How to handle view model with multiple aggregate roots? -

At the moment, i got quite badly fashioned view model.
Classes looks like this=>
public class AccountActionsForm
public Reader Reader { get; set; }
Problem is that Reader type comes from domain model (violation of SRP).
Basically, i'm looking for design tips (i.e. is it a good idea to split view model to inputs/outputs?) how to make my view model friction-less and developer friendly (i.e. - mapping should work automatically using controller base class)?
I'm aware of AutoMapper framework and i'm likely going to use it.
So, once more - what are common gotchas when trying to create proper view model? How to structure it? How mapping is done when there's a multiple domain object input necessary?
I'm confused about cases when view needs data from more than 1 aggregate root. I'm creating app which has entities like Library, Reader, BibliographicRecord etc.
In my case - at domain level, it makes no sense to group all those 3 types into LibraryReaderThatHasOrderedSomeBooks or whatnot, but view that should display list about ordered books for specific reader in specific library needs them all.
So - it seems fine to create view OrderedBooksList with OrderedBooksListModel view model underneath that holds LibraryOutput, ReaderOutput and BibliographicRecordOutput view models. Or even better - OrderedBooksListModel view model, that leverages flattening technique and has props like ReaderFirstName, LibraryName etc.
But that leads to mapping problems because there are more than one input.
It's not 1:1 relation anymore where i kick in one aggregate root only.
Does that mean my domain model is kind a wrong?
And what about view model fields that live purely on UI layer (i.e. enum that indicates checked tab)?
Is this what everyone does in such a cases?
FooBarViewData fbvd = new FooBarViewData();
fbvd.Foo = new Foo(){ A = "aaa"};
fbvd.Bar = new Bar(){ B = "bbb"};
return View(fbvd);
I'm not willing to do this=>
var fbvd = new FooBarViewData();
fbvd.FooOutput = _mapper.Map<Foo,FooOutput>(new Foo(){ A = "aaa"});
fbvd.BarOutput = _mapper.Map<Bar,BarOutput>(new Bar(){ B = "bbb"});
return View(fbvd);
Seems like a lot of writing. :)
Reading this at the moment. And this.
Ok. I thought about this issue a lot and yeah - adding another abstraction layer seems like a solution =>
So - in my mind this already works, now it's time for some toying.
ty Jimmy

It's tough to define all these, but here goes. We like to separate out what we call what the View sees from what the Controller builds. The View sees a flattened, brain-dead DTO-like object. We call this a View Model.
On the Controller side, we build up a rich graph of what's needed to build the View Model. This could be just a single aggregate root, or it could be a composition of several aggregate roots. All of these together combine into what we call the Presentation Model. Sometimes the Presentation Model is just our Persistence (Domain) Model, but sometimes it's a new object altogether. However, what we've found in practice is that if we need to build a composite Presentation Model, it tends to become a magnet for related behavior.
In your example, I'd create a ViewFooBarModel, and a ViewFooBarViewModel (or ViewFooBarModelDto). I can then talk about ViewFooBarModel in my controller, and then rely on mapping to flatten out what I need from this intermediate model with AutoMapper.

Here's one item that dawned on us after we had been struggling with alternatives for a long time: rendering data is different from receiving data.
We use ViewModels to render data, but it quickly turned out that when it came to receiving data through forms posting and similar, we couldn't really make our ViewModels fit the concept of ModelBinding. The main reason is that the round-trip to the browser often involves loss of data.
As an example, even though we use ViewModels, they are based on data from real Domain Objects, but they may not expose all data from a Domain Object. This means that we may not be able to immediately reconstruct an underlying Domain Object from the data posted by the browser.
Instead, we need to use mappers and repositories to retrieve full Domain Objects from the posted data.
Before we realized this, we struggled much with trying to implement custom ModelBinders that could reconstruct a full Domain Object or ViewModel from the posted data, but now we have separate PostModels that model how we receive data.
We use abstract mappers and services to map a PostModel to a Domain Object - and then perhaps back to a ViewModel, if necessary.

