While loop timeout - ruby-on-rails

I am trying to pause my code if it has taken less time to run than 1 minute. (then continue to run the rest of the code after that minute has passed). However it only waits for around 30 seconds, so it seems to be timing out. Is this the general behaviour?
I currently have this:
minumum_code_run_time = Time.zone.now + 1.minute
# run code
while Time.zone.now < minimum_code_run_time
# carry on with rest of code


How to run a cron job every 10 seconds in ruby on rails

I am trying to run a cron job in every 10 seconds that runs a piece of code. I have used an approach which requires running a code and making it sleep for 10 seconds, but it seems to make drastically degrading the app performance. I am using whenever gem, which run every minute and sleeps for 10 seconds. How can I achieve the same w/o using sleep method. Following is my code.
every 1.minute do
runner "DailyNotificationChecker.send_notifications"
class DailyNotificationChecker
def self.send_notifications
puts "Triggered send_notifications"
expiry_time = Time.now + 57
while (Time.now < expiry_time)
if RUN_SCHEDULER == "true" || RUN_SCHEDULER == true
sleep 10 #seconds
def self.process_notes
notes = nil
time = Benchmark.measure do
Note.uncached do
notes = Note.where(status: false)
notes.update_all(status: true)
puts "time #{time}"
Objective of my code is to change the boolean status of objects to true which gets checked every 10 seconds. This table has 2 million records.
I suggest using a Sidekiq background jobs for this. With the sidekiq-scheduler gem you can run ordinary sidekiq jobs schedules in whatever internal you need. Bonus points for having a web-interface to handle and monitor the jobs via the Sidekiq gem.
You would use the clockwork gem. It runs in a separate process. The configuration is pretty simple.
require 'clockwork'
include Clockwork
every(10.seconds, 'frequent.job') { DailyNotificationChecker.process_notes }

Rails ActiveJob Job with sidekiq delaying 6/10 seconds

I am using Rails ActiveJob with Sidekiq.
I have a Job that is supposed to execute after 5 seconds.
UserArrivalJob.set(wait: 5.seconds).perform_later(user, planet)
Only after 5 seconds the job still hasnt ran.
When i look in the sidekiq web interface after those 5 seconds the job is there and it says: Not yet enqueued. After about another 6 till 10 seconds the job gets enqeued and is immediatly executed.
How come that there is this delay?
When i use perform now this delay is not there.
Here is my Job:
class UserArrivalJob < ActiveJob::Base
queue_as :default
def perform(user, planet)
user.planet = planet
Read here. Basically I think your sidekiq poller runs every 10 seconds and it picks the job when it pools.
bcd was right. I set the sidekiq configuration to run the poller every 2 seconds.
environments/development.rb / environments/production.rb
Sidekiq.configure_server do |config|
config.average_scheduled_poll_interval = 2

Capybara Find Within Synchronize Not Waiting

The code below keeps looping, where I would expect find to wait for its default wait time of 2 seconds before throwing an exception and having the loop iterate.
user_general.synchronize(10) do
In Capybara only the outermost synchronize loop is rerun on failures, you can see this in the source code for #synchronize which does the following
if session.synchronized
yield # if we are already in a synchronize loop just run the code
... # catch errors and retry until max wait time expires or success

Ruby popen3 not working as expected in Sidekiq worker

I'd like to find out more info about the wait_thread being passed to my Popen wrapper method
def my_popen(cmd, ignore_err = true)
Open3.popen3(cmd, {}) do |stdin, stdout, stderr, wait_thr|
cmd_status = wait_thr.value
cmd_output << stdout.read
cmd_output << stderr.read unless ignore_err
return cmd_output, cmd_status
It works for short running processes but it is being used in a Sidekiq worker which can take around an hour. However when I time it, it takes only around 30 secs every time no matter how long the worker really takes. To time it I just add a timestamp entry into the database at the beginning of the worker and then update it at the end for thread safety and so I can see it in a UI.
Is there something to do with this wait thread that is timing out after around 30 seconds?

When to give up on getting results from an external web service?

I'm using a gem to get code results from Ideone.com. The gem submits code to Ideone and then checks for the results page. It checks timeout times and then gives up if there's no result. The problem is it might give up too early, but I also don't want it to wait too long if there's not going to be a result. Is there a way to know when one should give up hope?
This is the relevant code:
sleep 3 if i > 0
res = JSON.load(
i += 1
end while res['status'] != '0' && i < timeout
if i == timeout
raise IdeoneError, "Timed out while waiting for code result."
Sounds like you want to adjust sleep timeout and number of attempts parameters. There is no absolute values suitable for each case, so you should pick some which are most appropriate for you application.
Unfortunatelly the gem code have both this parameters (3 seconds delay and 4 attempts) hardcoded so you don't have an elegant way to change them. So you can either fork the gem and change its code or try to monkey-patch the value of TIMEOUT constant with http://apidock.com/ruby/Module/const_set . However you won't be able to monkey-patch the delay between attempts value without rewriting method .run of the gem.
FYI. Net::HTTP has their own timeouts - how much time to wait for ideone.com connection and response. If they are exceeded Net::HTTP raises Timeout exception. The setters are
http://ruby-doc.org/stdlib-2.0/libdoc/net/http/rdoc/Net/HTTP.html#method-i-read_timeout-3D and #open_timeout=.
