Can't select app version to test on iTunes Connect - ios

I was having problem with uploading a build of my app but I was successful uploading a build (0.0.7) of version (1.0.0) while the build (0.0.6) was still processing
But when I am trying to add internal testers to test this build, the uploaded version is not showing up instead it shows the version which is still in processing.
Does it have something to do with iTunes or I am doing something wrong?

A guy from Apple contacted me after 12 hours with this e-mail
"Thank you for providing that information. In reviewing the information and screenshots you provided, I can see that you have a build that is stuck in processing and you were able to upload subsequent builds successfully, however you are unable to test the new builds.
We’ve had some reports of this issue and it should now be resolved. In order to continue testing, you will need to submit a new build with a new version. Once you submit a new build with a new version, you will have the new builds available to select from when choosing a build to test."
So, I think uploading a new build with a new version will hopefully work

I was able to resolve the issue by logging into iTunes Connect and removing myself as an internal tester (which removed the app from my TestFlight App) and then accepting the invitation again.

Try this :
1) Launch Application Loader.
2) In the top menu bar, click Application Loader > Preferences.
3) Choose Advanced.
4) Under Transfer Protocol, deselect Aspera.
5) Close the Preferences window and proceed with the delivery.

I am also facing the same issue and i change the version of my app in Xcode and then it will be shown in the internal testing. Please just change the version of your app then it will show. Just change the version to 1.0.1 or 1.1 whatever you want. Hope this will help you.
Mandeep Singh


How do I select a build in App Store Connect

I tried to publish the app to Apple Store Connect. Normally there is a "+" button but I don't see one right now because Apple have updated iTunes Connect and introduced a bug. How can I get around this bug and select a build to submit my app to the App Store.
I cannot choose the build to Submit for review.
I just uploaded a new version a few days ago, and everything seems to be working just fine on iTunes Connect. Could you please make sure you're following the steps below:
First create a build from Xcode with a specific version number (for instance 1.3.0), archive and upload to iTunes Connect. Wait a few minutes for the build to process.
Once the build has finished processing, make sure it's available on iTunes Connect by navigating to My Apps/Activity/iOS Builds. If everything is okay you should see your new build "Version 1.3.0" here.
Now before you can change the build, and this may be the step you're missing, you need to add a new version of your app for submission, via "+ Version or Platform". This number should match the build you uploaded earlier (1.3.0).
Then just select the newly created version of your app on the left menu, and you will have the option to select the new build you want to use for this version in the "Build" section.
I had the same problem. The Step 2 in #user13639548 answer confused me even more because I didn't find activity/ios builds.
What solved the problem however was changing the versin from 1.1 to 1.1.0. and then also waiting 3-5 more minutes until the + button appears again.

AppStore - Build not found

I archived a new version of application on XCode and uploaded it on app store using XCode , however when I open all builds from app store connect , I am not able to find the build. Thus I am not able to choose the build on the version. to submit for review.
I'm having the same issue as well, it has been 20 hours since I upload my build when I'm writing this and it's still nowhere to be seen.
I also tried to upload a second build and it's also not showing.
So I believe it's an Apple issue and not isolated, looks like we can only wait for now.
Edit: It works now. I assume it works for everyone now.
I also had this issue this morning. I have just now uploaded a new build of my app and the new build now appears, the missing one still doesn't appear. You will need to change the version number and re-archive your app, as otherwise it will be rejected as a redundant upload.
Update after 10 minutes the new build also disappears. Awesome..
After archieved file uploaded successfully it will go into processing stage. Where they are checking the internal settings using the automated tools.
Things will be checked like if any permission issues coming etc.
Lets say of example if you are using camera into your application but you have not given permission into.plist file than it will get failed into processing & removed build from the App Store.
Also if you have set up the permission properly but not given instructions that how & why this gets used than also build will get failed into processing stage. So there can be various reasons.
Ofcourse they will send you an email to your Admin email Id about the build failed while processing with the reason so by that you can resolve the issue.
Hope this will helps to everyone.

Cannot choose build when uploading an update for application

I have an application on the appstore and I want to upload an update for it.
I opened appstore connect and added a new version named it 1.0.1 , then named the version on XCode 1.0.1 and archived it and uploaded it and got a message that the update is successful.
But The problem now is that I'm unable to choose the build from appstore connect . It shows me the message "Submit your builds using Xcode or Application Loader. See supported versions" without any ability to choose a build.
If you recently uploaded new build & if its not showing means its in processing stage. You can refresh your page or enter check in the Activity Tab. You will see the status of the application.
Once processing is done you will see + option available to select the build.
If your build is not even showing in Activity section than consider there is some issue found during processing stage. In that case Apple will send you mail on your Apple ID about what issue they found in the build. So you can check & resolve accordingly & upload new build.
Hope it will helps to everyone.
The problem was general problem in the AppStore , now it works.