While it may not make sense to group unrelated Entities (or rather their Repositories) into a Domain Object or Service, it may make a lot of sense to group them in the Presentation layer.
Just as we build custom ViewModels that represents Domain data in a way particularly suited to a specific application, we also use custom Presentation layer services that combine things as needed. These services are a lot more ad-hoc because they only exist to support a given view.
Often, we will hide this service behind an interface so that the concrete implementation is free to use whichever unrelated injected Domain objects it needs to compose the desired result.


Why do we use ViewModels?

I have recently started working as a web developer. I work with ASP .NET MVC 4 and NHibernate.
At my work-place, we are strictly made to use viewmodels to transfer data to and fro between a controller and a view. And the viewmodels are not supposed to contain any object of a model.
I understand that it is a sort of a tier between the controller and the view.
But I find it repetitive and redundant to write a viewmodel class even if we can directly send the model's object to the view (in most cases).
For example, if i want to display an order i can do this in the controller's action -
return View(Repository.Get<Order>(id));
But instead, I have to write a viewmodel, fill it with the fetched order and then pass it to the view.
So, my question is, what purpose does writing viewmodels serve when we can use the model's object as it is?
For smaller projects, you're right. I hear your argument and sympathise - however there are good reasons for this, drudged and repetitive work, especially in larger and more complicated applications:
It's essential to perform all processing within the Controller's action. However in the example you've given, the Repository.Get method might return a lazily-evaluated IQueryable object, which would mean the DB wouldn't be hit until the View is evaluated. For a variety of reasons this is bad. (A workaround is to call .ToList while still in the controller).
"A view should not contain any non-presentational logic" and "You should not trust the View" (because a View could be user-provided). By providing a Model object (potentially still connected to an active DatabaseContext) a view can make malicious changes to your database.
A View's data-to-display does not always map 1:1 with its Model's data, for example consider a User Details page:
A User's EF Model object represents its entity in the database, so it probably looks like this: User { UserId, UserName, PasswordHash, PasswordSalt, EmailAddress, CreatedDate }, whereas the fields on a "User details" page are going to be User { UserId, UserName, Password, ConfirmYourPassword, EmailAddress }, do you see the difference? Ergo, you cannot use the EF User model as the view model, you have to use a separate class.
The dangers of model manipulation: if you let ASP.NET MVC (or any other framework) do the model binding to the incoming HTTP POST Request then (taking the User details example above), a user could reset anyone's password by faking the UserId property value. ASP.NET will rewrite that value during binding and unless you specifically sanitize it (which will be just as drudgeful as making individual ViewModels anyway) then this vulnerability will remain.
In projects with multiple developers working in a team situation, is is important that everything is consistent. It is not consistent to have some pages using bespoke ViewModels but other pages using EF Models because the team does not share a concious mind, things have to be documented and generally make-sense. For the same reason a single developer can get away without putting excessive XML documentation in his source code, but in a team situation you'll fall apart if you don't.
There is a slight workaround in your case I'll share with you, but please note the preconditions:
Your views can be fully trusted
Your views contain only presentational logic
Your application is largely CRUD
Your views correspond 1:1 with each EF entity model (i.e. no JOINs)
Your views only deal with single Simple models for POST forms, not Complex models (i.e. an object graph)
...then you can do this:
Put all one-way, non-form-related data into your ViewData collection, or the ViewBag in MVC 4 (or even a generic ViewData<T> if you're hardcore). This is useful for storing HTML page titles and sharing data with Master pages.
Use your fully-evaluated and loaded EF models as your View<TModel> models.
But use this approach with caution because it can introduce inconsistency.
Well, i'm starting to think the pragmatic approach to every problem is required and not to just subscribe to the purist architectural standards out there. Your app may be required to run in the wild and be maintained by many developers serving a large set of client etc. and this may direct or drive your architecture.
The ViewModel is essential when you want a separation of concerns between your DomainModel (DataModel) and the rest of your code.
The less dependencies you have between the Model, View and Controller the easier down the line it will be to make changes to the DomainModel without breaking the interface contracts in the View and Controller etc. etc. But once again it's something to be pragmatic. I like the approach as code re-factoring is a big part of system maintenance - refactoring may include a simple spelling mistake on a property of a Model - that change could ripple through the code to the Contract level if the dependencies are not separated; for example.
The ViewModel is used to translate the data between your DomainModel and you Views
A simple example of a datetime stored in Informix has to be translated to a .Net DateTime. The ViewModel is the perfect place to do this translation and does not force you to put translation code in all sorts of unwanted places.
One attribute of a good design [of anything] is the ability to replace or modify a part of the implementation with little or no affects to the rest of the parts of the system. But this takes effort and time to achieve - it's up to you to find that practical balance between a perfect design and a design that is just enough
But yeah, there are many other good reasons to use certain patterns - but the bottom line is this:
Nothing forces you to use ViewModels... ASP.NET MVC won't force you. Take advice from the pragmatist inside you.
If you use same Models as your ViewModels, your application should be very small and simple and should contain only CRUD operations. But if you are building large or enterprise applications with large teams (with two or probably more developers), you should have concepts like Dependency Injection, Services, Repositories, Façades, Units of Work, Data Access Objects etc.
To simplify your mapping needs between Models and ViewModels, you can use AutoMapper
or install with nuget
Install-Package AutoMapper
According to me, it is essential to have one more layer(ViewModel) on top of Model layer for complex applications that performs most of the CRUD operations because it has following advantages:
To establish loose coupling between Model and Controller. So that any DataModel related modifications will not be affected to Controller.
If you've implemented your application's ViewModel layer correctly
by providing maximum level of IOC(Inversion of Control) via
DI(dependency Injection using Unity/other frameworks), etc., it will
also help you to MOQ your ViewModels(dependencies) for testing only
the controller's logic.

