Does kubernetes have an equivalent to docker commit/save - docker

I'm working on a system that spins up pods in k8s for user to work in for a while. They'll be running code, modifying files, etc. One thing I'd like to do is be able to effectively "export" their pod in it's modified state. In docker I'd just docker commit && docker save to bundle it all to a tar, but I can't see anything at all similar in the kubernetes api, kubectl, nor client libs.

Short answer: No, Kubernetes doesn't have an equivalent to docker commit/save.
As Markus Dresch mentioned in the comment:
kubernetes orchestrates containers, it does not create or modify them.
Kubernetes and Docker are 2 different tools for different purposes.
Kubernetes, also known as K8s, is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.
Docker is a set of platform as a service products that use OS-level virtualization to deliver software in packages called containers.
You can find more information about Pull, Edit, and Push a Docker Image here.


Docker-machine vs Vagrant? [duplicate]

Every Docker image, as I understand, is based on base image - for example, Ubuntu.
And if I want to isolate any process I should deploy ubuntu docker base image (where is difference with Vagrant here?), and create a necessary subimage after it installing on ubuntu image?
So, if Ubuntu is launched on Vagrant and on Docker, where is practice difference?
And if to use docker provider in Vagrant - where here is difference between Vagrant and Docker?
And, in Docker is it possible to isolate processes on some PC without base image without it's sharing to another PC?
Vagrant is a utility to help you automate setting up VMs. Docker is a utility that helps you use containerization in linux.
A virtual machine runs a whole system, and emulates hardware. Containers section off processes in a single running kernel without emulating hardware.
Both a VM and a Docker image may be Ubuntu 14.04, but with the Docker image you don't need to run the whole OS.
For example, if I want to run an nginx container based on ubuntu, I'd end up with only the nginx process running. No upstart/systemd/init is needed. A VM would run an init system, manage its own networking, and run other services as well. The container image approach that uses a linux distro base is mostly for convenience.
It is entirely possible to run Docker containers with very minimal images. A statically compiled binary alone in an image is all you'd need to run a container.
Vagrant : Vagrant is a project that helps the spawning of virtual machines. It started as an command line of VirtualBox, something similar to Gemfile for VM's. You can choose the base image to start with, network, IP, share folders and put it all in a file that anyone can reuse to spawn the same configured machine. Vagrant has different extensions, provisioning options and VM providers. You can run a VirtualBox, VMware and it is extensible enough to be able to create instances on EC2.
Docker : Docker, allows to package an application with all of its dependencies into a standardized unit of software development. So, it reduces a friction between developer, QA and testing. It dynamically change your application, adding new capabilities every single day, scaling out services to quickly changing the problem areas. Docker is putting itself in an excited place as the interface to PaaS be it networking, discovery and service discovery with applications not having to care about underlying infrastructure. Yes, their are still issues with docker in production, but, hopefully, we'll see the solutions to those problems, as docker team and contributors working hard on those issues. As Docker Volume driver allows third-party container data management solutions to provide data volumes for containers which operate on data, such as database, key-value stores, and other stateful applications. The latest version is coming with much more flexibility, complete orchestration build-in, advanced networking, secrets management, etc. As you can see one, rexray, as volume plugin and provides advanced storage functionality. emccode/rexray We're finally starting to agree on more than just images and run time.

Kubernetes service not visible when Docker is initialized in Windows container mode

I'm testing the side-by-side Windows/Linux container experimental feature in Docker for Windows and all is going well. I can create Linux containers while the system is set to use Windows containers. I see my ReplicaSets, Services, Deployments, etc in the Kubernetes dashboard and all status indicators are green. The issue, though, is that my external service endpoints don't seem to resolve to anything when Docker is set to Windows container mode. The interesting thing, however, is that if I create all of my Kubernetes objects in Linux mode and then switch to Windows mode, I can still access all services and the Linux containers behind them.
Most of my Googling took me to errors with services and Kubernetes but this doesn't seem to be suffering from any errors that I can report. Is there a configuration somewhere which must be set in order for this to work? Or is this just a hazard of running the experimental features?
Docker Desktop
Docker Engine 18.09.2
Kubernetes 1.10.11
just to confirm your thoughts about experimental features:
Experimental features are not appropriate for production environments or workloads. They are meant to be sandbox experiments for new ideas. Some experimental features may become incorporated into upcoming stable releases, but others may be modified or pulled from subsequent Edge releases, and never released on Stable.
Please consider additional steps to resolve this issue:
The Kubernetes client command, kubectl, is included and configured to connect to the local Kubernetes server. If you have kubectl already installed and pointing to some other environment, such as minikube or a GKE cluster, be sure to change context so that kubectl is pointing to docker-for-desktop
> kubectl config get-contexts
> kubectl config use-context docker-for-desktop
If you installed kubectl by another method, and experience conflicts, remove it.
To enable Kubernetes support and install a standalone instance of Kubernetes running as a Docker container, select Enable Kubernetes and click the Apply and restart button.
By default, Kubernetes containers are hidden from commands like docker service ls, because managing them manually is not supported. To make them visible, select Show system containers (advanced) and click Apply and restart. Most users do not need this option.
Please verify also System requirements.

Can I run Kubernetes and Swarm at the same time?

Pretty basic question. We have an existing swarm and I want to start migrating to Kubernetes. Can I run both using the same docker hosts?
See the official documentation for Docker for Mac at stating:
When Kubernetes support is enabled, you can deploy your workloads, in parallel, on Kubernetes, Swarm, and as standalone containers. Enabling or disabling the Kubernetes server does not affect your other workloads.
So: yes, both should be able to run in parallel.
If you're using Docker on Linux you won't have the convenient tools available like in Docker for Mac/Windows, but both orchestrators should still be able to run in parallel without further issues. On system level, details like e.g. ports on a network interface are still shared resources, so they cannot be bound by different orchestrators.

