information on this at the MSDN link. By specifying the TargetPath while you call this target you can get your Web files deployed at the appropriate custom drop folder.
Happy Scripting.
Have you check this blog, this solved my problem where I wanted customized TeamBuild Ouput Directory.
Customizable O/P with TFS 2013
Customizaable O/P with TFS 2012 and .NET Framework 4.5

How do I make TFS 2012 build separate output binaries by project framework [duplicate]

We have a very large solution (some 300+) projects and we are trying to build it via MSBuild on TFS2010.
We can build it via MSBuild on all out development machines, and are in the process of adopting TFS.
The structure of our code is like so:
Each project has a relative OutputPath which builds the code to the bin Client or Server directory. So for example, Project1.csproj has an OutputPath of "..\..\bin\Client".
We seem to be having a problem that in TFS MSBuild the OutDir is set to a Fixed Path:
So things are getting confusing when resolving the relative OutputPath on top of the OutDir
ClientFramework goes to C:\Builds\MyProject\Binaries\..\bin\Client
Project1 goes to C:\Builds\MyProject\Binaries\..\..\bin\Client
We also have some Post build events that copy some 3rd Party dll's to the bin folders, these paths cannot be resolved properly either.
I think the solution we are after is to build everything to our existing bin\Client, bin\Server structure and then move the Folders from bin to Binaries.
Any ideas on how to accomplish this or how we should be working, are appreciated, but updating our existing projects might prove problematic, as it all works with VS, developer command line builds and with
Since this is first link that pops up with a Google search of "TFS OutDir", I must provide a newer solution. I spent an entire day playing around with OutDir, OutputPath, and overriding them with TeamBuildOutDir. A better solution is to set the MSBuild property GenerateProjectSpecificOutputFolder. It comes with .NET 4.5. More info here:
I found the answer on MSDN :

prevent Team Build dropping all binaries to the root of the drop folder

The default configuration of the Team Build Number Format is:
It drops all output to \\foo\bar\MyBuildDef_20111031.1 Great stuff so far!
The small problem is that it drops all binaries in that directory without a good indication of the dependencies of the binaries.
How can you modify this property, or otherwise, to have the solution's binaries dropped in their respective project directories?
In the case above, I had expected the MVC website (complete with its bin directory) to be dropped. Instead, we got that PLUS the extra drop of the binaries in the root.
In other words: TFS, please stop dropping all binaries in the root; it looks messy, and it's confusing on which files belong/associated with what.
How can this be achieved with Team Build 2010?
This blog post should help you out:
Essentially, you create a new 'Platform' for each project. Team Build will put each platform in a different directory by default, so you get a different directory for each of your projects.
Build configuration dialog:
Drop folder output:
Unfortunately I have not found a good way to do this yet, though it has been a while since I tried to find a better solution then what I settled on.
Current have solutions for each desktop application, and one with all the websites. I then followed the instructions here to make each solution output into a separate folder.
