Troubleshooting thermal printer driver - driver

Hey all. I am troubleshooting a thermal printer issue when printing over bluetooth. The printer in question is Extech 3750T and the software is running on Windows CE. The driver is implemented on top of Winsock and is written in C++. As far as I can tell the connection housekeeping is all according to spec.
The issue seems to be that sometimes (about once out of ten) when an image is printed the printer just stops. Then, when the next print job is sent it would output a single line (one pixel wide) of garbage and print the new page.
The driver is built on top of RTF and it translates RTF commands and graphics into printer specific characters and escape sequences. The developers manual is available from here:
At this stage I am fairly convinced that it is not a flow control issue (other than changing the buffer sizes might somehow help).
One thing that is confirmed is that whenever the printer screws up it sends an out of paper control character to the device, but by that time it's already too late to salvage it.
Also, I think the problem is caused by sending an image while text is still printing. A dirty hack of just wawiting like 5 seconds seems to make it go away, but it's way to awkward to implement that in production environment as the size of the text (font size, weight etc) will affect the amount of delay needed.
I guess I am looking for suggestions on how to tackle this rather than explicit solutions.
Any ideas?

After about 7 days solid on this I got some support from printer manufacturer and resolved the problem by sending images one line at a time. This particular printer is using an image compression mechanism where a byte represents either 8 bits of graphic and can either optionally be repeated a maximum of 129 times.
I have tried breaking the data stream every so many bytes but that didn't help. I think that's because an image doesn't like to be broken up into multiple transmissions. Transmitting one line at a time (roughly 72 bytes) fixed the problem.


STM32 Memory Dump and Extracting Secret Key

I am quite new at embedded development and started with a STM32F429 board to improve myself.
I have just developed a basic Caesar encryption application for my board. It is working well, and defined the secret key as "3". Now I would like to extract this super secret(!) key from my device.
How can I do it? Should I dump the memory or firmware of my device, and how?
May you suggest me any software for this proccess? (Not ST Utility or STM softwares please. Because I would like to try gained experiences on other devices as well.)
I take it the value you're looking for is hardcoded. In that case it resides in the internal flash. So yes, a memory dump will be necessary.
I will go the long way and assume that you know very little about how it works, so if you know some of this stuff, well, good for you. I will try to give a few pointers.
Specifically about STM32:
You have an option to boot the microcontroller from the so-called system memory, which is read-only memory, and it is already preprogrammed from factory with a bootloader. You can talk to that running bootloader via UART (most common way, comes with ST-Link, but any cheapo USB-UART bridge also works). Or it can be some other protocol. You can ask that bootloader to read its flash out to you, among other things. This is covered in AN2606.pdf. It has some useful links in it, such as:
names of documents, where you can find specific bootloader commands for any interface you wish. Of course, you only care about interfaces, that the bootloader of your specific MCU F429 supports, which are found in the same AN2606, page 172 (for bootloader version 0.7, there is also 0.9 for those MCUs, I have no idea how to tell which one you have, so...try? UART configuration seems identical anyway):
So what exactly needs to be done? Flip the state of BOOT0 pin - permanently - of the MCU and reset it (power cycle or reset pin, both ok). You will boot the MCU into bootloader instead of booting program from flash. You can read about it in the Reference manual STM32F429, page 69. It talks about states of BOOT0 and BOOT1 pins on boot. What pins are boot0 - if they're not marked on your board, then you'll have to consult F429 datasheet, page 69 (I swear, it's a coincidence). Depending on your specific IC, it will be one pin or another.
It will activate all MCUs peripherals as per docs above and it and wait on its UART and other pins for commands. Commands listed in the documents I provided above. Let's take a look at AN3155 about USART of bootloader:
And the commands are
are all in that document, the table of contents in pdf really helps to find stuff quickly. Of course, if you need specific details, and you will need specific information about specific commands, it's all in there too. How many bytes in command, how many bytes at a time you read from flash etc. Basically, you can either write your own program that does that (even program another microcontroller to program that microcontroller using victim's bootloader), or use any other software that knows what commands to send to the bootloader. It can be ST utility, it can be any other program. They all implement the very same command set, so it doesn't actually matter much. I couldn't find many programs that do that, the only thing that stood out was stm32flash. Never used it myself. I'm ok with ST stuff, since I know what it does (I think).
Oh yeah back to getting the secret value out. I almost forgot about that. Well, then you open the dump in hex viewer/editor, and scroll it around looking for interesting combination of values. Yeah, that's kinda what it looks like. One can run it via disassembly. Scroll disassembled code around, see if there are any numeric values that stand out. You know, some random number 0xD35B581 or something hardcoded in the middle of pretty program could mean something, like be a serial number or a secret number. Unfortunately, I'm reaching boundaries of my competence here, so won't go any further on what one can do with dump.