Scope of viewmodels in MVC 3

I have read online that it is bad practice to use a "kitchen sink" model:
Rule #3 – The View dictates the design of the ViewModel. Only what is
required to render a View is passed in with the ViewModel.
If a Customer object has fifty properties, but one component only
shows their name, then we create a custom ViewModel type with only
those two properties.
Jimmy Bogard's subsequent explanation of how this is good, however, left me a little questioning. It'd be so easy to have my Model just contain a list of Customers, I could even use my POCO's.
So now I get to create custom little view model fragments for every page on the site? Every page that uses a Customer property would get one, but of course could not be shared since some of the information is extraneous, if one page used Age but not Name, for example. Two new mini view model classes right?
This is very time consuming, and seems like it'll lead to a million little custom view models - can someone elaborate as to the utility of this approach and why the easier approach is bad?
View model class can be used not only to transfer values, but it also defines data types (data annotations), validation rules and relations different then ones used in model. Some advantages that come to my mind right now:
There are different validation rules when you change user's password,
change his basic data or his subscription setting. It can be
complicated to define all these rules in one model class. It looks
much better and cleaner when different view models are used.
Using view model can also give you performance advantages. If you
want to display user list, you can define view model with id and name
only and use index to retrieve it from database. If you retrieved
whole objects and pass it to view, you transfer more data from
database than you need to.
You can define display, and editor templates for view models and reuse them on different pages using html helpers. It looks much worse, when you define templates for model POCOs.
If you would use your POCO objects as view models, you would essentially be showing your private objects and break the encapsulation. This in turn would make your model hard to change without altering the corresponding views.
Your data objects may contain details that are appropriate only to the data access layer. If you expose those things to the view, someone might alter those values that you did not expect to be altered and cause bugs.
Many of the same reasons as for having private members in OO languages apply to this reasoning. That being said, it's still very often broken because it's a lot of extra work to create all these "throw-away" models that only gets used once. There exists frameworks for creating these sorts of models, though the name eludes me, that can tie objects together and pick out the interesting properties only which takes away some of the drudgery from creating specific view models.
Your View Model tells the View how data should be shown. It expresses the model. I don't think its necessary to have two view models unless you have two ways to express your model. Just because you have two pages, doesn't mean you will be showing the data any different way, so I wouldn't waste time making two mini View Models when it can be in one reusable view model, Imagine if later you have a page that needs Name and Age, you would create another view model? It's absolutely silly. However, if you had two pages both showing 'Age' and it needed to be shown in a different way, then I would create another one.