Unable to upload new build on iTunes Connect

I have already gone through various similar questions asked here on Stack Overflow and also on other blogs. Unfortunately, none of those solutions are resolving my issue.
After doing a lot of search & when I was not able to solve my issue, I decided to ask you all.
I will explain scenario briefly. I have already uploaded iOS application for beta testing on iTunes Connect. My app's current status in iTunes Connect is "Expired" as 30 days testing period is over. I did few source code modifications and I want to make this updated application available for testers. Therefore, I tried to upload new build version for the app.
What I did is -
App version (Bundle versions string.short) - Not modified (1.0)
Bundle version - Modified from "1.1" to "1.1.1"
Build the application
Submitted application - Window -> Organizer -> Submit
Even though I did it properly, I am getting error as in below -
Can anyone of you please help me to understand where I might be doing mistake? Any help is appreciated.
Edit 1:
I tried to use build version 1.2/ 1.2.1 as well. Also I tried to upload a complete new app record in iTunes Connect with app version 2.0 and build version 2.1.0/ 210, but everytime got same error.
Edit 2:
My app's current status in iTunes Connect is "Expired". Will it matter while uploading new build version for same app? If yes, what could be the best solution for such issue?
Finally my issue got resolved. Along with modifying the Build version and keeping the Bundle version as it is, we need to check for few build settings whether they are set properly.
I was missing them and that is why I was not able to upload updated version of my application to iTunes Connect.
Please, refer below screen shot for these Build Setting.
You can find complete blog here - iOS 8 Beta testing with TestFlight
This helped me and I hope this will help few others.

xcode 6 upload app with error: iTunes Store operation failed Error Description not available

When I try to upload my app to iTC, after validate my app, I begin to submit it .
But there is an Error that said "iTunes Store operation failed
Error Description not available"
When I upload with Application Loader 3.0, same error happened.
I had this error once, too. Then I realized the provisioning profile (Project Targets -> Code Signing) was set to 'Ad-Hoc' profile instead of 'Production' profile. Setting it back to 'Production' did the trick for me.
I've got the Answer,
just upload the ipa with Application Loader 2.9.1, even thought the apple tell you that you should upload the ipa with xcode 5.1.1 or Application Load 3.0.0, but , my solution works well
download Application Loader 2.9.1 or here
The "Error description not available" sub-error message recently became "You are not authorized to use this service".
Removing the Apple ID from XCode preferences and re-adding it fixed the problem.
I'm a Chinese user and meet the same issue, I tried all these and fail:
Regenerate provisioning profile manually or via Xcode.
Use Application Loader (I didn't use 2.9.1 because I think it's a workaround).
Make sure your developer account are the same as iTunes Connect account.
Make sure bundle ID, version and build string in iTunes Connect and Xcode and the same.
Finally I googled and someone said it depends on network, so I opened VPN, and it success! I guess China's special firewall block something?
If you're in China and you've tried all the steps above, you can try to connect a VPN and upload your app. Wish it helps.
As the error says, There is problem in uploading to iTunes Store and not in code signing. Code signing step is prior to uploading to iTunes Store. Once the ipa is created successfully it should be uploaded to iTunes Store.
I faced the problem and without changing anything It successfully uploaded after some time. I guess if we are doing some operation on iTunes Connect, in my case I was removing the build which was set for TestFlight beta testing. After I perform some changes there the issue occurred.
Not the definite solution.
I had this error, and I found that it was because of the version number in my app. It had too many revision levels. You're allowed a maximum of 2. For example, 1.2.3 will pass validation, but will generate the above error in Xcode 6.
I was getting the same error and I tried for like 15-20 times but was out of luck. Then suddenly it stuck with me what if the network is causing this. Since I was on WiFi, I sat next to the router and it worked in the first go itself. Since there is no proper message by the Apple I tried even this and it worked.
Note: If the size of the binary is quiet large then probably good internet connection is required too.
If you are in china use vpn. I fixed by use a vpn! The gfw block the upload api. you can check this.
This is also workaround but you could upload app with Xcode 5.1.1, if you still have one. Generated with Xcode 6.1 *.xcarchive files are available from older Xcode so there is no need to generate *.ipa file.
Just a tip:
Before you start to change and installing things, try to:
set the Provision profile to another one
update your Provision profiles in your account
close Xcode
open Xcode
set the Provision profile to the right one
Archive again
it worked for me!
In my case i user a wrong account with wrong password !
when i relogin, i fixed the problem, holp it will help you!
I have got this error when I tried to validate a build.
It seems just a few minutes ago I could at least validate and got a different error (with version number, I must increase it to 3.4.1 since 3.4.0 is already approved).
But it may be because I had a Pending Developer Release (v 3.4.0) . May be I have to release that version or cancel the binary. Otherwise I cannot validate the current archive.
I shall come back if that is the reason.
In my case what helped was... to wait. I had just deleted a version of the app and while itunes-connect appeared as I could upload another versione it takes some times to the servers to actually acknolegde this.
Waited until I got an email saying "App changed status to Ready for upload"
This always works for me:
Download the correct profile and certificate from member center;
Quit XCode (Not just close the project);
Try archive and validate again.
I usually get over this with a simple workaround.I get this error when I try to upload archive from Xcode 7.So I archive my project with Xcode 7 but I handle upload process from Organizer of Xcode 6.3.Xcode keep organizer content same across different versions of Xcode.
In some cases it might be a notwork/firewall issue. Make sure your the needed ports are open.
Also iTunes Connect must be working. Currently it is showing "iTunes Connect is unavailable until December 29"....
Here is a blog post about it.
On week were no one will be able to update apps. Greate...
