TFS: Merging back into main branch - tfs

We have a Current branch where the main development happens. For a while I have been working on something kind of experimental in a separate branch. In other words I branched what I needed from the Current branch into an Experimental branch. While working I have regularly merged Current into Experimental so that I have the changes others have made, so that I am sure what I make work with their changes.
I now want to merge back into Current. First I merged Current into Experimental, compiled and made sure everything was working. So in my head, Experimental and Current should be "in sync". But when I try to merge Experimental back into Current, I get a whole bunch of conflicts. But I thought I had already kind of solved those when I merged Current into Experimental.
What is going on? Have I totally misunderstood something? How can I do this smoothly? Really don't want to go through all of those conflicts...

When you click Resolve on an individual conflict, what does the summary message say? If your merges from Current -> Experimental were completed without major manual work, it should be something like "X source, 0 target, Y both, 0 conflicting." In other words, there are no content blocks in the target (Current) file that aren't already in the source branch's copy (Experimental). You can safely use the AutoMerge All button.
Note: AutoMerge should be safe regardless. It's optimized to be conservative about early warnings, not for the ability to solve every case. But I recognize that many of us -- myself included -- like to fire up the merge tool when there's any question. In the scenario described, IMO, even the most skittish can rest easy.
Why is there a conflict at all? And what if the summary message isn't so cut & dry? Glad you asked :) Short answer - because the calculation that determines the common ancestor ("base") of related files depends heavily on how prior merge conflicts between them were resolved. Simple example:
set up two branches, A and B.
make edits to A\foo.cs and B\foo.cs in separate parts of the file
merge A -> B
AutoMerge the conflict
merge B -> A
TFS must flag this sequence of events as conflicting. The closest common ancestor between B\foo.cs;4 and A\foo.cs;2 lies all the way back at step 1, and both sides have obviously changed since then.
It's tempting to say that A & B are in sync after step 4. (More precisely: that the common ancestor for step 5's merge is version #2). Surely a successful content merge implies that B\foo.cs contains all the changes made to date? Unfortunately there are a number of reasons you cannot assume this:
Generality: not all conflicts can be AutoMerged. You need criteria that apply to both scenarios.
Correctness: even when AutoMerge succeeds, it doesn't always generate valid code. A classic example arises when two people add the same field to different parts of a class definition.
Flexibility: every source control user has their own favorite merge tools. And they need the ability to continue development/testing between the initial Resolve decision ["need to merge the contents somehow, someday"] and the final Checkin ["here, this works"].
Architecture: in a centralized system like TFS, the server simply can't trust anything but its own database + the API's validation requirements. So long as the input meets spec, the server shouldn't try to distinguish how various types of content merges were performed. (If you think the scenarios so far are easily distinguished, consider: what if the AutoMerge engine has a bug? What if a rogue client calls the webservice directly with arbitrary file contents? Only scratching the surface here...servers have to be skeptical for a reason!) All it can safely calculate is you sent me a resulting file that doesn't match the source or target.
Putting these requirements together, you end up with a design that lumps our actions in step 4 into a fairly broad category that also includes manual merges resulting from overlapping edits, content merges [auto or not] provided by 3rd party tools, and files hand-edited after the fact. In TFS terminology this is an AcceptMerge resolution. Once recorded as such, the Rules of Merge(tm) have to assume the worst in pursuit of historical integrity and the safety of future operations. In the process your semantic intentions for Step 4 ("fully incorporate into B every change that was made to A in #2") were dumbed down to a few bytes of pure logic ("give B the following new contents + credit for handling #2"). While unfortunate, it's "just" a UX / education problem. People get far angrier when the Rules of Merge make bad assumptions that lead to broken code and data loss. By contrast, all you have to do is click a button.
FWIW, there are many other endings to this story. If you chose Copy From Source Branch [aka AcceptTheirs] in step 4, there would be no conflict in step 5. Ditto if you chose an AcceptMerge resolution but happened to commit a file with the same MD5 hash as A\foo.cs;2. If you chose Keep Target [aka AcceptYours] instead, the downstream consequences change yet again, though I can't remember the details right now. All of the above get quite complex when you add other changetypes (especially Rename), merge branches that are far more out of sync than in my example, cherry pick certain version ranges and deal with the orphans later, etc....
EDIT: as fate would have it, someone else just asked the exact same question on the MSDN forum. As tends to be my nature, I wrote them another long answer that came out completely different! (though obviously touching on the same key points) Hope this helps:

This has happened to me before. When TFS merges Experimental into Current, it does so using the workspaces on your hard drive. If your Current workspace is out of date on your local computer, TFS will get merge conflicts.
(Experimental on HD) != (Current in TFS) != (Old Current on HD)
Try doing a forced get of Current to refresh your local coppy of Current and try the merge again.