Best practice question - Working straight with Linq to sql classes

This is possibly a bit of a stupid question, but I am getting confused due to the ASP.NET MVC book I am currently reading...
Working with Linq-To-SQL it seems to say that it is not good practice to pass the Linq-to-SQL objects straight to the controller, but that each object should be modelled separately first and this should be passed between the controller and the repository.
Say, I have a database of products. Linq-to-SQl creates a product class for me with Name, Price and Whatnotelse properties. I could pass that straight from repository to controller and then view, but instead it seems to recommend that I use and third class, say Product_Entity, with also Name, Price etc. properties and pass that to the controller.
I fail to see the benefit of this approach, except possibly for adding attributes to the properties... But apart from that it seems to have more drawbacks than benefits. Say each product has manufacturer information as well, I don't see how I can model that easily in my third class.
Is this approach really best practice? Or did I misunderstand all that? If so, why is it bad to work straight off the linq-to-sql generated objects? And how do you deal with relationships between objects in y
The huge benefit to this other class you create is that, to use your example, it doesn't necessarily map to either a product or a manufacturer. Think about it like this:
Your Linq to SQL classes are meant for talking in the "data" domain.
Your "data" classes (the ones you're having trouble with) are meant for talking in the "application" domain.
Let's take an example. Suppose in your MVC application you wanted to show a grid of information about products. You want to see their Name, Price (from the Product table) and their Country of Manufacture and Manufacturer name (from the Manufacturer table). What would you name this class? Product_Manufacturer? What if later on you wanted to add properties from yet a third table such as product discounts? Instead of thinking about these objects in purely the data domain, think about them with regard to your application.
So instead of Product_Manufacturer, what about calling it ProductSummaryItem? Each property of the ProductSummaryItem class would map 1:1 with a field shown in your grid on the UI. Your controller would perform the mapping between the information in the data domain (Product, Manufacturer) with the custom class you'd created in the application domain (ProductSummaryItem).
By doing this, you get some awesome benefits:
1) Writing your views becomes really, really simple. All you have to do to display your data is loop through the ProductSummaryItems and wrap them in and tags, and you're done. It also allows for simple aggregation. Say for example you wanted to add a field called ProductsSoldLastYear to your ProductSummaryItem class. You could do that very simply in your views because all it is to them is another property.
2) Since the view is trivial and there's mapping logic in the controller, it becomes much easier to test the controller's output because it's customized to what the view is going to see.
3) Since the ProductSummaryItem class only has the data it needs, your queries can potentially become much faster because they only need to query for the fields that would populate your ProductSummaryItem object, and nothing else. This overhead can become overbearing the more data-domain objects make up your ProductSummaryItem object.
This pattern is called Model View ViewModel (MVVM) and is hugely popular with MVC as well as in frameworks like WPF.
The argument against MVVM is that you have to somewhat reimplement simple classes for CRUD operations. Fair enough, I guess, but you can use a tool like automapper to help out with things like that. I think you'll find fairly quickly, though, that using the MVVM pattern even for CRUD pays dividends, because before you know it, even with simple classes, you'll start wishing you had extra fields which can easily drive your views.

What's wrong with passing Linq2Sql objects to Views?

