Manipulating line spacing in LaTeX - latex

I have a block of text in a quotation. Some of that text will be in a very small font (\scriptsize) and some much bigger (\Large). My problem is that the letters in the big font push right up against the letters in the line above. This effect is unacceptably distracting to the reader. (Trust me; for my use, it is.)
My question, then: how do I insert space to push apart the lines so that the large text does not scrape against the text above it?

You can specify \vspace in postscript points. This will give you very fine-grained control.
you can use the setspace package: \usepackage{setspace} then use the commands:
you can use \linespacing{factor}: Use
\linespread{1.3} for "one and a half" line spacing, and
\linespread{1.6} for "double" line spacing.
Normally the lines are not spread, so the default line spread factor is 1.

There are myriad methods, but in paper writing, I often use a \vspace{0.75cm} after the separating newline (I'm metric, so pick a unit you like).


Font scaling, variables, calculations in LaTeX

I'm currently writing my CV and I'm running out of space. I wish to change the font in the whole CV template, but I want to do it proportionally. For example, some headings are 12pt, subheadings are 11pt. I want to be able to change them to 0.9 * 12 pt, 0.9 * 11 pt, aka to scale them accordingly. I want to change
\fontsize{(0.9 * 12)pt}{1em}
, where \fontsize is a command from anyfontsize package.
But I end up with weird results and lots of logs/mistakes. Is there a way to ensure that '*' will produce a number, like in "regular" programming languages?
Other things I've tried include:
But it doesn't work the way I expect it to. I also tried adding brackets () and making a new command \newcommand{\mymultiply}[2]{#1*#2}
Is there an elegant and neat way to do this? Is there a "regular" way in LaTeX of doing actual calculations, or should I avoid this approach? Thanks in advance!
3 possible approaches:
I would avoid using hard coded font sizes altogether. If you instead us font commands like \smaller or \larger you can simply change the overall size with documentclass options like 10pt or 12pt and all the fonts in the document will scale, including sections etc.
if you store your base fontsize in a length, you could use \dimexpr to make the calculations
if for whatever reason you don't want to create a new length, you use an expl3 command to do the calculations
\cs_new_eq:NN \fpeval \fp_eval:n
\fontsize{\dimexpr.9\foo\relax}{\dimexpr1.08\foo \relax}\selectfont

MathJax Font Size

In MathJax, I am able to adjust the font size using the answer here (i.e. shown below). Is there a way to adjust the font size of the normal text too without dollar signs around it too? For example, when I type the following: Let $f(x)=x^2$.
The text size around the word "Let" would be small and $f(x)=x^2$ would be much larger. I want to scale the text of the words as well, and I am not sure how to do so.
chtml: {scale: 1.5},
svg: {scale: 1.5},
In regular Latex, you could do Let $f(x)=x^2$.
However remember that, as the name suggests, MathJax doesn't aim to make all of Latex available to the web but focuses on the math part of Latex (and also AsciiMath and MathML of course). A key thing to remember here is that MathJax actually uses the math delimiters to find where there are content to typeset and when you do Let $f(x)=x^2$, MathJax doesn't do anything about the Let since it is outside the math delimiters.
Nonetheless, there are ways to use regular text in Latex math mode too. For example by means of \text{} so in your case, you could accomplish what you want with $\text{Let } f(x)=x^2$
Now, simply setting the text size of the surrounding content will make all of the Latex bigger:
<p style="font-size: 1.5em;">$\text{Let } f(x)=x^2$</p>
<p style="font-size: 2.5em;">$\text{Let } f(x)=x^2$</p>
<p style="font-size: 5em;">$\text{Let } f(x)=x^2$</p>
If you want a bigger horizontal space between the math and the Let, you can add a horizontal spacer:
<p>$\text{Let}\hspace{2mm} f(x)=x^2$</p>
I have prepared a sandbox which you can play around with, also try to uncomment the scale part of the configuration to see this factor in play (however, I usually use font height and not scale to control size): Sandbox
Some things to remember:
Example uses MathJax 3, there might be small differences in comparison to version 2.
Example uses the HTML output processor (as in your example), if you load a different MathJax script, you might be outputting svgs instead and then some options won't have impact, so always check these things thoroughly when something doesn't work.
$...$ is not a standard pair of delimiters so it has to be explicitly configured, otherwise MathJax won't recognize it as inline Latex math.
MathJax automatically does one round of initial typesetting, if you want to update content dynamically, you have to explicitly instruct MathJax to typeset again.
Good luck!