You probably have lines like this before you start the merge...
Main branch - Contains code A, B, C
Current branch - Contains code A, B, C, D, E
Experimental branch - Contains code A, B, C, D, F, G, H
When you push from Current to Exp, you are merging feature E into the experimental branch.
When you then push from Exp to Current, you still have to merge F, G, and H. This is where your conflicts are likely rooted.
----Response to 1st comment----
Do you auto merge, or use the merge tool?
What is an example of something that is "in conflict"?


Jenkins plugin with viewing\aggregating possibilities depending on one of the parameters

I'm looking for plugin where I could have aggregation of settings and view for many cases, the same way it is in multi-branch pipeline. But instead of basing on various branches I want to base on one branch but varying on parameters. Below picture is from mentioned multi-branch pipeline, instead of "Branches" I'm looking for "Cases" and instead of "Name" column I need to have configurable Parameter.
Additionally to it, I need to have various Periodic build triggers in way
H 22 * * 5 %param1=value1 %param2=value3
H 22 * * 5 %param1=value2 %param2=value3
The second case could be done in standard job, but since there will be many such cases launched periodically every week or two weeks or every month, and difference in param1 is crucial and is important to have it readable and easily visible to quickly distinguish which case have failed.
I was looking for such plugin but couldn't find something like this. Maybe someone knows such plugin or way to solve it.
I have alternative of creating "super"job which in build steps would launch my current job with specific parameters. Then my readability would change from many rows to many columns since the number is over 20 it will IMHO significantly decrease readability(in column solution) and additionally not all cases would be launched with same periodicity. So there would be necessity to have some ready sets assigned by parameter, and most often the super build cases would have mostly skips in it. What would result that one might not see last result for one of the cases.
Note, that param2, has always same value for periodic launches. Other values are used only with manual trigger. Param2 can but doesn't have to be visible on "multi-branch pipeline" like solution.
I hope my explanation of issue is clear. Looking forward for answers\suggestions etc. :)

Question about SPSS modeler (There is an obstacle for make the stream run automatically)

I have SPSSmodeler stream which is now used and updated every week constantly to generate a certain dataset. A raw data for this stream is also renewed on a weekly basis.
In part of this stream, there is a chunk of nodes that were necessary to modify and update manually every week, and the sequence of this part is below: Type Node => Restructure Node => Aggregate Node
To simplify the explanation of those nodes' role, I drew an image of them as bellow.
Because the original raw data is changed weekly basis, the range of Unit value above is always varied, sometimes more than 6 (maybe 100) others less than 6 (maybe 3). That is why somebody has to modify there and update those chunk of nodes on a weekly basis until now. *Unit value has a certain limitation (300 for now)
However, now we are aiming to run this stream automatically without touching any human operations on it that we need to customize there to work perfectly, automatically. Please help and will appreciate your efforts, thanks!
In order to automatize, I suggest to try to use global nodes combined with clem scripts inside the execution (default script). I have a stream that calculates the first date and the last date and those variables are used to rename files at the end of execution. I think you could use something similar as explained here:
1) Create derive nodes to bring the unit values used in the weekly stream
2) Save this information in a table named 'count_variable'
3) Use a Global node named Global with a query similar to this:
#GLOBAL_MAX(variable created in (2)) (only to record the number of variables. The step 2 created a table with only 1 values, so the GLOBAL_MAX will only bring the number of variables).
4) The query inside the execution tab will be similar to this:
execute count_variable
var tabledata
var fn
set tabledata = count_variable.output
set count_variable = value tabledata at 1 1
execute Global
5) You now can use the information of variables just using the already creatde "count_variable"
It's not easy to explain just by typing, but I hope to have been helpful.
Please mark as +1 in this answer if it was relevant one.
I think there is a better, simpler and more effective (yet risky, due to node's requirements to input data) solution to your problem. It is called Transpose node and does exactly that - pivot your table. But just from version 18.1 on. Here's an example:

Stream de-duplication on Dataflow | Running services on Dataflow services

I want to de-dupe a stream of data based on an ID in a windowed fashion. The stream we receive has and we want to remove data with matching within N-hour time windows. A straight-forward approach is to use an external key-store (BigTable or something similar) where we look-up for keys and write if required but our qps is extremely large making maintaining such a service pretty hard. The alternative approach I came up with was to groupBy within a timewindow so that all data for a user within a time-window falls within the same group and then, in each group, we use a separate key-store service where we look up for duplicates by the key. So, I have a few questions about this approach
[1] If I run a groupBy transform, is there any guarantee that each group will be processed in the same slave? If guaranteed, we can group by the userid and then within each group compare the sessionid for each user
[2] If it is feasible, my next question is to whether we can run such other services in each of the slave machines that run the job - in the example above, I would like to have a local Redis running which can then be used by each group to look up or write an ID too.
The idea seems off what Dataflow is supposed to do but I believe such use cases should be common - so if there is a better model to approach this problem, I am looking forward to that too. We essentially want to avoid external lookups as much as possible given the amount of data we have.
1) In the Dataflow model, there is no guarantee that the same machine will see all the groups across windows for the key. Imagine that a VM dies or new VMs are added and work is split across them for scaling.
2) Your welcome to run other services on the Dataflow VMs since they are general purpose but note that you will have to contend with resource requirements of the other applications on the host potentially causing out of memory issues.
Note that you may want to take a look at RemoveDuplicates and use that if it fits your usecase.
It also seems like you might want to be using session windows to dedupe elements. You would call:
PCollection<T> pc = ...;
PCollection<T> windowed_pc = pc.apply(
Window<T>into(Sessions.withGapDuration(Duration.standardMinutes(N hours))));
Each new element will keep extending the length of the window so it won't close until the gap closes. If you also apply an AfterCount speculative trigger of 1 with an AfterWatermark trigger on a downstream GroupByKey. The trigger would fire as soon as it could which would be once it has seen at least one element and then once more when the session closes. After the GroupByKey you would have a DoFn that filters out an element which isn't an early firing based upon the pane information ([3], [4]).
DoFn(T -> KV<session key, T>)
Window.into(Session window)
Group by key
DoFn(Filter based upon pane information)
It is sort of unclear from your description, can you provide more details?
Sorry for not being clear. I gave the setup you mentioned a try, except for the early and late firings part, and it is working on smaller samples. I have a couple of follow up questions, related to scaling this up. Also, I was hoping I could give you more information on what the exact scenario is.
So, we have incoming data stream, each item of which can be uniquely identified by their fields. We also know that duplicates occur pretty far apart and for now, we care about those within a 6 hour window. And regarding the volume of data, we have atleast 100K events every second, which span across a million different users - so within this 6 hour window, we could get a few billion events into the pipeline.
Given this background, my questions are
[1] For the sessioning to happen by key, I should run it on something like
PCollection<KV<key, T>> windowed_pc = pc.apply(
Window<KV<key,T>>into(Sessions.withGapDuration(Duration.standardMinutes(6 hours))));
where key is a combination of the 3 ids I had mentioned earlier. Based on the definition of Sessions, only if I run it on this KV would I be able to manage sessions per-key. This would mean that Dataflow would have too many open sessions at any given time waiting for them to close and I was worried if it would scale or I would run into any bottle-necks.
[2] Once I perform Sessioning as above, I have already removed the duplicates based on the firings since I will only care about the first firing in each session which already destroys duplicates. I no longer need the RemoveDuplicates transform which I found was a combination of (WithKeys, Combine.PerKey, Values) transforms in order, essentially performing the same operation. Is this the right assumption to make?
[3] If the solution in [1] going to be a problem, the alternative is to reduce the key for sessioning to be just user-id, session-id ignoring the sequence-id and then, running a RemoveDuplicates on top of each resulting window by sequence-id. This might reduce the number of open sessions but still would leave a lot of open sessions (#users * #sessions per user) which can easily run into millions. FWIW, I dont think we can session only by user-id since then the session might never close as different sessions for same user could keep coming in and also determining the session gap in this scenario becomes infeasible.
Hope my problem is a little more clear this time. Please let me know any of my approaches make the best use of Dataflow or if I am missing something.
I tried out this solution at a larger scale and as long as I provide sufficient workers and disks, the pipeline scales well although I am seeing a different problem now.
After this sessionization, I run a Combine.perKey on the key and then perform a ParDo which looks into c.pane().getTiming() and only rejects anything other than an EARLY firing. I tried counting both EARLY and ONTIME firings in this ParDo and it looks like the ontime-panes are actually deduped more precisely than the early ones. I mean, the #early-firings still has some duplicates whereas the #ontime-firings is less than that and has more duplicates removed. Is there any reason this could happen? Also, is my approach towards deduping using a Combine+ParDo the right one or could I do something better?
WithKeys.<String, EventInfo>of(new SerializableFunction<EventInfo, String>() {
public java.lang.String apply(EventInfo input) {
return input.getUniqueKey();
Window.named("sessioner").<KV<String, EventInfo>>into(

