How do you distribute a Xamarin Forms iOS archived container app with a share extension? - ios

I'm having problems archiving my Xamarin iOS app which has a Share Extension.
I am using Visual Studio 2022 for Windows paired to a Mac.
I have created:
a distribution profile in App Store Connect
identifiers for app and extension with App Group entitlements
App Store profiles for app and extension
Bundle Signing for Extension:
Manual Provisioning
Distribution: Automatic
Provisioning Profile: No matching profiles found (Why not found?)
Bundle Signing for MainApp:
Manual Provisioning
Distribution: Automatic
Provisioning Profile: MyAppName
In addition, in my Identifiers I have an additional record which I did not add myself:
XC com companyname MyAppName Share (Where has this come from?)
When I try to archive I get the following errors:
Cannot create an IOS archive 'MyAppName'. Process cannot be executed on XMA server.
"ditto" exited with code 1
I've searched for documentation or examples on how to distribute a Share Extension, but can't find anything helpful. I've also been able to successfully upload an archive to the store without the Share Extension attached.
What is going on here?
Just tried to release through VS on Mac, and getting a whole lot of new errors. The Mac VS is horribly designed and seems like it was just thrown out as an afterthought. There is no proper output window for archiving issues; the issue messages are squashed, non-wrapped into the single line status bar at the bottom of the screen in a way that I need to open the application on a large monitor to see; I have no idea whether they are warnings or errors and if the build has stopped or not.
I hope the suggested response is not: release it on VS Mac.

Here, i would like to share the way of publishing my app with share extension using VS for MAC, for the purpose of helping others.
First, create iOS Distribution Certificate in your Apple Developer account. Before doing this, you have to generate a Certificate Signing Request file in your KeyChain.
Second, if you use AppGroup, you should generate an App Group ID, which would be used for your share extension as well as its container app. Then in Xamarin Forms project, for your share extension and its container, both set the App Group ID in the Entitlements.plist.
Third, generate App IDs for both your app and share extensions. In Capabilities, you have to configure to choose your AppGroup in previous step.
Then, generate profiles for both your container and share extension. You should select the proper iOS Distribution Certificate and App ID. Then download and refresh your profiles.
Now in Visual Studio for MAC, you could select profiles for your App and extension respectively in iOS Bundle Signing. Then you can archive them for publishing~


How can I correctly provision an Xamarin Forms iOS app with (or without) a ShareExtension?

I've had hours and hours of problems with Xamarin Forms iOS provisioning for my app with and without a ShareExtension.
I have had it working in the past with various combinations and permutations of configuring simulator/device/debug/release/certs/ids/auto or manual provisioning...etc. which I didn't record at the time, but it is very fickle and unpredictable and there are a large number of moving parts.
As such the following is a systematic record of the steps I've taken with questions when things have behaved in unexpected ways and my app hasn't run or deployed correctly.
NOTE: The following steps are for development but if I can get dev running, I will then continue to update this question for the distribution process.
The 3 main elements and their interaction that causes me most confusion are below:
Online Apple Developer Portal
MacOS with Xcode and keychain
Windows Visual Studio Xamarin
I deleted all my certificates, identifiers and profiles from the above 3 (with the exception of the main app id which is in the app store and couldn't be deleted). For the physical devices I removed via:
VS (Win)
relevant folder locations on Win and Mac
In visual studio login to my Apple account via Options -> Apple Accounts
Then View details -> Create certificate
Outcome: This works fine. The new cert appears on Windows, Mac and on the Apple Dev Portal. The app runs successfully with auto provisioning.
However, no profiles can be seen in the online Apple Dev Portal - why? - UPDATE: They now appear around 30 mins after they were created
Add ShareExtension project and reference it to my main app.
Use Automatic Provisioning
Auto Provisioning gives: "Invalid request, Service mapping to the requested URL is not available.". As a result I go into the Apple Dev Portal and manually create an ID, then retry Auto Provisioning, which is now successful. Try to run the app again but: app runs ok, but share extension can't be seen.
I have double checked:
Main app has ShareExtension reference
Main app info.plist has:
App group is set in VS for both projects and both App IDs in online portal
What is going on here?
I did the following:
Created two manual provisions, one for container and one for extension
As Visual Studio Apple Account didn't reflect these, I downloaded the provisions from the portal, put them in the relevant Windows folder and now they appear
Tried to build:
What is happening here?
Why is the error about Auto Prov, when I have clearly set it to Manual Prov
Why is the 2nd error about the profile not found when it shows in above drop-down, and in the portal that it very clearly exists?
After much pain, I have finally stumbled upon a combination of steps that seems to work. Given the unpredictable and what seems to be buggy nature of VS, I cannot guarantee that this will work for everyone, or even guarantee that it will even work for me again for my next build, but it has been working for the past 12 hours or so over several builds and deployments. I can only pray that it continues to work.
Anyway, here are keypoints that I used to get it working:
Follow my step A) above and delete everything as often as possible. New certs and profiles in the Portal tend to accumulate after a while, possibly when creating via the Portal, Xcode and VS, so it's good to remove everything every so often and start from afresh.
VS for Mac is I believe a much cut-down and less capable version of VS for Windows. As such when doing development, VS Windows is a far better tool, if you can get around development provisioning. I struck upon a combination where I created the Cert in VS Windows (this is preferable to creating in the Portal because it avoids having to download the cert and ensure it is installed correctly on your local machine), and used Automatic provisioning for debug that seemed to work for me. It didn't work for a while, nor did manual provisioning, but somehow for now its working.
Once the app is stable in debug mode, and you want to deploy to App Store Connect:
a) manually create your distribution certs on Xcode, and create profiles in the portal
b) move your code onto VS Mac
c) build and archive using the new distr profiles
d) Goto Xcode -> Window -> Organizer
e) Locate your archive and click Distribute App
f) From here the wizard will guide you again into selecting relevant profiles for distribution for both container and ext and give you a lot of feedback on the upload process until the upload is complete.
Anyway, once again, no guarantees that will work for all, but it's working for me now.
I have also tried using Visual Studio 2022 to finish an iOS development process but cannot reproduce your stepD. The following is the main step:
1. Create App ID for container and extension, Create an AppGroup ID
This is for my container, with App Group enabled.
This is for my extension App ID, also enable the same App Group.
2. Create certificate and profiles
You could create a iOS development certificate in Visual Studio or in Apple Dev Portal. Then you could find it in your Certificates.
3.Generate your profiles for both container and extension. (Remember to register your physical device in Devices, and in your profiles, includes your device on which your app is installed)
This is for my container with the container's App ID
this is for my extension with the extension's App ID
4. In Visual Studio, select the proper provisioning file.
Before this step, also download the provisioning files from the portal as VS does not automatically download them. Put them in the relevant Windows folder.
This is for my container, with the certificate and the provisioning file
This is for my extension:
Also, my info.plist for container and extension:
5. Pair to mac and run on your device
Now the App could install on your device~

