Flutter iOS app starts on iPhone only from Android Studio [closed] - ios

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I can run my app many times in row on iPhone (real device) using 'run' in Android Studio.Everything works fine, but if I close the app and click on icon in the iPhone, it's crashed before the splash screen.
Why I can't start it from the device?

If you run your app on the iPhone in debug mode, it won't run after the debug session is terminated. You can run the up from command line in release mode on the iPhone, so you can start the app event if there is no active debug:
flutter run --release


Thread 5 : SIGABRT error while running the app in my device (Works fine in simulator) [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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Just started messing around with xcode 11.3.1 and I am pretty new to this . Now learned some things through a lot of tutorials and created an application which runs pretty good in the builtin simulator . But when i try to run the same app in my own device (iPhone 6s) it gives me an error saying as in the picture . Any help is appreciated.
It is because you are using a microphone in your application without getting privacy access from the user.
You should add Privacy - Microphone Usage Description in your info.plist
The console in the bottom right of picture clearly describe the problem.

AVCapture is hanging on release mode in iOS [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I was developed a on screen video recording app. It will take a video while tapping button. When ever I run on device by debugging mode it’s working fine. But when I take a build on release mode video capturing is hanging.
Thats weird, because basically test flight does nothing with your IPA you can just upload and distribute using test flight . But couple of things need to be checked :
Make sure you are uploading latest .ipa file .(Just remove all the ipa files from the organiser and create new one again).
Make sure app is uploaded right and you are getting new url from the test flight .

download ios application on my iphone [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I already created my privilege profile and run the application on my iphone and everything is going well. But when the device was disconnected from the mac after a while the application may not run especially if an exception is thrown it never run again until you reRun it by connecting the device to the mac and run the application from xcode itself.
I know that there is some way to archive the application and download it to the device as an .ipa file. But how can I do this ?
If you build your app in Xcode to your device, it will "crash" if you remove the connection from your device to your computer (if you haven't stopped the build). However, if you build your app to your device then press "Stop" you can later launch your app directly from your device.
If you would like to distribute your app for beta testing or later for app store you will have to Archive your app. You do that by going to "Product" -> "Archive".

How to submit universal application [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Recently, my first iPhone app is approved. I decided to convert it to a universal app, and since it is a basic application I did it easily. I'll resubmit the app today, but I have some concerns about the process.
Idea 1) Creating a new application on itunesconnect. However, current users of my app won't get update notification and there will be 2 different applications. So this idea sounds really stupid
Idea 2) Creating a new version of my current application, this looks good for iPhone side of the app. However, I don't have any iPad app. Defining a new version for a non-existing iPad app sounds weird.
Please correct me if I'm wrong. As I know, one have to debug app on a real device to submit .app file. In my case - universal application, do I have to test app on both iPhone and iPad ?
I really don't know what I should do about it. Please share your ideas. Thanks in advance.
Ideally you should test your universal on both an iPhone and an iPad. If you don't own an iPad but just an iPhone, then if it works well on the iPhone and on the iPad simulator, then you should be OK. But it is still possible for there to be hidden issues. One issue you can have by not testing on a real iPad is making sure all of you iPad specific images and xib files actually work on a real device due to filename case sensitivity. But you can only test on devices that you actually have.
There is no requirement that you test on any device before you can submit the app. Apple has no way to know whether you did or not. Of course it is a really bad idea to only use the simulator for testing since there are so many differences.
As for submitting the app, you must use idea 2. Create an update to your existing app in iTunes Connect. Submit the binary. It will be detected as a universal app. Then you can update the meta data with new iPhone screen shots and iPad screen shots.

Why is blackberry so unpredictable? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am currently developing a blackberry java application. In the app, I switch between two screens (let's call them A and B). Now on my simulators (lots of them, OS 5/6/7), the application works fine. On some real devices that I have tested, the application works fine. However on a friend's 9360 OS the app crashes when transitioning from screen A to screen B. I can't duplicate the error on the devices I have or my simulators.After downloading/installing/testing on many simulators, I downloaded a simulator 9800 OS and behold, the app crashes when i transition from screen A to screen B. Now I use eclipse with the blackberry plugin, anytime i try attaching the debugger to this particular simulator i get the attach debugger failed message, or even worse the simulator just "dies" so now i can't even see what is causing the app to crash.. What am i supposed to do?
Try to figure out what was exception:
1. Go to BB home screen
2. Hold ALT (for simulator CTRL on PC is ALT for simulator) key
3. While holding ALT key type LGLG on keyboard
You will see device event log where unhandled exceptions.
Back to main question. It's sometimes really inconsistent. The different OS versions have different issues and sometimes behavior is slightly different. But we can't do anything with it.
