Background subtraction using Emgu CV - emgucv

How can I implement background subtraction using Emgu CV?

Yes this is quite possible take a look at the "MotionDetection" example provided with EMGU this should get you started.
Effectively the code that removes the foreground is effectively named "_forgroundDetector" it is the "_motionHistory" that presents stores what movement has occurred.
The example has everything you need if you have trouble running it let me know,
See:Removing background from _capture.QueryFrame()

Check this:

This question is old but in case someone is looking for a simple answer.
I had the same problem but on EmguCV 3.1.0 using the class Named BackgroundSubtractor (Link to the class) did the work for me.
Hope it can help someone


Calculate Isochrones using Apple Mapkit

Is it possible to calculate Isochrones using Apple Mapkit? I'm not yet familiar with this API, thus I'd like to know in advance whether it's worth learning it.
Actually, I'd like to get all nodes on surrounding streets, in a given distance from a predefined point.
MapKit supports polygon drawing on the map. There is no isochrone function per say, it has to be built by you.
Check this out for details.
I know the post is a bit old but I want to suggest you the isochrone solution I've just developed: It might be interesting for you, works out of the box and solves task you've mentioned.

Couture death information from SoftKinetic DS311 using openCV?

I wonder if there is a possibility to get a depth information from SoftKinetic DS311 using only opencv?
No, it's not possible. You need to setup a callback using the SoftKinetic SDK to be notified of new depth frames, and that convert that to cv::Mat.
You might be interested on this project since it shows how to do exactly that.

Face recognition. OpenCV+Python+ffnet

I'm Alexander Mashkovtsev, student of gymnasium "Akademy", Kyiv, Ukrane. I'm 15.
I'd like to do face recognition program using OpenCV.
I write science work about face recognition, too.
It's very interesting for me, so i search a command.
I'd like to demonstrate the work on Kyiv High-Technology Center to get help with this.
There are people who are ready help me to create this program?
I will be grateful. Also ready to to reward the person who will help me.
have a look at the opencv facereco docs
or, here for a small python demo (yea, i 've seen your other questions here, that's why i'm posting the latter).
but ofc, you want to write your own, if i understood that right, that's great!
It seems that Face++ SDKs are more easier than OpenCV.
You can refer to Face++ website, look through their API docs overview.
Good luck!

CvBGCodeBookModel A good explanation?

I have been running in and out of OpenCV 2.4.3 trying to figure out the extra functions and parameters that can be used to CvBGCodeBookModel based background subtraction. The documentation is not very helpful, does anyone know a resource/tutorial out there that explains CvBGCodeBookModel implemented in OpenCV along with some of its functions?
Guidance much appreciated
There is a sample in the opencv code (samples/c/bgfg_codebook.cpp) that uses CvBGCodeBookModel, it might be a good place to look.
It says the code is adapted from the book "Learning OpenCV" by O'Reilly press, so that would be another resource.
There is also this paper that describes the theory, not sure if that would be helpful to you or not.

How to implement thumb and fore finger interface

I am developing a simple multi touch table using only a projector and a web cam. I found out that i could use this Thumb and fore finger interface technique. but i don't have any clue of how to implement it. i think it can be implemented with OpenCV or OpenFrameworks and use with CCV. can anybody help me ?
You could go to the researcher's web site and download his recent papers about the subject. There the core parts of his technique should be explained.
i found something helpful here Thanks everyone.. and if you have any coding examples let me know.