App Center iOS build unable to verify integrity

I'm working on a Xamarin application and I'm doing iOS builds to run and test on different devices using App Center.
Everything was ok, on Apple Developer I created the Ad-Hoc certificate, the provisioning file, and the identifier and it was all good.
During the last implementation, I added on Entitlements the Associated Domain due to enabling the possibility to use the App Link and let the user open the application using a link provided via email.
I updated the Identifier adding the feature also to it and I downloaded it and uploaded it again to the dedicated branch on App Center, but now when I try to download the app to the device I receive this message:
Unable To Install "App Name". This app cannot be installed because its integrity could not be verified.
I tried different ways trying to solve it:
Create a completely new certificate with a new identifier, provisioning, and .p12 file
Checked Entitlement feature list correspond to the identifier list on Apple Developer
Used different versions of SDK and Xcode on App Center
I already searched around on the web but they talk about the provisioning file list but I already checked and it is updated.
Thank you for your help and for your suggestions.

Visual studio unable to locate provisioning profiles for Xamarin.iOS

I am trying to setup my environment to deploy my app to a real IPhone for testing because I dont want to work with simulators and etc. It apparently requires provisioning profiles. I dont have a paid apple developer account and I learned that it is not required. These are the steps I have done so far:
Open xcode on my mac go to Preferences> Accounts> Add new Apple ID. I added one of my apple IDs.
I then added a new project select a team and selected necessary options to create the project
I went to project propertiesi setup the iOS version.
I went to signing and enabled automaticly manage signing. It did something and created a certificate for me.
I deployed the app once to my phone which worked fine.
I later opened visual studio on my windows machine.
Paired my mac with my visual studio.
Went to info.plist and copied my bundle identifier from xcode to visual studio.
Enabled Manual provisioning but no developer profiles. Restarted VS but no luck
I basically followed this site
I tried without selecting a specific provisioning profile (it was in developer (automatic))
It seemed to be going well until it gave this error
error MT1007: Failed to launch the application '/Users/xxxxxxx/Library/Caches/Xamarin/mtbs/builds/App8/4ae6e8b79af6f5c06054809bff907c4f900782cdb32378817eb5bbdd1fa2e996/bin/iPhone/Debug/device-builds/iphone11.8-14.2/' on the device 'iPhone': Failed to launch the application 'com.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.App8' on the device 'iPhone': Invalid Service Error (error: 0xe8000022) 0
I found the solution to my problem. The site showed illustrations of choosing specific provisional profiles
However I didn't get this kind of choosing
Mine had
Developer (automatic)
No profiles found (or something in english: my VS is not in english)
but apparently it is not required to choose the exact profile from VS. I was able to deploy the app by just compiling the app as usual (after following the steps of course). However there is a problem with launching the app which requires me to go to settings and trust my apple id or something which is not important.