In a previous question, #Darin Dimitrov answered:
In your case the worst thing is that
you are using your Linq2Sql models
inside your views and that's one of
the worst anti-patterns I see people
doing in ASP.NET MVC applications. You
absolutely should be using view
models. That's what views should be
passed from controllers and that's
what controllers should get from
Why is it so bad to pass Linq2Sql objects as Models?
There are a lot of reasons why it's bad to pass Linq2Sql objects as models to your views and controllers, and it would be relatively difficult to cover all of them in a single answer. So, here are my top 3:
Separation of Concerns - Linq2Sql objects have DAL logic embedded in them, which is a violation of SoC. Also, you will likely want to validate data passed from your views, which should be done in the Model (NOT the controller!). However, if you add this logic to your L2S models then you also violate SoC (not to mention the fact that your validations will be wiped out if you regenerate your L2S models)
Encapsulation - Your L2S classes have a lot of members that your view(s) and controller(s) likely do not need access to. A proper model would encapsulate these members to keep them inaccessible.
Maintainability and Reusability - At some point you may decide you want to change your backing store. If you use your L2S classes as models then you'll end up touching a LOT of code to make that change, whereas if you roll your own models then you'll only have to worry about changing your models and nothing else. Also, not messing with your L2S models (see SoC above) means that they're reusable across projects.
In addition to Brian Driscoll's excellent answer, I would add that with LINQ to SQL or the Entity Framework, you don't always know what values actually exist on the objects you've been given. Let's say your view model included a User object from Linq2Sql. You may be tempted to do something like this:
Messages (<%: Model.User.Messages.Count() %>)
Because the Messages property exists on the user object, it's easy to assume that this is totally fine. However, the results of this action aren't entirely clear.
If you have lazy loading enabled, but the context has been disposed, an exception will be thrown.
If you have lazy loading disabled, you'll probably end up with "Messages (0)"
If you have lazy loading enabled, and the context is active, this will cause every single message associated with that user to get loaded into memory, just to figure out how many there are.
On the other hand, if you used LINQ to generate a ViewModel that contains the information you know you'll need to generate your view, it might look like this:
using (var context = _contextFactory.Get()) {
return (from u in context.Users
where u.UserId == userId
select new UserSummary {Name = u.Name, MessageCount = u.Messages.Count())
This uses a single SQL query to get all the information you'll need for this view, while ignoring any information you won't need (like the entire contents of the user's inbox). If some future developer wants to add information to this view, they're going to have to ensure it's populated on the ViewModel as part of the data-access logic.
Not only Linq-To-Sql objects, but any entity object should not be exposed to the view.
It reveals your data schema to the end user( a hacker might find it usefull)
It violates the separation of concerns principle in mvc.
When your entity objects lazy load inside the view, it is not much different to have used the data access logic inside the view. So the whole point of layering your application is gone.

