MyGeneration command line input - mygeneration

I have looked all over the internet, mygenteration's forum, and mygenteration's website and I cannot figure out how to pass parameters into a template through the command line using the xmldatapath switch. Does anyone know how to do this?
I did a little research and here is a summary of the format of xml input for MyGeneration.

Have you seen this post, which indicates that the -i xmldatapath works with a saved output file created by MyGeneration itself. You don't detail what your exact issue is, have you tried using -c to create the file that you then use with -i? If you're still having issues add some more detail and I'll run up MyGeneration from the source and see what's going on.


Facing Error while running a JMeter script using docker file on AWS

Hi I am Niladri Shekhar De, relatively new to performance testing. I am trying to run my load test (scripted in JMeter) using docker file on AWS. I am editing the docker file as mentioned in docker file this picture. Also, I have edited the entrypoint as this
entry point picture. Then while I am trying to run it is waiting for long after "Waiting for possible shutdown...." line and finally I am getting all 10 errors (My script has 2 transactions and I am running for 5 users) as shown in the picturecloudwatch. The script name may be mentioned here is different than in the docker file but that I have changed later. Could anyone please look into this and help me out? It will really be a great help..
Although your way to take screenshots is fantastic you should not be posting code as images on StackOverflow
Coming back to your question: we cannot see any failure reason there so I would suggest to check:
The .jtl results file, it should have status code, response message, maybe response details, etc.
The jmeter.log file which normally can give a clue regarding what's wrong. If it doesn't - you can try increasing JMeter logging verbosity

Custom Command Line in Dart

I remember seeing an article or example about custom command line in dart, but I can't find the example that I saw.
I want to create an application that looks like a terminal but is actually a full application.
If you know where this custom command line example is, or can provide your own example, that would be greatly appreciated.
Basically, I want to create my own "Powershell" application, but in dart.
The documentation for command line apps should give you everything you need to get started.

Getting user input in ruby using atom

I'm getting input for ruby in atom. Everything is OK and my code is running, not showing any error, but the issue is that it’s not getting input. I mean I can’t type in the output console. Kindly help me.
Here is the image where I can’t edit user input
hopefully this message doesn't come in too late.
But the answer to your question is :
UNFORTUNATELY Atom does not currently allow for providing input
what you can do is write the code in atom, and run it in terminal or command line
and you will be able to provide the input as required
Summary: you will have to write the code in atom and test it in terminal or CMD
alternatively you can develop in the terminal and this wont be an issue.

Applescript: print first or other specific pages

How can you instruct an application or the printer to only print the first page, a page range or just odd or even pages of a file? I attempt this with the help of the Preview app, which looks promising:
set theFile to "[file-path/file]""
tell application "Preview"
print theFile with properties {target printer:"Printer", ending page:1} without «class pdlg»
--these properties isn't available for the printer app, here just limiting amount of printed pages
end tell
But with this I'm bitten by the sandboxd process that tells me the file can't be opened for printing and I get a deny file-read-data result in the log.
In the CUPS suggestion by adamh I encounter issues with umlauts and have other execution issues as well, possibly also because of sandbox rules. The code works from the command line, but not when called in automated fashion.
I tried to look up useful examples of the print command in a reference, in my books and tried searching the online Apple references, but I can't seem to find many examples fitting to the present day situation with sandbox, if any.
You could script printing by command line tool lp & lpr.
These talk to CUPS, Common Unix Printing System
To target pages / ranges:
lp -o page-ranges=2-4 "my_great_document.pdf"
To call it from applescript use do shell script
do shell script "lp -o page-ranges=2-4 'my_great_document.pdf'"
For more ideas see:

Debugging Django Admin Template Resolution

Can someone point me to the code or a way that I can say print to screen which admin template is being used?
It happens many a time when I am replacing a admin template for an model that I add the template and hit the page and bham... still the same template.
Usually its a case issue or something like that... but it takes me a while if I get stumped to realise what my issue is.
Can anyone suggest an approach, be it put print statements in django code to show which template is getting resolved?
Use the django-debug-toolbar, it has a tab that shows all the template_s_ (plural) that are used.
If you run Django's development server from the command line, you can definitely just use print statements to find out which template is being used. You can also use the FireBug plugin for Firefox to figure out what the server is sending back to you.
