Qt QML Native iOS Keyboard with Number Row - ios

Is there a possibility to get this native iOS keyboard with QML?
I have seen that some apps use this. But I could not find something in the Qt docs.


Open OCR Keyboard on an iOS react-native expo app

I need to do an ocr feature on a react-native app, it works on android (I used mlkit-ocr github), but on iOS I would prefer to open the OCR keyboard and use the native feature.
How can I open the OCR keyboard if the user click a button on iOS?
Thanks !

How to detect dynamic library loads xamarin ios?

I have xamairn iOS an app which contains jail break detection code.
I also want to detect if any dynamic library loads to app.
I have found below code from this link : this
but don't know how to do it in xamarin ios

alternative for macOS popUpButton in iOS?

What is the alternative UI element for Pop Up Button (existed for macOS) in iOS? I use Xcode 12.4.
I am looking for something similar to the picture but in iOS.

How to approach iOS Activity app "Awards" Control

I am trying to find approaches on building an iOS Control that looks much similar to "Activity" app "Awards 3D Control" on iOS.
Is there anything available around which is similar to this? Or How Should I approach this control? I need to develop it on both iOS app and for apple watch.
The snapshot of the same is attached below. You can flip it 360".
I am planning to do it with Native XCode Programming (Objective-C and/or Swift). Please suggest on the same lines.

Card.IO camera flash button for iOS

I noticed on the card.io website there is a flash button during the scanning process. How do I activate that? I looked at the header files and did not see a property for that.
This is for the iOS SDK.
#CLDev, thanks for asking!
Older versions of the card.io SDK for iOS did indeed include that flash button in the interface. But in the current version, we have taken a new approach.
Now, in a low-light situation the flash will automatically come on, and its brightness will be automatically adjusted by the SDK. We have run lots of experiments, and we think that we've arrived at settings that produce the best results for most cards in most lighting situations.
(Some older devices don't support the APIs for adjusting flash brightness. On those older devices, the SDK will instead display the flash button, as in the past.)
