How do I select a build in App Store Connect - ios

I tried to publish the app to Apple Store Connect. Normally there is a "+" button but I don't see one right now because Apple have updated iTunes Connect and introduced a bug. How can I get around this bug and select a build to submit my app to the App Store.
I cannot choose the build to Submit for review.

I just uploaded a new version a few days ago, and everything seems to be working just fine on iTunes Connect. Could you please make sure you're following the steps below:
First create a build from Xcode with a specific version number (for instance 1.3.0), archive and upload to iTunes Connect. Wait a few minutes for the build to process.
Once the build has finished processing, make sure it's available on iTunes Connect by navigating to My Apps/Activity/iOS Builds. If everything is okay you should see your new build "Version 1.3.0" here.
Now before you can change the build, and this may be the step you're missing, you need to add a new version of your app for submission, via "+ Version or Platform". This number should match the build you uploaded earlier (1.3.0).
Then just select the newly created version of your app on the left menu, and you will have the option to select the new build you want to use for this version in the "Build" section.

I had the same problem. The Step 2 in #user13639548 answer confused me even more because I didn't find activity/ios builds.
What solved the problem however was changing the versin from 1.1 to 1.1.0. and then also waiting 3-5 more minutes until the + button appears again.


iOS application build uploading issue

I have successfully uploaded my iOS build on App Store today. Its been more then 5 hours now and the build is still not shown in Activities. I am using Xcode 10.1 to upload build and uploaded build using Xcode update build option. What needs to be done. I have tried to upload the same build again, but got "Redundant binary upload" error.
I had a similar issue. I upload a version with build number 2 and it was totally disappeared, I didn't find it anywhere and I can not re-upload it. I upload another build with number 3.
My app was approved and everything is okay. Today I received an email from Apple which said that I already have a build with a bigger version and I have to upload a new build bigger than 3.
I think somehow the service just hanged for a while(at least 2 days). But it hangs only the specific upload of build and it is not affecting the app.
You have several options:
Just wait
Create a new build with a bigger build number
Create a new version.
I did the second option and it was okay
Change the version of the app for example if it was 1.0 -> change it to 1.0.1 or 1.1
But you don't have to change the build if the app is not published to the App Store yet. Also make sure the build has been changed inside the .plist, that happens sometimes.
when you upload through Xcode to iTunesConnect it's can take a lot of time to process your build so just wait and it'll be finished eventually.

Cannot choose build when uploading an update for application

I have an application on the appstore and I want to upload an update for it.
I opened appstore connect and added a new version named it 1.0.1 , then named the version on XCode 1.0.1 and archived it and uploaded it and got a message that the update is successful.
But The problem now is that I'm unable to choose the build from appstore connect . It shows me the message "Submit your builds using Xcode or Application Loader. See supported versions" without any ability to choose a build.
If you recently uploaded new build & if its not showing means its in processing stage. You can refresh your page or enter check in the Activity Tab. You will see the status of the application.
Once processing is done you will see + option available to select the build.
If your build is not even showing in Activity section than consider there is some issue found during processing stage. In that case Apple will send you mail on your Apple ID about what issue they found in the build. So you can check & resolve accordingly & upload new build.
Hope it will helps to everyone.
The problem was general problem in the AppStore , now it works.

Remove old builds from testing in Testflight

Recently I have noticed, that Apple's TestFlight app provides possibility to install older builds of application (application is during internal testing).
It is actually a nice feature, but is there any chance to remove some build that I don't want anybody to install anymore?
My case: I found some bug in app, that causes problems on a server-side - app simply overrides data. Problem in app is already solved in build X, but TestFlight still allow user to install build X-1.
I've tried:
found this option
stop & start testing
change app version (from 0.1 to 0.2) but builds of version 0.1 are still available - probably until expiration date (60 days from
Under TestFlight builds (ios),
If you have multiple builds, select the bad one.
Next expire the build, currently on the righthand side of the screen.
This does not solve the problem. The problem is that if you have "Manage Version and Build Number" checked in XCode Distribute App, it will create a new build number for you if you forgot to update it before you Archived. Consequently, builds can be uploaded to TestFlight and assigned a new number which you may not want - such as when XCode Distribute seems to have shown an error but actually has uploaded the build anyway.
In our case, we need to keep the build numbers in sync with our Android builds using Flutter. Yes, you can expire a build, but that build stays there and you can't delete it!!! Is there ANY way to actually DELETE the build, not merely expire it???

Can't select app version to test on iTunes Connect

I was having problem with uploading a build of my app but I was successful uploading a build (0.0.7) of version (1.0.0) while the build (0.0.6) was still processing
But when I am trying to add internal testers to test this build, the uploaded version is not showing up instead it shows the version which is still in processing.
Does it have something to do with iTunes or I am doing something wrong?
A guy from Apple contacted me after 12 hours with this e-mail
"Thank you for providing that information. In reviewing the information and screenshots you provided, I can see that you have a build that is stuck in processing and you were able to upload subsequent builds successfully, however you are unable to test the new builds.
We’ve had some reports of this issue and it should now be resolved. In order to continue testing, you will need to submit a new build with a new version. Once you submit a new build with a new version, you will have the new builds available to select from when choosing a build to test."
So, I think uploading a new build with a new version will hopefully work
I was able to resolve the issue by logging into iTunes Connect and removing myself as an internal tester (which removed the app from my TestFlight App) and then accepting the invitation again.
Try this :
1) Launch Application Loader.
2) In the top menu bar, click Application Loader > Preferences.
3) Choose Advanced.
4) Under Transfer Protocol, deselect Aspera.
5) Close the Preferences window and proceed with the delivery.
I am also facing the same issue and i change the version of my app in Xcode and then it will be shown in the internal testing. Please just change the version of your app then it will show. Just change the version to 1.0.1 or 1.1 whatever you want. Hope this will help you.
Mandeep Singh

iOS Test Flight Internal Beta Testing - adding a second build?

I'm trying to use Apple's new TestFlight beta testing program and I am getting hung up on adding a second build.
I began the whole process by creating a new app version for submission (1.4). It now sits in the Prepare For Submission state.
My first prerelease build, uploaded through xcode, was version 1.4. I was able to add testers and distribute without any problems. Cool.
Now I am trying to add a second beta - When I first tried, I was denied because of a 'redundant binary upload' -- I was using the same bundle version number. So I incremented it to 1.4.1 and added that build.
Now that the build is added, however, I am unable to add any testers to this second upload. I keep seeing this:
However, when I go to the builds page, I see the testers I've already added!
Why can i not distribute this second version???
You have to change the "Bundle Version" (aka the Build version) in your info.plist. Alternatively, you can go to your project Target, select the General tab, and update the "Build" there. Updating either location will update both locations.
Then the steps are the same as when you uploaded your first build for beta. I just went through this process and it went off without a hitch.
