Selectsinglenode in IXMLDOMElement? - selectsinglenode

can i perform select single node from IXMLDOMElement ,if its possible give me one example for that using MSXML

In what language? To solve what problem?
For what it's worth, the MSDN documentation for IXMLDOMElement::selectSingleNode can be found here, and includes samples in a few different languages.


F# Priority Queue

I have tried to use this snippet of code
to implement a heap-based implementation of Prim's algorithm to solve the Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) problem in a non-directed connected graph.
after a few iterations, i find that the heap/priority queue is not well maintained anymore.
that is the head of the PriorityQueue doesn't have the lowest Key in the Heap.
PQ 0 [-7230, 309]
PQ 146 [-7277, 308]
Has anyone use this code and experienced similar problems ?
I can post a link on GitHub if anyone would be looking at it
My needs are for a heap datastructure which supports deletion of an element in the middle. It looks like Fsharpx.collections doesnt have such a data structure.
does anybody know a good implementation available somewhere ?
Recently, I ported a MaxHeap from PLINQ to F# here and made it MinHeap. It is array-based and performs much better than any "pure functional" alternative.
However, after a lot of benchmarking, I found that SortedDeque based on just a simple sorted circular buffer performs significantly better on most use cases even when I need to add or delete in the middle.
My answer is inspired by V.B. but here it is in full
I have used another library than FSharpx.collections, it is called
read that page for details and instructions.
SortedDeque is the data structure i need for this problem.
I used the same code, just changing from the microsoft blog page code to the library functions and found the good result, so it is indeed some bug in the microsoft blog page code
PS. this spreads library has been designed to format financial data for quantitative analysis and i'm happy i found it !!! IT looks like this library is rather recent and thats why its not on top of Google's search or referenced in any other SO question (or if it is i didn't see it)
FSharpx.Collections is of no use for that problem as you can see from that discussion heap issue in FSharpx.Collections

Tools for searching full text in iOS bundle

Sorry for the generalized question...I have been hunting for a long time and haven't found anything I can use or easily adapt yet. I'd really appreciate any pointers!
I'm building a reference app that will contain several textbooks in plain-text format. I want the user to be able to perform a search, and get a table back with a list of results. I have a working prototype, but the search logic that I wrote isn't all that smart and it's been hell trying to make it better.
This is obviously a fairly common problem so I'm looking for a tool that I could adapt to the task. So far I've found Lucene ( and Locayta (
Lucene appears to have been last updated for iOS 2...I don't even know if I'll be able to rework it myself. Maybe.
Locayta would probably work great, but a commercial license is $1,000 and I may not soon recoup that with this app, as it's a niche market.
We stumbled upon the same predicament where I work, and have yet to decide on a solution.
Locayta seems promising, but barring that, I've looked into SQLite's FTS3/FTS4 as well.
The only issue seemed the lack of a way to match partial words. It's easy to search for fields that contain whole words (eg. "paper" matches "printer paper", "paper punch", and "sketch paper"), or words that start with something (eg. "bi*" matches "binder", and "bicycle"), but there's no built in way to match a suffix.
If you don't require that functionality, FTS3/FTS4 might work.
I see you mentioned in the follow-up that your SQLite didn't recognize FTS3(), and I had the same issue at first.
Apparently it's not bundled into the iOS version by default, instead you have to download the SQLite3 amalgamation, and include it in the project manually. As found at is FTS available in the iOS build of SQLite?
Also note, the SQLITE_ENABLE_FTS3 variable is not enabled by default, you just have to add it to the configuration as detailed at
Hope this helps.
If you can translate plain C code to iOS Objective-C, then Apache Lucy (a loose "C" port of Lucene) might be worth a look.

Language codes reference

Can someone please give me the official reference to the language (country/region) codes. I'm finding different codes for the same language (es_ES, esp_ESP, etc.) and I can't figure out which one is the right one.
There are several different standards specifying language codes, including ISO-639 with its sub-standards 1-3 and IETF language tags, which describe more of a system of possible codes than the codes themselves.
Which standard is "the right" standard depends on your use case and context. See
That's because the languages naming coding has different standards, using different number of letters. You might have to chose which standard to use and maybe detect which standard the data source you have is using.
This is a starting point:
These codes are a combination of the specific language as well as the conuntry in which the language is used. So for instance means es_ES spanish_Spain. Another one would be es_AR which would mean spanish_Argentina. For the language code there's the Language Matrix, as for the localisation part you could use the ISO 3166-2 country reference
you can find all the regions code in documentation here

how useful is Cling C++ JIT interpreter developed at CERN?

I recently watched great google talks speech about Cling - C++ language interpreter. But I wonder if anyone except people at CERN (where it is developed) are using Cling, and how good it is from non-collider-physics-scientist point of view, can you write desktop apps with it?
There are some videos of uses cases different from the High Energy Physics: (I think first couple are the relevant ones)
It has the potential to be very useful, but it is very young. There is no documentation that I could find, no dedicated mailing list, no online tutorials. I was able to get small toy code to run, but couldn't figure out how to use it productively on a large library yet.
Cling project is well established one. You can find more information in their official website cling. They also have a forum

dwscript - can anyone help with editor-debugger examples please?

I'm looking at the excellent dwscript for Delphi see here which provides a useful set of classes to implement a built in pascal script for your Application. I would very much appreciate some help with an example of how to link together the supplied debugging interface with an editor so that I can create breakpoints (and ideally see watches). Has anyone gone along this route please?
Most of the debugger doc is currently in this post
Also the debugger interface hasn't changed much (if at all) since the original DWScript II (on SourceForge), so the old demos there should hopefully still work with minimal adjustments.
For breakpoints, you basically just check the source position of the Expr you get in DoDebug/OnDebug against the list of breakpoints. One simple and efficient way is to merely use TBits -using it as a boolean array of which lines have a breakpoint).
Evaluating/watching requires looking up a symbol, which will give you it's stack address, you can then lookup the value in the stack.
I'll try to add/update a debugging tasks demo for v2.2 (unless someone else does it before me ;) )
edit: as of 11-02-14 there is a TdwsDebugger component to facilitate debugging tasks.