Best way to detect and store path combinations for analysing purpose later

I am searching for ideas/examples on how to store path patterns from users - with the goal of analysing their behaviours and optimizing on "most used path" when we can detect them somehow.
Eg. which action do they do after what, so that we later on can check to see if certain actions are done over and over again - therefore developing a shortcut or assembling some of the actions into a combined multiaction.
My first guess would be some sort of "simple log", perhaps stored in some SQL-manner, where we can keep each action as an index and then just record everything.
Problem is that the path/action might be dynamically changed - even while logging - so we need to be able to take care of this fact too, when looking for patterns later.
Would you log everthing "bigtime" first and then POST-process every bit of details after some time or do you have great experience with other tactics?
My worry is that this is going to take up space, BIG TIME while logging 1000 users each day for a month or more.
Hope this makes sense and I am curious to see if anyone can provide sample code, pseudocode or perhaps links to something usefull.
Our tools will be C#, SQL-database, XML and .NET 3.5 - clients could also get .NET 4.0 if needed.
Patterns examples as we expect them
User #1001: A-B-A-A-A-B-C-E-F-G-H-A-A-A-C-B-A
User #1002: B-A-A-B-C-E-F
User #1003: F-B-B-A-E-C-A-A-A
User #1002: C-E-F
etc. no real way to know what they do next nor how many they will use, how often they will do it.
A secondary goal, if possible, if we later on add a new "action" called G (just sample to illustrate, there will be hundreds of actions) how could we detect these new behaviours influence on the previous patterns.
To explain it better, my thought here would be some way to detect "patterns within patterns", sort of like how compressions work, so that "repeative patterns" are spottet. We dont know how long these patterns might be, nor how often they might come. How do we break this down into "small bits and pieces" - whats the best approach you think?
I am not sure what you mean by path, but, if you gave every action in a path a unique symbol, you could reduce the problem to longest common substring or subsequence.
Or have a map of paths to the number of times that action occurred. Every time a certain path happens, increment the count for that path. Then sort to find the most common.
Pseudo idea/implementation so far
Log ever users action into a list/series of actions, bulk kinda style (textfiles/SQL - what ever, just store the whole thing for post-processing)
start counting every "1 action", "2 actions", "3 actions" up til a certain amount (lets say 30 levels)
sort them all, by giving values of importants to some of the actions (might be those producing end results)
A usefull result perhaps?
If we count all [A], [A-A], [A-B], [A-C], [A-A-A], [A-A-B] etc. its going to make a LONG and fine list of which actions are used in row frequently, and thats in the right direction, because if some of these results gets too high, we might need a shorter path. Problem is then, whats too few actions to be optimized and whats the longest needed actionlist to search for? My guess is that we need to do this counting first, then examine the numbers.
Problem is that this would be part of an analyzing tool we are developing and we dont have data until implementation, so we dont know what to look for before its actually done. hmm... wondering if there really IS an answer to this one.