How can I investigate failing calibration on Spartan 6 MIG DDR

I’m having problems with a Spartan 6 (XC6SLX16-2CSG225I) and DDR (IS43R86400D) memory interface on some custom hardware. I've tried on a SP601 dev board and all works as expected.
Using the example project, when I enable soft_calibration, it never completes and calib_done stays low.
If I disable calibration I can write to the memory perfectly as far as I can see. But when I try to read from it, I get a variable number of successful read commands before the Xilinx memory controller stops implementing the commands. Once this happens, the command fifo fills up and stays full. The number of successful commands varies from 8 to 300.
I'm fairly convinced it's a timing issue, probably related to DQS centering. But because I can't get calibration to complete when enabled, I don't have continuous DQS Tuning. So I'm assuming it works with calibration disabled until the timing drifts.
Is there any obvious places I should be looking for why calibration fails?
I know this isn't a typical stack overflow question, so if it's an inappropriate place then I'll withdraw.
Unfortunately, the calibration process just tries to write and read content successively while adjusting taps internally. It finds one end of success then goes the other direction and identifies that successful tap and then final settles on some where in the middle.
This is probably more HW centric as well, so I post what I think and let someone else move the thread.
Is it just this board? Or is it all of them that are doing it? Have you checked? If it's one board, and the RAM is BGA style, it could be a bad solider job. Push you finger down slightly on the chip and see if you get different results... After this is gets more HW centric
Does the FPGA image you are running on your custom board, have the ability to work on your devkit? A lot of times, that isn't practical I know, but I thought I would ask as it rules out that the image you are using on the devkit has FPGA constraints you aren't getting in your custom image.
Check your length tolerances on the traces. There should have been a length constraint. Plus or minus 50 mils something like that. No one likes to hear they need a board re-spin, but if those are out, it explains a lot.
Signal integrity. Did you get your termination resistors in there and are they the right values? Don't supposed you have an active probe?
Did you get the right DDR memory. Sometimes they use a different speed grade and that can cause all sorts of issue.
Slowing down the interface will usually help items 4 and 5. so if you are just trying to work done, you might ask for a new FPGA image with a slower clock.

Watchdog timeout during call to file.format?

This question is entirely unrelated to my code, but to satisfy the obligatory show your code directive:
Before the call above returns, on this one SoC I always get a wdt reset. Sometimes but not always the flash does appear to be formatted when the chip is started again. And sometimes if freezes after the wdt reset message, and has to be powered off (looks like wrong comm parameters after pressing hardware reset, but none of the terminal app options seemed to match.)
(Note: since starting this draft I built another copy of my device, using another new, recently received ESP8266-12E, and it behaves identically. Previously built copies still work normally, with the identical firmware.)
So this must be a bad chip, right? Or maybe bad on-board flash? It is a brand new one I just bought. I've also seen file.write issues, with buffer size always 255 bytes or less, though no read issues at all.
One other quirk, after burning a cloud-built nodemcu image to this ESP8266-12E device, returned 65535 and adc.readvdd33 returned an apparently valid value. (I corrected that by burning esp_init_data_default.bin to 0x3FC000.) This was the first (out of 15, maybe 20) I have seen that was like that. I did not check to see if an older version of nodemcu was already on it.
This wouldn't be the first chip with which I've had issues on arrival; it's at least the 2nd, likely the 3rd or 4th.
So maybe the larger question, what percentage of the ESP8266's that you buy, are either DOA or suffer infant mortality? (Not counting the ones that you have reason to believe were inadvertently killed.)
The problem can be something other than the ESPs, like a inappropriate power supply. I know from my own experience that the Arduino Uno and most USB-TTL converters cannot safely deliver enough current to ESPs. If you're not already, consider using a dedicated power supply circuit that are connected to a USB power source.
It does indeed seem to be a hardware issue, 2 bad out of 6, not good! I think it might be a certain vendor but don't want to name names without being sure... Whatever is wrong with the chip hangs it up long enough to make the watchdog bark.
Much more than the cost of the part, the time consumed figuring out whether it's lua code, firmware, supporting connections, peripherals or the chip itself, is the costly thing (not to mention frustration, and wasted storage on SO.)

Are there memory limitations when outputting to a ScrolledText widget?