Character spacing in LaTeX with lstlisting package

I'm trying to get my code snippets to look as good as possible and so far I'm having troubles with the character spacing. Here is an example of the output:
alt text
While the text in small is perfect, all the keywords that are in capital letters look terrible. Here are the settings I use
\lstset{basicstyle=\footnotesize, basewidth=0.5em}
If I increase the basewidth, the capital letters look good, but I can't get any decent sized line of code in one line. The following example does not fit in a page and I already put two line breaks in:
alt text
Does anyone have a clue how I can get this to work? Using \ttfamily does the trick, however, I'd prefer keeping the font.
If you prioritize looking nice, then using flexible colums is preferable:
\lstset{basicstyle=\footnotesize, columns=fullflexible}
You "obviously" need to scale the capital letters down horizontally. I do not know of a way to do this without actually editing the font itself.
However, you could put the entire listing into a \scalebox resp. \resizebox (from the graphicx package).
On a side note, the font you are using seems a bit strange, though, since the distance between small letters is significantly bigger than that between capital letters.

How do I "fake" slanted text in LaTeX?

A font I am using does not have the slanted/oblique variant to it in LaTeX (NB: not italics), and I would like to have slanted text in places.
Is there an easy way to slant text without having to generate entirely new font files and such?
One suggested solution was to do:
\renewcommand{\textsl}[1]{\tikz[baseline=(X.base)] \node[xslant=0.2231153] (X) {#1};}
This works well for one or two words, but tikz nodes don't break across lines, so it's not adequate, for, say, a theorem environment.
Obviously, a quick-and-dirty method will not give exceptional kerning or spacing, but I am not concerned about that. However, a 13 degree shear/slant would be desirable.
You can do this easily in XeLaTeX:
\fontspec[ItalicFont=*,ItalicFeatures=FakeSlant]{Minion Pro}
Highly undesirable, however, if there's any chance you can get a real italic.
Update: why undesirable? Because font outlines are not designed to be distorted! Any sort of transformation besides linear scaling in both directions will change the relationship between the inner/outer curves of the letters, effectively going against the wishes of the font designer.
If you want to highlight something in a different font than the roman and not use italic, try something completely different like a harmonising sans serif, for example.
Use a font that does have italics. Standard fonts are best unless you're in marketing.
I use LuaLaTeX, but the following should also work with XeLaTeX. LuaLaTeX, from my experience, is fully backward compatible with good old LaTeX, and it's only marginally slower. And making new, clever macros is a breeze. Anyhow, enough proselytizing.
This is pulled almost directly from one of my documents. Some of it is hackish, yes, but it suits my needs well - and the results are quite respectable.
\usepackage{relsize} % For \texttt definition below
\setmainfont% Minion Pro, not redistributable?
BoldSlantedFont=* Bold,
]{Minion Pro}
\setsansfont% Linux Biolinum O % SIL Open Font License
BoldItalicFeatures={FakeBold=1.5}, % Note: This is not currently working in LuaTeX!
\setmonofont[Ligatures=TeX]{DejaVu Sans Mono} % "Free License" No General Restictions
Here are some macros for shearing, but that will not be what you want either, I guess.
% an initial vertical downscale is often necessary for a 3d projection
% an initial horizontal downscale is often necessary for a 3d projection
The XeLaTeX/fontspec answer mentioned above somehow wouldn't work for me, so I came up with this:
\setmainfont{Linux Libertine O}
\newcommand{\slsc}[1]{\fontspec[SmallCapsFeatures={FakeSlant=0.6}]{Linux Libertine O}\textsc{#1}\fontspec[]{Linux Libertine O}}
\slsc{textslsc} % this will produce slanted small caps

Footnote spacing in LaTeX

I'm writing my dissertation and the grad school says I need a space between multiple footnotes and also the space between the text and the start of the footnotes is too small. Is there a way to do this?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
\footnotesep is the space between footnotes:
\footins is the space between the text body and the footnotes:
You might want to play around with the actual numbers, I've just chosen some values where you will actually see the difference.
There's also a LaTeX package, footmisc, that's useful for manipulating footnote formatting.