Command /usr/bin/codesign failed with exit code 1?

while i am trying to build my project its giving me this error,i am using xcode 7 :
what i was tried:
Deleted the development and distribution certificated and then i have create it again.
about xcode ->preference->account->viewdetails ,in xcode 7 there is no refresh button is there.
Debug-iphoneos/ User canceled the operation.
Command /usr/bin/codesign failed with exit code 1
in simulator its running.
but i don't know where problem is from keychainaccess or from the xcode.
Please anybody help me to solve this problem ,i am struggle here for more then half day.
I surfed a bit and found the following things. Hope it helps you some way.
While choosing a signing identity, you have the choice of submitting your Mac app to the store, signing it with a Developer ID certificate to distribute it outside of the store, or not code signing it at all. If you select Mac App Store, you assign your Xcode project to a team and can enable app services, as described in Adding Capabilities. If you select Developer ID, you assign your Xcode project to a team but the available capabilities are limited (read Distributing Apps Outside the Mac App Store for how to create a Developer ID-signed app)
Xcode detects when you’re missing a signing identity. Typically, this happens when you move from one Mac to another or recreating the certificates and provision profiles. Click here to know more on provision profiles, but I am not sure this might not be your issue.
If you use the team provisioning profile that Xcode manages for you during development, as described in Team Provisioning Profiles in Depth, Xcode fixes code signing and provisioning issues for you before you attempt to build your app. In this case, you shouldn’t set the Code Signing Identity build settings yourself. However, if you want to use a custom development provisioning profile and set these build settings, as described in Using Custom Provisioning Profiles, you may encounter build issues described in this section. Common build errors tend to involve incorrect code signing identities.

how to get .mobileprovision to build phonegap iphone app at windows?

I'm using windows 8 to building applications with phonegap,
every thing is good except building apple application at:
this appears:
phonegap build "no key selected"
how to get the key or .mobileprovision file?
You have to create them on, as AJD mentioned.
Go to your Apple developer portal
Click Devices to register your iOS device. You need to connect your device to iTunes to obtain your UUID
Click Certificate
Create a certificate for Production (to use PhoneGap Build, otherwise Development)
Download the certificate
Convert the certificate to a p12 file (See the screenshots below) - Double-click the .cer file to open it in Key Chain Access. Then click My Certificates under the category, Ctrl-click the certificate and export. When you save the .p12 file, you are asked to create a password that you will need later.
Create a provision file on Apple developer portal, then download. Again, to make this work on PhoneGap Build, you need one for Distribution, otherwise Development.
Actually, I blogged about it because using PhoneGap Build is not as easy as it should to develop iOS apps.
I know this question is made a year ago, but I hope this helps to everybody who has the same question.
You create and download the provisioning profile and an associated certificate on the Apple developer site.
Go member center > manage certificates and profiles...
A valid provisioning profile is connected to a valid distribution certificate. You will need both active.
Building for iOS
We're now able to offer support for building to iOS devices through Adobe® PhoneGap™ Build. The process for completing iOS builds is slightly different than that for other platforms: all iOS builds need to be signed by a developer certificate and a provisioning profile, that is tied to your Apple developer account and the device you wish to test on. This document covers how to set this up.
Note: Since PhoneGap Build uses Apple's standard development process to build applications, you will need to sign up for their developer program to build iOS applications on PhoneGap Build. You will also need a Mac to configure your certificate and provisioning profile.
When you upload a new application to PhoneGap Build, if you don't have a default certificate-profile pair attached to your account, you will be alerted that the iOS build can not be completed:
iOS Key Required
Your key will actually consist of two files: a certificate and a provisioning profile. Apple has extensive documentation for setting up your environment locally: the best approach is to ensure you can build an iOS application to your iOS device locally, to be sure that both your certificate and your provisioning profile are set up correctly for code signing.
Once you have these set up, you can export them for upload to PhoneGap Build. For the provisioning profile, you will need a file with the mobileprovision extension, which looks like this:
Provisioning Profile in Finder
Ensure that this provisioning profile is correctly paired with the device(s) you wish to test on.
Note that when you create your profile, you will specify the App IDs that are linked to the profile. This is important when using PhoneGap Build: the package name you specify for your app, in your config.xml (the id attribute of the widget element) or through the Edit App page, will have to match the ID for the provisioning profile. If they fail to match, your app will not be built correctly.
Apple appends a "Bundle Seed ID," or "App ID Prefix," to the provisioning profile when you generate it through the iOS Developer Center. Note that you do not to include this App ID Prefix in your config.xml for PhoneGap Build to build successfully. You just need the reverse-domain style Bundle Identifier - com.domainname.appname. This will also be best compatible with building for other platforms.
To prepare your certificate, you will need to open the Keychain Access utility on your Mac, and identify the certificate that you use for iOS development. Right click on that certificate and select Export ...
Export from Keychain Access
Save the certificate in a location you can remember, and enter a password. Remember the password: you will need to give it to PhoneGap Build, otherwise we cannot use your certificate.
Enter Certificate Password
Now back to the website. On the app detail page, simply select the "new key..." option from the signing key dropdown for the app in question, and then, from the list of platforms with signing available, hit add a key for iOS. Fill out the form: add your p12 certificate file and your mobileprovision file, and enter the password associated with your certificate.
Add Certificate to PhoneGap Build
Once your key is added, we'll attempt to rebuild the application for iOS. If all goes well, you should see a link for the built ipa file available.
You can then download the ipa file and use iTunes to install it directly on your provisioned iOS device.
Happy building!