I am fairly new to Python and to GUI programming, and have been learning the Tkinter package to further my development.
I have written a simple data logger that sends a command to a device via a serial or TCP connection, and then reads the response back, displaying it in a ScrolledText widget. In addition, I have a button that allows me to save the contents of the ScrolledText widget into a text file.
I was testing my software by sending a looped command, with a 0.5 second delay between commands. The aim was to test the durability of the logger so it may later be deployed to automatically monitor and log the output of the devices it is connected to.
After 30-40 minutes, I find that the program crashes on my Windows 7 system, and I suspect that it may be caused by a memory issue. The crash is a rather nondescript, "pythonw.exe has stopped working" message. When I monitor the process using Windows Task Manager, the memory used by pythonw.exe increases each time a response is read, and will eventually reach nearly 2Gb.
It may be that I need to rethink my logic and have the software log to the disk in 'real time', while the ScrolledText box overwrites the oldest data after x-number of lines... However, for my own education, I was wondering if there was a better way to manage the memory used by ScrolledText?
Thanks in advance!
In general, no, there are no memory limitations with writing to a scrolled text widget. Internally, the text is stored in an efficient b-tree (efficient, unless all the data is a single line, since the b-tree leaves are lines). There might be a limit of some sort, but it would likely be in the millions of lines or so.

What is the best size for a buffer in BlackBerry?

In my application I need to read data from an input stream. I have set the current buffer size for reading as 1024. But I have seen in some Android applications buffer size has been kept as 8192 (8 KB). Will there be any specific advantage if I increase the buffer size in my application to 8KB?
Any expert opinion will be much appreciated.
Edit: (I am using BB OS 6 and 7 and I am dealing with network inputstream.)
I can't say that I've found the universally best buffer size, but it seems to me that something in the range of 1KB to 8KB should be fine in most situations (for BlackBerry Java apps).
Keep in mind that if the amount of data is small (so you'd probably only need one or two buffers at 1KB-8KB), it's probably best just to use the IOUtilities method:
byte[] result = IOUtilities.streamToBytes(inputStream);
with which you don't need to actually pick a buffer size. But, if you know that result would be a large block of data, you're probably right in wanting to read one buffer at a time.
However, I would argue that the answer should almost always be obtained simply by building the app, and measuring performance with a few different values for byte buffer size. It's easy enough to change one constant, build, run and measure again, and then you're not guessing, or taking the advice of someone who doesn't know all the details of your app.
See here for information about BlackBerry Eclipse plugin memory analysis, and
here for BlackBerry Eclipse plugin profiling.
These tools are found in Eclipse by selecting the Window menu, then Show View -> Other... -> BlackBerry -> BlackBerry Memory Statistics View, or BlackBerry Profiler View, while debugging.
This way, you can see how much memory, or processor, the network code is using during the call to retrieve data and populate your buffer.
BlackBerry InputStream to String conversion
This question was also asked in the official BlackBerry forum here:
The OP gave this clarification:
"I am reading from network. Once I establish socket connection with the server, the server will send me notifications one after the other. I need to read the notifications/data from the inputstream available in the socket connection. For this I have a background thread which checks anything is available in the inputstream and if something is available, it will read with the help of a buffer and then passes the read data to a StringBuffer."
Given this information, I have a different take, in that I think the BlackBerry network handling abstracts the Java application from the network buffer processing to the extent that the application buffer size will have little if any impact on the performance.
But be aware, this is only my opinion.
My response on that thread was as follows:
First thing to note is that the method "isAvailable()", in my experience, does not work correctly on OS 5.0 and earlier. It is fixed in OS 6 (at least from my testing).
Because isAvailable() was broken, (and for other application reasons) what I have implemented for a socket connection is that each message is preceded by a length. So in the socket connection, I read the length of the next message, and then the actual data. This is done with no blocking - in other words I read the entire message, regardless of size. I recommend you do the same. The message must exist in full somewhere so it makes no difference if it is in some memory managed by the socket connection, or in some memory managed by you.
Note also, until OS 6.0, when you did the read you would get all the data to fill the buffer you had - in other words it waited till the buffer was full. In OS 6.0 and later, the read can complete without giving you a full buffer.
In your case, you might be working in a post OS 6.0 only, so you could use isAvailable() - create a buffer of that size, and read everything. I can't see that it makes any difference whether you have the bytes in memory managed by the socket, or memory managed by you.
But in fact, I would argue that the best approach is the one that makes your processing simplest. So for example, if you know that the next message is 200 bytes, then read 200 bytes, and then process that message. Then read the next message.
You could spend a lot of time attempting to manage the buffers to match the underlying socket buffers. I don't know exactly how the underlying BlackBerry socket processing code works, but it doesn't put data directly into your buffers. So let it manage its buffer size to optimize the network, you manage your buffer size to optimize your processing. That will work best for everyone.
