Change font size in Google Visualization Motion Chart - font-size

How can I (if anyhow) control the font size of axis in Google Visualization Motion Chart?
In several chart types I can change the text size with property axisFontSize bit it does not make effect to Motion Chart.

It looks like axisFontSize isn't supported yet for this chart type.
See the feature request on the Google Code site.


Google sheets organizational chart - can't pan or zoom in/out

How am I supposed to look through this chart if I can't pan through it or zoom in/out? Am I just supposed to make it big enough on the sheet and then scroll through the sheet?? Seems so stupid.
I would suggest to do the following:
Modify the organizational chart size based on your preference.
This will adjust your chart diagram size
Customize an organizational chart
Double-click the chart you want to change.
At the right, click Customize and then Org.
hange the size or color of the boxes.
Adjust the size of the chart image (make sure that it will show the complete organizational chart that you want to see)
To zoom-in/zoom-out, please use the default zoom option in the sheets, example 90% zoom.
May be you try to move the chart to the second page? On the second page you will have lot of space for zoom in.
you want to get dynamic zoom literally? I'm afraid this is impossible here. Try to consider the option with SaaS-tool with free account like Zenflowchart, find solution in Awesome DataViz or Awesome BI.

How to make a vertical range plot filled with color using CorePlot in iOS?

I need to show a graph in my iOS app something like
We have been using CorePlot for all the graphs and now I need to add a new kind as shown above. I found I could draw a graph like the above with CPTRangePlot. My problem is I can only draw a horizontal graph as shown below.
Is there any way to make it vertical? For a single curve we can easily do that by switching the value on X-axis and Y-axis. But for this kind of "range plot", I could not find a way to make it work for drawing the upper-bound and lower-bound lines and filling range with color can only be achieved on a normal horizontal graph. And yes, I can easily rotate the container view by 90 degrees, as I did in my testbed app. But I just cannot do this in our current app because this new added "range plot" graph is not the only one on the view. We have many other curves sharing the same plot space. So is there any hidden property or method to achieve the job? Thanks in advance!
I just added a fillDirection property to the range plot to enable this feature. You'll need to use the latest code from the release-2.3 branch.

Highcharts: Longer pie labels are chopped off

We recently made the switch from JFreeCharts to Highcharts. And our apps teams build small pie charts (fit in 250 by 400 px) on a dashboard, that usually show less than 8 slices. The pie labels are verbose. Highcharts usually clips them off is what I am seeing.
It is close to what we see on our system even with word wrapping and such. Our customers also hate the fact that the chart size shrinks when labels are long. Do you plan to have a solution to better fit labels in the plot area?
We are running highcharts-3.0.2
Well, this is known bug in Highcharts, see this report.
Here you can find discussion about positioning dataLabels.

How do you get Highcharts to scale up image contents rather than add more details?

I am trying to generate PDF documents server side containing data tables and charts generated by HighCharts. I am using highchart-serverside-export and iText.
I have been able to generate the documents but the chart images are grainy when printed. From what I understand, iText uses 72dpi by default when inserting an image. The correct way to get higher fidelity images is to start with a larger image and scale it down using one of the scaling functions such as scalePercent().
I can easily generate a larger chart image by passing in larger height and width parameters to Highcharts. The problem is that when you increase the dimensions of the chart, the content does not scale up (eg. font size of lables). In fact, you get more detail in some places (eg. more axis ticks). The reason this is a problem is that when you then apply the scaling down via iText, these items become very small and hard to read.
I have looked at the Highcharts API and cannot see a way to get Highcharts to scale up the contents rather than add more detail. How do I get this to work?
If the approach I am using is completely wrong, the wider question is how do I get print resolution server-side Highcharts charts? I have to use iText but am willing to try an alternative technology to do the chart rendering.
try this
exporting: {
sourceWidth: 1000,
sourceHeight: 400,
Link to JsFiddle
You can specify the width of the exported image using the exporting.width property.
This will not increase the size of the div or add/remove details or anything of that sort, it will simply scale the generated svg according to the specified width, maintaining the aspect ratio. Hence also scaling everything including texts etc.
exporting: {
width:2000 // or scale down to 100
Upscaling exported images / pdf | Highcharts & Highstock # jsFiddle

Highcharts Symbol in Legend

I have a highcharts legend where the symbols are displaying with varying sizes as they are different sizes in the actual chart. Unfortunately, when the sizes of the data points grow, they also grow in the legend. I want the legend symbols to remain the same size regardless of the data point size.
Here is an example where the data points have grown with the graph. In case it matters, the actual graph I'm using is a scatter plot (unlike the example).
Any help is much appreciated!
This is a little hacky but it's the best I can come up with. After you draw the plot, manually adjust the legend symbols:
Updated fiddle here.