Kubernetes vs. Docker: What Does It Really Mean?

I know that Docker and Kubernetes aren’t direct competitors. Docker is the container platform and containers are coordinated and scheduled by Kubernetes, which is a tool.
What does it really mean and how can I deploy my app on Docker for Azure ?
Short answer:
Docker (and containers in general) solve the problem of packaging an application and its dependencies. This makes it easy to ship and run everywhere.
Kubernetes is one layer of abstraction above containers. It is a distributed system that controls/manages containers.
My advice: because the landscape is huge... start learning and putting the pieces of the puzzle together by following a course. Below I have added some information from the:
Introduction to Kubernetes, free online course from The Linux Foundation.
Why do we need Kubernetes (and other orchestrators) above containers?
In the quality assurance (QA) environments, we can get away with running containers on a single host to develop and test applications. However, when we go to production, we do not have the same liberty, as we need to ensure that our applications:
Are fault-tolerant
Can scale, and do this on-demand
Use resources optimally
Can discover other applications automatically, and communicate with each other
Are accessible from the external world
Can update/rollback without any downtime.
Container orchestrators are the tools which group hosts together to form a cluster, and help us fulfill the requirements mentioned above.
Nowadays, there are many container orchestrators available, such as:
Docker Swarm: Docker Swarm is a container orchestrator provided by Docker, Inc. It is part of Docker Engine.
Kubernetes: Kubernetes was started by Google, but now, it is a part of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation project.
Mesos Marathon: Marathon is one of the frameworks to run containers at scale on Apache Mesos.
Amazon ECS: Amazon EC2 Container Service (ECS) is a hosted service provided by AWS to run Docker containers at scale on its infrastructrue.
Hashicorp Nomad: Nomad is the container orchestrator provided by HashiCorp.
Kubernetes is built on Docker technology. It is an orchestration tool for Docker container whereas Docker is a technology to create and deploy containers.
Docker, starting with a platform-as-a-service (PaaS) provider named dotCloud.
All in all, Kubernetes is related to the Docker container, allowing you to implement application portability and extensibility in container orchestration.
Easy and fast to install and configure
Functionality is provided and limited by the Docker API
Quick container deployment and scaling even in very large clusters
Automated internal load balancing through any node in the cluster
Simple shared local volumes
Require some work to get up and running
Client, API and YAML definitions are unique to Kubernetes
Provides strong guarantees to cluster states at the expense of speed
To Enable load balancing requires manual service configuration
Volumes shared within pods
This is just a basic idea which at least explains the difference.If you want to go in depth see my posts
Docker and Kubernetes are complementary. Docker provides an open standard for packaging and distributing containerized applications, while Kubernetes provides for the orchestration and management of distributed, containerized applications created with Docker. In other words, Kubernetes provides the infrastructure needed to deploy and run applications built with Docker.

Docker vs Vagrant

Every Docker image, as I understand, is based on base image - for example, Ubuntu.
And if I want to isolate any process I should deploy ubuntu docker base image (where is difference with Vagrant here?), and create a necessary subimage after it installing on ubuntu image?
So, if Ubuntu is launched on Vagrant and on Docker, where is practice difference?
And if to use docker provider in Vagrant - where here is difference between Vagrant and Docker?
And, in Docker is it possible to isolate processes on some PC without base image without it's sharing to another PC?
Vagrant is a utility to help you automate setting up VMs. Docker is a utility that helps you use containerization in linux.
A virtual machine runs a whole system, and emulates hardware. Containers section off processes in a single running kernel without emulating hardware.
Both a VM and a Docker image may be Ubuntu 14.04, but with the Docker image you don't need to run the whole OS.
For example, if I want to run an nginx container based on ubuntu, I'd end up with only the nginx process running. No upstart/systemd/init is needed. A VM would run an init system, manage its own networking, and run other services as well. The container image approach that uses a linux distro base is mostly for convenience.
It is entirely possible to run Docker containers with very minimal images. A statically compiled binary alone in an image is all you'd need to run a container.
Vagrant : Vagrant is a project that helps the spawning of virtual machines. It started as an command line of VirtualBox, something similar to Gemfile for VM's. You can choose the base image to start with, network, IP, share folders and put it all in a file that anyone can reuse to spawn the same configured machine. Vagrant has different extensions, provisioning options and VM providers. You can run a VirtualBox, VMware and it is extensible enough to be able to create instances on EC2.
Docker : Docker, allows to package an application with all of its dependencies into a standardized unit of software development. So, it reduces a friction between developer, QA and testing. It dynamically change your application, adding new capabilities every single day, scaling out services to quickly changing the problem areas. Docker is putting itself in an excited place as the interface to PaaS be it networking, discovery and service discovery with applications not having to care about underlying infrastructure. Yes, their are still issues with docker in production, but, hopefully, we'll see the solutions to those problems, as docker team and contributors working hard on those issues. As Docker Volume driver allows third-party container data management solutions to provide data volumes for containers which operate on data, such as database, key-value stores, and other stateful applications. The latest version is coming with much more flexibility, complete orchestration build-in, advanced networking, secrets management, etc. As you can see one, rexray, as volume plugin and provides advanced storage functionality. emccode/rexray We're finally starting to agree on more than just images and run time.
