Twitter API cursor based pagination (JSON issue) PHP - twitter

as you know Twitter has posted a new cursor based pagination for some API methods.
Currently, I'm facing a problem when encoding the json object because the cursor itself is actually a 64-bit numbers and not supported for json encoding in PHP.
next_cursor 1299072354878293926
Any solution for this? I can't believe why didn't Twitter just return string for it...hmmp

PHP 5.2+ should convert 64-bit numbers to floats, which is better than previous versions of PHP (which would just convert it to the maximum 32-bit value). Best bet is to move to a 64-bit version of PHP, but updating to PHP 5.2+ will at least get you up and running.

If you are stuck with 32 bit system, you could convert the cursor to string using regex and then use it for further requests.
Here's PHP function that I am using to achieve this:
function jsonIntToStr($json){
$pattern = "/\"next_cursor\":([0-9]+),/";
$replace = "\"next_cursor\":\"$1\",";
$new_json = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $json);
$pattern = "/\"previous_cursor\":([0-9]+),/";
$replace = "\"previous_cursor\":\"$1\",";
$new_json = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $new_json);
return $new_json;
and you could use it like:
$json_result = json_decode(jsonIntToStr($twitter_response));
Got it from twitter development talk google group.

Since PHP 5.4.0 (currently in beta), it is possible to use the fourth parameter of json_encode and set it to JSON_BIGINT_AS_STRING.


LibreOffice: embed script in script URL

In LibreOffice, It is possible to run python scripts like this:
sURL = ""
oScript = scriptProv.getScript(sURL)
x = oScript.Invoke(args, Array(), Array())
In that example 'file' is a filename, and 'function' is the name of a function in that file.
Is it possible to embed script in that URL? sURL="vnd.." & scriptblock & "?language.."
(It seems like the kind of thing that might be possible with the correct URL, or might not be possible if just not supported).
We can use Python's eval() function. Here is an example inspired by JohnSUN's explanation in the discussion. Note: xray() uses XrayTool to show output, but you could replace that line with any output method of your choosing, such as writing to a file.
def runArbitraryCode(*args):
url = args[0]
codeString = url.split("&codeToRun=")[1]
x = eval(codeString)
Now enter this formula in Calc and Ctrl+click on it.
Result: 6
Obligatory caveat: Running eval() on an unknown string is about the worst idea imaginable in terms of security. So hopefully you're the one controlling the URL and not some black hat hacker!

Slack slash command results in different encoding coming from iOS app or MacOS App

We have a Slash command integration and discovered that the text passed to the slash command is encoded differently if it comes from the (iOS) mobile app compared to the Desktop app.
For the command "/whereis #xsd" on the MacOS Desktop app, the text element in the body is encoded as: text=%3C%23C02MKG1LH%7Cxsd%3E
For the command "/whereis #xsd" on the iOS app the text element in the body is encoded as: text=%26lt%3B%23C02MKG1LH%7Cxsd%26gt%3B
The iOS app is incorrect.
Did anyone else experience this? Any solutions?
(I have posted this question to Slack, they confirmed the behavior a while back but no solution from them so far).
This is not a bug. Both are valid HTML encodings. You can verify this by decoding them on this website.
The difference is that the string from IOS also includes an encoding of HTML special characters (like <) but the desktop string does not. To address this your app has to first do a URL decoding of the input string and then decode special HTML chars.
The results are:
Desktop: <#C02MKG1LH|xsd>
IOS: <#C02MKG1LH|xsd>
Here is a sample code that will decode both strings correctly in PHP:
function decodeInputString($input)
return htmlspecialchars_decode(urldecode($input));
$desktop = "%3C%23C02MKG1LH%7Cxsd%3E";
$ios = "%26lt%3B%23C02MKG1LH%7Cxsd%26gt%3B";
$desktop_plain = decodeInputString($desktop);
$ios_plain = decodeInputString($ios);

How to use HMAC in Lua - Lightroom plugin

First thing I have to mention is I'm really really new to Lua and please be patient if you think my question is too dumb
Here is my requirement
I need to use HMAC-sha256 for Lightroom plugin development as I'm using that for security.
I was trying to use this but with no luck
These are the steps I followed
Got the code of and saved
as 'hmac.lua' file in my plugin directory
Got the code from this and saved
as 'sha2.lua' file
Now in the file I use it like this
local hmac = require'hmac'
local sha2 = require'sha2'
--somewhere doend the line inside a function
local hashvalue = hmac.sha2('key', 'message')
but unfortunately this does not work and I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.
Can anyone advice me what I'm doing wrong here? Or is there an easier and better way of doing this with a good example.
I'm doing this to get the result. When I include that code the plugin does stops working. I cannot get the output string when I do this
hashvalue = hmac.sha2('key', 'message')
local LrLogger = import 'LrLogger'
myLogger = LrLogger('FlaggedFiles')
myLogger:trace ("=========================================\n")
myLogger:trace ('Winter is coming, ' .. hashvalue)
myLogger:trace ("=========================================\n")
and the Lightroom refuses to load the plugin and there is nothing on the log as well
Thank you very much for your help
I'd first make sure your code works outside of Lightroom. It seems that HMAC module you referenced has some other dependencies: it requires "glue", "bit", and "ffi" modules. Of these, bit and ffi are binary modules and I'm not sure you will be able to load them into Lightroom (unless they are already available there). In any case, you probably won't be able to make it run in LR if you don't have required modules and can't make it run without issues outside of LR.
If you just need to get SHA256 hash there is a way to do it Lightroom
I posted my question here and was able to get an answer. But there there was no reference of this on SDK documentation (Lightroom SDK)
local sha = import 'LrDigest'
d = sha.SHA256.digest ("Hello world")
but unfortunately there was no HMAC so I decided to use md5 with a salt because this was taking too much of my time
Spent quite some time trying to find a solution :-/
LrDigest is not documented, thanks Adobe!
local LrDigest = import "LrDigest"
LrDigest.HMAC.digest(string, 'SHA256', key)

iconv C API: charset conversion from/to local encoding

I am using the iconv C API and I want iconv to detect the local encoding of the computer. Is that possible? Apparently it is because when I look in the source code, I find in the file iconv_open1.h that if the fromcode or tocode variables are empty strings ("") then the local encoding is used using the locale_charset() function call.
Someone also told me that in order to convert the locale encoding to unicode, all I needed was to use iconv_open ("UTF-8", "")
Unfortunately, I find no mention of this in the documentation.
And when I convert some iso-8859-1 text to the locale encoding (which is utf-8 on my machine), then during conversion I get errno=EILSEQ (illegal sequence). I checked and iconv_open returned no error.
If instead of the empty string in iconv_open I specify "utf-8", then I get no error. Obviously iconv failed to detect my current charset.
edit: I checked with a simple C program that puts(nl_langinfo(CODESET)) and I get ANSI_X3.4-1968 (which is ASCII). Apparently, I got a problem with charset detection.
edit: this should be related to Why is nl_langinfo(CODESET) different from locale charmap?
additional information: my program is written in Ada, and I bind at link-time to C functions. Apparently, the locale setting is not initialized the same way in the Ada runtime and C runtime.
I'll take the same answer as in Why is nl_langinfo(CODESET) different from locale charmap?
You need to first call
setlocale(LC_ALL, "");

delphi blowfish mode ecb (python converter to delphi)

I know as a programmer that is rare for someone to do, but I actually need it and can not at all so someone needs to convert this small function cryptography python for delphi.
function: `
from Crypto.Cipher import Blowfish
class Blowfish(object):
cipher = None
def __init__(self, key, mode = Blowfish.MODE_ECB):
self.cipher =, mode)
def encrypt(self, texto):
encriptar = self.cipher.encrypt(texto)
return encriptar `
one example
key = 123key
text = hi man
result = ìûÕ]–•¢
I people much times because I tried to do in Delphi and always shows me different results then do better and ask for someone who understands python / delphi
thank so much!
For the comment on DCPcrypt, maybe your python library results the raw encrypted bytes, and the result of DCPcrypt (or other delphi library like Turbo Lockbox) gives you the result encoded in something like UU64 o MIME (this is done to easily transfer o store the result)
If you just want to implement Blowfish algorithm in Delphi, try DCPcrypt.
#Mili, you can't translate this code to delphi because does not exist a RTL library (or function) in delphi with blowfish support, dou you need use a third party component for this. i recommend you the
Delphi Encryption Compedium Part I v.5.2. you can try out this link for more components.
You can also try TurboPower LockBox 3.1.0 at .
This library also implements Blowfish.