MVC: I need to understand the Model

I've been working with the MVC pattern for a while now, but I honestly don't feel like I truly understand how to work with and apply the "Model" ... I mean, one could easily get away with using only the Controller and View and be just fine.
I understand the concept of the Model, but I just don't feel comfortable applying it within the pattern... I use the MVC pattern within .NET and also Wheels for ColdFusion.
"the Model represents the information (the data) of the application and the business rules used to manipulate the data" - yes, I get that... but I just don't really understand how to apply that. It's easier to route calls to the Controller and have the Controller call the database, organize the data and then make it available to the View. I hope someone understands where my confusion resides...
I appreciate your help in advance!
Look at it like this. When your client requests a page this is what happens (massively trimmed):
He ends up at your controller
The controller gets the necessary data from your model
The controller then passes the data to the view which will create your HTML
The controller sends the HTML back to the client
So client -> controller -> model -> controller -> view -> controller -> client
So what is the model? It is everything that is required to get the data required for you view!
It is services
It is data access
It is queries
It is object mapping
It is critical 'throw exception' style validation
Your controller should not be writing your queries if you are sticking to the pattern. Your controller should be getting the correct data required to render the correct view.
It is acceptable for your controller to do a few other things such as validating posted data or some if/else logic but not querying data - merely calling services (in your model area) to get the data required for your view.
I suppose it's just what you decide to call the different bits in your application. Whichever class you use to pass information from the Controller to the View can be seen as/called "The Model".
Typically we call Model our entity classes, and we call View Model the "helper" classes, for lack of a better word, we use when a "pure" entity (i.e., one that will be stored in the database) doesn't suffice to display all the information we need in a View, but it is all mostly a naming thing.
Your model classes shouldn't have any functions; ideally a model class will have only properties. You should see model classes as data containers, information transporters. Other than that they are (mainly) "dumb" objects:
// This would be a model class representing a User
public class User
public int ID { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Email { get; set; }
How do you actually pass information (whatever that might mean in your context) form your controller to your View and vice versa? Well then, that's your model. :)
Here is the way I have explained before:
Controller: determines what files get executed, included, etc and passes user input (if any exists) to those files.
View: anything that is used to display output to user.
Model: everything else.
Hope that helps.
Model is the code representation of your base Objects. While some less data-intensive systems may be light on the model end of MVC, I am sure you will always find an applicable use.
Let's take a contrived (but realistic) example to the usefulness of a model:
Say I am making a Blog. My Blog has Post objects. Now, Posts are used in and around the site, and are added by many users in the system. Our system was coded for people to enter HTML into their posts, but low and behold, people are starting to add pasted text. This text uses "\n" as the newline character.
With a model, this is a relatively simple fix. We simply make a getter that overrides postText:
public function get postText() {
return this.postText.replace("\n", "<br />");
Suddenly, we can affect behavior across the entire site with a few lines of simple code. Without the implementation of a model, we would need to find and add similar functionality where ever postText is used.
The Model in MVC is all about encapsulation and flexibility of a codebase as it evolves over time. The more you work with it and think about it in this manner, the more you will discover other cases that would have been a nightmare otherwise.
--EDIT (you have added to your question above):
Let us take this same example and use your Controller calling the database. We have 9 Controller classes for vaious pages/systems that use Post objects. It is decided that our Post table needs to now have a delete_fl. We no longer want to load posts with delete_fl = 1.
With our Post model properly implemented, we simply edit the loadPosts() method, instead of hunting down all the cases across the site.
An important realization is that in any major system, the Model is more of a collection of files than a single monolith. Typically you will have a Model file for each of your database tables. User, Post, etc.
model: word, sentence, paragraph
controller: for (word in sentence), blah blah... return paragraph
view: <div>paragraph.text</div>
The idea is to separate the concerns. Why not just have the controller logic in the view as well? The model represents the business objects, the controller manipulates those objects to perform some kind of task and the view presents the result. That way, you can swap an entire view for a different one and you don't have to rewrite the entire application. You can also have people work on different layers (model, controller, view) without affecting the other layers to a significant degree.
By combining the controller and the model, you are making your code less maintainable and extensible. You are basically not performing object-oriented programming as you are not representing the things in your database as objects, you are just taking the data out and sending it to the view.
The model contains business logic (i.e. significant algorithms) and persistence interaction - usually with a database. The controller is the MVC framework: Wheels, Struts, .NET's MVC approach. The view displays data that the controller retrieves from the model.
The big idea going on with MVC is that the view and model should be unaware of the controller - i.e. no coupling. In practice there's at least some coupling that goes on, but when well done should be minimal, such that it allows for changing the controller with low effort.
So what should be happening is a request hits the controller, typically a front controller, where there should be some glue code that you've written that either extends some controller object or follows some naming convention. This glue code has the responsibility for calling methods on the correct service layer object(s), packing that data inside of some sort of helper - typically an Event object - and sending that to the correct view. The view then unpacks data from the Event object and displays accordingly.
And when done well, this leads to a domain model (a.k.a. model) that is unit testable. The reason for this is that you've divorced the algorithms from any framework or view dependencies. Such that you can validate those independently.
