Miworkplace : An error has occured. See the log file (RPG) - rpg

I am learning RPG, and I have to install Miworkplace, I am trying to understand the tutoriel below:
I installed Java11 on my Windows 10
I downloaded Miworkplace on my desktop
When I launch MiWorkplace, I have an error message ?
"An error has occured. See the log file"
I don't understand the problem ??
I deleted 3 times the folder -> workspace but I always have the same problem.
Thank you for your help.

MiWorkplace is an Eclipse based application. You will find the log file in the workspace folder: workspace/.metadata/.log

Older versions of MiWorkplace required the installation of Java prior to running MiWorkplace. This was documented on the download page.
Recent versions of MiWorkplace do not require a separate installation of Java anymore.
The latest version of MiWorkplace/Pub400 can be downloaded here: https://miworkplace.com


Twincat C++ - Visual studio configuration error

I am trying to write C++ projects in Twincat, but I get the following error during building.
I have followed the steps mentioned here till the end and has configured WINDDK7 variable in my system environment settings. I do not understand why the build throws error even though the configuration is correct. Can somebody please help?
P.S I am a beginner in Twincat.
What version of TwinCAT are you working with?
As described on this page, the WDK only needs to be installed for 4022 or earlier versions of TwinCAT.
WDK installation only up to TwinCAT 3.1 Build 4022:
The installation of the WDK described here is only necessary up to TwinCAT 3.1. Build 4022. From Build 4024.0, either the WDK must be uninstalled or the previously set system variable WINDDK7 must be renamed so that TwinCAT ignores the WDK.
The error message also provides some valid information, You can disable the WDK requirement for certain projects under the configuration options for the C++ Project:

Delphi XE2 can not load CnPack

I have a fresh win 10 installation with Delphi XE2.
I tried to install CnPack but there was no chance (It says couldn't find wizard):
Also registry is OK and the file is in there and the permissions are OK.
Its version is CnWizards_1.1.3.896 which is currently the latest version.
I have tried older versions as well but there was no chance.
Any idea ?
I had the same problem and I got it to resolve to do this.
I downloaded the Source file and the Installer file.
I used this version
First I open the source in Delphi and Compile, Build and Install the following components.
CnPack_DXE2.dpk. (Compile and Build)
CnWizards_DXE2.dpr (Compile and Build)
dclCnPack_DXE2.dpk (Compile, Build and Install)
Execute the Installer file.
Now, this is the secret for me.
Replaced the files (CnWizards_DXE2.dll).
In the Third Step, it creates CnWizards_DXE2.dll (CnWizards\bin). Copy this file and paste in the local installation ([program files\CnPack\CnWizards]).
I created the mini tutorial in Portuguese for this situation, if necessary I can send it for you.
Sorry, my English is not good.
Bye for now

ERROR: InstallAnywhere 2014 (SP1 Premier) Incomplete installation

InstallAnywhere provides an executable(Build.exe) which runs the installer build process from the command-line.
I was able to use this file without any problems until i tried to update the JRE
provided with the InstallAnywhere application. That's what i did:
I used Build.exe to build my installer
I noticed I had some annoying java related warnings during the process(console output)
After a little research I came across a solution that offered to update the included JRE (Ver. 1.7) in the InstallAnywhere root folder.
I replaced the JRE with a more recent version (1.8)
Since then I get the following error only when Build.exe is used. The InstallAnywhere GUI works just fine.
The error:
This is an incomplete installation of InstallAnywhere 2014 SP1 Evaluation.
Because of this error I can't use Build.exe anymore even though
I'm using a licensed version of InstallAnywhere 2014 Premier.
This error message won't go away no matter what I do, I tried to:
restore the original JRE
Reinstall InstallAnywhere
Supplying the license again (License server)
What's causing this error? How can i fix it?
InstallAnywhere saves some hidden files in the user folder.
These files are not deleted during the uninstall process.
Look for this folder:
The sub-folders \165\premier are probably different from user to user depands on the version & license.
There you can find the folder preferences, make a copy of this folder & delete it. After this you can launch InstallAnywhere & enter your license information again.

Umbraco install UmbracoExamine

Hi all I am getting this error message on a clean install of the latest version of umbraco
Can anyone advise on why this may be occuring or what needs setting up differently
I would check file system permissions first (if this is your dev environment then I would give the 'Everyone' account full control) to the folder your website project is in.
Also if you installed via Nuget, did you build the solution?
Those are 2 common reasons for errors on install, if no joy then report back.

railsinstaller 2.2.1 fails on windows

i downloaded the rails installer and tried to install, but i get the error in the screenshot. I have re-downloaded the file several times and installed times over, but without success.
what is the problem?
Can you please try with version 2.2.2? Additionally, any issues with the installer should be reported in Github Issues.