What's the point of basis path coverage?

The article at onjava seems to imply that basis path coverage is a sufficient substitute for full path coverage, due to some linear-independence/cyclomatic-complexity magic.
Using an example similar to the article:
public int returnInput(int x, boolean one, boolean two)
int y = x;
y = x-1;
x = y;
return x;
with the basis set {FF,TF,FT}, the bug is not exposed. Only the untested TT path would expose it.
So, how is basis path coverage useful? It doesn't seem much better than branch coverage.
[Disclaimer: I've never heard of this technique before, it just looks interesting so I've done a few searches and here's what I think I've found out. Hopefully someone who knows what they're talking about will contribute too...]
I think it's supposed to be a better way of generating branch coverage tests, not a complete substitute for path coverage. There's a far longer document here which restates the goals a bit:
The onjava article says "the goal of basis path testing is to test all decision outcomes independently of one another. Testing the four basis paths achieves this goal, making the other paths extraneous"
I think "extraneous" here means, "unnecessary to the goal of basis path testing", not as one might assume, "a complete waste of everyone's time".
I think the point of testing branches independently, is to break those accidental correlations between the paths which work, and the paths you test, that occur with terrifying frequency when I write both the code and an arbitrary set of branch coverage tests myself. There's no magic in the linear independence, it's just a systematic way of generating branch coverage, which discourages the tester from making the same assumptions as the programmer about correlation between branch choices.
So you're right, basis path testing misses your bug, and in general misses 2^(N-1)-N bugs, where N is the cyclomatic complexity. It just aims not to miss the 2^(N-1)-N paths most likely to be buggy, as letting the coder choose N paths to test typically does ;-)
path coverage is no better than any other coverage metrics - it is just that metrics that shows how much of 'code' has been tested. The fact that you can achieve 100% branch coverage with (TF,FT) set of TCs as well as (TT,FF) means it is all up to your luck if your exit criteria tell you exit after 100% coverage is done.
The coverage should not be a focus for the tester - finding bugs should be and TC is just a way to show the bug just as well as coverage a proxy showing how much of this showing the bug activity has been done. As with all other white box methods - striving for max coverage with minimum costs require actually understanding the code so that you could actually write a defect w/o a TC. TC is just good for regression and as a documentation of the defect.
As a tester coverage is just a hint on how much has been done - only experience can be really helpful as to say how much is enough. As this is difficult to present in numerical values we use other methods i.e. coverage statistics.
Not sure if this makes sense to you I guess judging on the date you are far gone since the date you publish your question...
My recollection from McCabe's work on this exact subject is: you generate the basis paths systematically, changing one condition at a time, and only changing the last condition, until you can't change any new conditions.
Suppose we start with FF, which is the shortest path. Following the algorithm, we change the last if in the chain, yielding FT. We've covered the second if now, meaning: if there was a bug in the second if, surely our two tests were paying attention to what happened when the second if statement suddenly started executing, otherwise our tests aren't working or our code isn't verifiable. Both possibilities suggest our code needs reworking.
Having covered FT, we go back up one node in the path and change the first T to F. When building basis paths, we only change one condition at a time. So we are forced to leave the second if the same, yielding... TT!
We are left with these basis paths: {FF, FT, TT}. Which address the issue you raised.
But wait, you say, what if the bug occurs in the TF case?? The answer is: we should have already noticed it between two of the other three tests. Think about it:
The second if already had its chance to demonstrate its effect on the code independently any other changes to the execution of the program through the FF and FT tests.
The first if had its chance to demonstrate its independent effect going from FT to TT.
We could have started with the TT case (the longest path). We would have arrived at slightly different basis paths, but they would still exercise each if statement independently.
Notice in your simple example, there is no co-linearity in the conditions of the if statements. Co-linearity cripples basis path generation.
In short: basis path testing, done systematically, avoids the problems you think it has. Basis path testing doesn't tell you how to write verifiable code. (TDD does that.) More to the point, path testing doesn't tell you which assertions you need to make. That's your job as the human.
Source: this is my research area, but I read McCabe's paper on this exact subject a few years back:
